Beneath The Mask


492.13k words

138 chapters



Table of Contents


#2 in Mystery/Thriller [20/04/17]

The Romance Awards 2017:

*Heartbreaking - Honourable Mentions

Shine Awards 2017:

*Genre Winner : Mystery/Thriller

The Bibliophile Awards 2017

*Best Cover (Chicklit)
*Best Cover (Mystery/Thriller)
*Best Blurb (General Fiction)
*First Place Winner (Chicklit)

The Rarity Awards 2017

*Magnetic Award (Mystery/Thriller)

"Do you have something to tell me?" He hesitated.

"Something like a secret..." My eyes widened and my body trembled.

"So it's true huh? It's ok you don't need to tell me about it. I know a lot of girls who have had experienced that. They all got over it. And trust me you can too." He smiled and left the table.


Deception is a dangerous game.

And when the person playing it is vicious, things are only about to get more interesting.

Catherine and Samantha ru

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