Code 786 again!!!

                              Code 786 again!

  So, once she was done terrifying them to the point that they were at their wits end; she coldly asked : “ Hablar.
” [‘Speak’.]

And the person, who understands Spanish, stares at her,as if he was staring at his worst nightmare.
Because that voice was so dreadful to ears, that he would rather die than live on this earth , he can’t even tolerate to breathe any more. 

But, still his tongue followed her command involuntarily; “ No lo sé.
Nosotros somos solo los lacayos.Él es nuestro jefe(mientras señala al hombre corpulento muerto, cuyo cuerpo yacía en el suelo).). Por favor perdona nuestras vidas.Nosotros, en serio, no sabemos nada.Por favor.

{ ‘I don’t know.
We are just the lackeys. He is our boss(while pointing to the dead burly man, whose body was lying on the ground.). Please spare our lives.  We ,seriously,don't know anything. Please.’}

As for her, after hearing the so-called mercy speech,she gave one last glance at the Gangster and ‘Bang’.
Her bullets pierced through his forehead and heart. And what used to be man, was now lying on the ground as a dead body.

She then glanced at the one and only survivor of the aftermath,and raised her perfectly arched eyebrow at him,as if silently asking him ; ‘whether want to die or spill the beans.’ 

He understood her look and said : “ Ich hörte den Anführer beim Telefonat etwas über; Code786 zu einer anderen Partei sagen.
” [‘I heard the leader say something about ;code786 to the other party on the phone call. (In German)’]

“Code 786?
” She probed further.

“Davon habe ich keine Ahnung.
” [‘That, i have no idea about’] he answered honestly . 

‘Code 786, Code786… Code786…’ she muttered under her breath.

“Ich brauche mehr Informationen über diese ‘andere Partei’.
Von allem zu allem. Zum Beispiel, wie sie aussehen, wo wir sie finden können, oder irgendein Symbol oder Zeichen oder irgendetwas.

 [‘I need more information about this ‘ other party’. From anything to everything. Like how they look like , where can we find them,or any symbol or mark or anything’.] she asked again.

“Ich weiß nicht viel, aber sie tragen alle Drachen Tattoos auf dem Rücken.
Das endet an ihren Unterarmen. Ich habe sie einmal gesehen und finde es seltsam. Also erinnere ich mich bis jetzt daran.

 Was andere betrifft, über sie.
Sie waren immer geheim. Außerdem habe ich sie gerade einmal gesehen. Es ist, weil sie Halbarm-T-Shirt trugen. Also habe ich die Chance bekommen. Und jede Person hat das gleiche, rot und gelb gefärbte Drachentattoo, das in ihre Unterarme eingraviert ist.

Vielleicht könnte es hilfreich sein.

[“i don't know much, but they all carry dragon tattoos on their back..
which ends at their forearms.I have seen them once, and find it strange. So , I remember it till now. As for other things, about them. They have always been secretive. Plus, I have just seen them that one time. 

It's because they were wearing half sleeve t-shirts.
So , I got the chance. And each and every person has the same , red and yellow coloured dragon tattoo engraved upto their forearms.

Maybe it could be of some help.

“Noch etwas?
” {‘Anything else’} she asked…

But he just shook his head , he had revealed all the information that he possessed. And then the next moment , ‘Bang’ and the person finally went to his afterlife journey.

After undergoing , such a mental pressure and torture. 

She stares at the dead body for a few minutes, as if arranging her thoughts, while contemplating whether to tell this to her partner or not. 

After all,they are sworn enemies of each other, and if she can get the lead like this, then why not!
But, what if… if it could lead them into something , that she wasn’t prepared to face yet. 

And thus after contemplating in her head for a few minutes, she finally gets back to earth and in  present from her zoning out.
After getting up and standing straight from her earlier leaning position , she closed her eyes… took deep breaths for three times.. 

Then open her eyes again.
And there it was, her lively, bubbly, fun loving, life cherishing self back from her unusually cold, intimidating, life threatening, dangerous, predator aura … moments earlier.

He just watched her silently… and sighed heavily, after seeing her being back to a childish, naive and innocent personality.
As if the person, who was born to wreak havoc on hell and heaven ,a few moments earlier, wasn’t her. 

Seems like she has really great self- restraint.
Since, she hadn’t snapped out on him, even after all the things that happened between them. 

But, they are sworn enemies.
So , it’s not entirely his fault to begin with. If it hadn’t been for this mission , they would have long been on each other's throat. But professionalism , the term that is forcing them to work together, is really more powerful,

 then their own hatredness.
After all, this so-called ‘professionalism’ had tied their hands together, while making them completely useless in front of each other.

“Any information?
” he asked, once he saw her approaching him, while jumping like a little bunny.

Like seriously , for god sake , it’s the same bloody massacred ground, where she currently is hopping around.
 Can’t she show at least some respect to the deceased one ? 

He decided to ignore those facts, while silently muttering a “May their souls rest in peace.
” type prayer under his breath. She listened to his muttering, while ignoring it . 

Like , for Holy Goddess sake, it would have been them, lying on the ground, if even a single person lying on the ground, would have been alive.

So , it’s a common logic.
In a jungle, if you are not a king, then from anyone to everyone can tread on you. Plus, why being formal with formalities, when you are the one, who take their lives. That would be the greatest insult of the Holy Goddess. No! So, she ignored his sermons and prayers. 

And answered his question; “ It’s code 786 again.
But, new information is that they all carry a red and yellow coloured dragon tattoo on their back, reaching upto their forearms.

‘Code 786..
code786 again…’ he too muttered under his breath. The last surviving fellow of the previous place also mutters these words, before shooting himself with his own weapon [ The masterpiece of Kai’s Oppression Suppressing Aura]. 

“So , this trip wasn’t any useful either.
Let’s go back to our hideout and wait for those two. Maybe they had found some clues.” he said and without waiting further , for a certain bunny to hop her way back to their hideout. He left the place.

As for a certain bunny, she just pouted cutely, after being abandoned by him , for the nth time by her own crime partner and sighed deeply.
Then, she too followed him like his shadow to their hideout place. 

“Aww, you have been separated from each other for just an hour and you are already missing her.
Hmmm!” she asked just like a mischievous and curious little child.

And he again sighed. She seriously can’t get serious in her life, not even for a moment. In fact , a moment earlier, was definitely his first time , seeing her so serious. 

‘Can’t she be a little serious ?
What is she, a three year old child? Why can’t she act like a mature adult ? 

And wait a minute, when on the earth, did she pair him with his colleague ? Like seriously! Now that was the only thing left in this world. Great! Just Great!’ he thought.. While being  completely aloof, cold and the definition of bastard from the outside. 

“Come on , why so shy?
You don’t have to be so shy in front of me, at least. Fine , if you don’t want to talk about yourself , or your country or mission or anything… but at least this is the safe topic.Right! 

So,tell me.
I can be your match-maker, if you want . Here in this country, we can find a church for you to marry . Heol! [Omg! In korean]You can even consider this mission as your honey moon too.” she started her blabbering as usual. 

And he, who firstly wanted to treat her like a thin air, couldn’t help but wonder… just how on the earth , this person’s brain works !

He neither said nor admitted  that he feels anything for his colleague. Hell! He doesn’t even have any feelings for his co-agent.Then why on the earth , this fellow, is hell bent to marry them together.Just because she wants to be a matchmaker.

Firstly , he wanted to stay silent, but now he couldn’t even bear to imagine , what could be her next word, their first night!
Their children! Their grandchildren! Or something like that…

“ Saheeda begum, what about you and your man!
” (Well Begum is a title which means Wife in Urdu. And yes, they are playing the role of husband and wife today . 

But unfortunately , this wife is hellbent to marry her husband off to another woman.
So, in order to divert her attention . He asked the same question to her.)

And when he asked her the same question, with that title, he felt a very strange feeling surging at the bottom of his chest.
After all , which husband wants to marry off his own wife. 

“ I don’t know. I never think about it. I mean… he is he.. I am me.. God! It’s complicated. And why are you asking ? It’s not like, I will send you a marriage invitation , Kai.” she said, while grinning widely from ear to ear. 

And he froze in his place for a moment, for the reason that was even unknown to him.
‘So, she won’t be inviting me , hmmm! As if I want to attend her marriage.’ he just brush off all the stupid thoughts.  

Although, they weren’t the thoughts that made him halt in his place.
But, Nevertheless. Maybe he found those emotions , those feelings later on. After all , we have a long time ahead, to make him realise them.

As the saying goes, one is known by the company, he keeps.

Like seriously, right now, rather than thinking about upcoming obstacles and hurdles..
And problems that they might face in this mission. Here he is wasting his precious brain cells on her and her ‘so-called non existent marriage’ thing.

That’s insane!

A/n : Hope you all are doing well.
I will update this plot on my insta id.

Thank you.

Next chapter