He's So Cruel to Her

Crystal is exhausted after all these. She falls asleep soon after Alex leaves. But she is awakened by the nightmare before long. In her dream, she was crushed by a monster. When she wakes up, she finds herself indeed cannot move at all. She is tied to the operating table. Surrounded by so many scalpels, she's scared to death.

"Mr. Gu asked us to start the bone marrow transplant surgery immediately to avoid unnecesary risks." A doctor in mask utters in an icy voice.

Crystal tries to struggle, but she is too weak to make any sound.

"Mr. Gu also required us to use bone marrow puncture to make sure the marrow is intact. Hang in there. It'll be painful." The doctor continues.

Without Anesthesia, Crystal suffers when the needle is pressed into her spine to get her bone marrow. It's better to die than do that. She wants to cry, to scream, but is not able to. She can only cry silently with tears running down. She can only curse Alex who is so cruel to her in heart.

Even though she has already agreed to donate the bone marrow, Alex still resorts to violence. He doesn't trust her at all. Indeed, how could he trust her? There is no such thing between them, perhaps.

Abortion plus bone marrow puncture wrecks Crystal's health. She cannot withstand it and passes out another time. When she closed her eyes, she thought that death might be a right choice for her.

Crystal has been missing for two weeks, and Alex cannot find a clue of her whereabouts. She runs away to avoid the donation, He should be angry about it, but he's more worried than being furious. She's just lost a baby. Where can she go? How's she going?

Another call from the hospital. He's anxious and doesn't want to answer it at all, but he picks it up anyway.

"Mr. GU, Miss Lin is fainting. Please come here as soon as possible".

It has been quite a few days since the last time Alex went to the hospital. He hates going there after Crystal disappears. Every time he sees Maya, he thinks of Crystal. She runs away because of him. If he doesn't force her, she won't run away.

"Alex, have you found Crystal?"

Maya's weak voice pulls him back from deep thought. He looks at her face, pale and tiny, which once again reminds him of Crystal. Her face was as pale as Maya's after the abortion. His heart aches.

"She's been born with a silver spoon. She's young and pampered. How can she live on her own? She may suffer a lot. It's all my fault. She won't leave if she's not asked to be my donor. It's all because of me." Maya sheds tears pitifully.

She appears to be blaming herself, but she accuses Crystal as a trouble maker. Alex is well aware of it and is not happy.

"Take care, and don't worry about it," Alex replies impatiently.

His impatience surprises Maya. He's annoyed about her because of Crystal. Maya secretly clenches her fists under the blanket.

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