The Eleventh Day: 2 April 2020

The Eleventh Day: 2 April 2020 (33,718 confirmed infected, 2,921 died, in total)

" Extraordinary times demand extraordinary measures. We face a colossal test which demands decisive, coordinated and innovative action from all, for all." – António Guterres

I stayed at home for the whole day again. Watched down from our building, traffic on the street seemed even lighter. Buses were still operating, but frequency was much lower than normal. There were only two buses passed by, each with no more than two passengers, during my twenty minutes’ observation. Bus drivers still did not wear face masks.

Roadside parking space and some of the other parking facilities, be they underground or multi-storey, are now free to use, for an easier and cheaper commute for NHS staff and other essential workers.

The second round of “Clap for Our Carers” took place this evening at 8pm. More neighbours joined in, and the clapping lasted longer.

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