The years fall away [Part 2]

Imagine his shock when he came back to the basement to check on the recent activities of the team he sent out, and found out that they brought the wrong person—and that person happened to be the little girl that he adored so much years ago.

Premier’s hard expression resembled that of a cautious predator who was about to enter a dungeon full of uncertainties and challenges, but still, he was still willing to take them on.

It only took him two impatient strides to reach the location of the girl.

Her skin looked pale—as if what transpired was beyond her imagination.

And that, undoubtedly, was the kind of expression the girl was wearing while she was passed out. She was in a coiled position wherein she looked like trying to protect herself from something, completely helpless and vulnerable in the face of adversity.

Premier never thought that he would meet her in this state.

The team was composed of five members, and Drixie Washington was leading them. He personally chose the person because it was part of the infiltration process that he had issued several months ago.

What kind of bullcrap was this?

Perhaps, his usual cold and emotionless demeanor suddenly changed—morphing into one of absolute rage and disappointment.

All the people in the room felt that sudden shift in the air.

It was a good thing that no one dared talking because by the livid look on his Premier’s face, he sure was not going to accept any excuses from anyone right now—he was too mad to even utter a single word of discontent.

Among the five members of the team, there was only one person who knew exactly what was about to take place.

Drixie could not bring herself to look up, and watch her superior’s disbelief. Her heart was palpitating wildly as well.

“I am genuinely wondering…” Premier suddenly broke the silence. “Do you know who this is?

The four of them gulped audibly while Drixie stood frozen, unable to say something—she could not even play with her fingers due to extreme nervousness.

This was all her fault, and now, she was about to bring the four innocent team members down with her. Her superior must have realized by now why she insisted to take the task alone. However, she did not have the final say in the matter, and ended up lumping the other four in her demise.

“The daughter of the impudent Garza, Sir.

Premier shot him a scary look. “And you can say that for certain?

The man visibly trembled. “I-I believe her name is Daphne Garza.

The corner of Premier’s mouth quirked upward, his dark gaze still trained on the poor, shaking man. “That is correct,” he spat out harshly. “The lady beside you—what do you know?” It was a challenge, not a question.

That was how it sounded to their ears.

Drixie closed her eyes tightly, and shut her lips tight. She should speak out right now, but she could hear the warning bells underneath her superior’s threatening timbre.

The other four were innocent; she was not.

How was she supposed to blurt that out?

“She is the youngest daughter of Stefano Garza, the target of this abduction activity.

Premier gave the lady a small nod of acknowledgement. “Next?

The questioning went on until Drixie became the star of the interrogation.

Each of them was sweating heavily, their breathing ragged—uneven, afraid to say something that would displease the man in front of them with the slightest error in their answers.

The question was easy, ‘what do you know?

Premier was simply asking for their background knowledge about the overall purpose of the task, and as expected, the information that the previous speakers provided was shallow.

They did not know enough.

After all, they were not members of the special squad.

The full details were only given to their leader due to its confidentiality. The basics, however, could be discussed with the rest of the team—and that should be done by Drixie.

Premier’s intense gaze shifted over to one of his most trusted members of Ganaremos.

She would not even look him in the eye, huh?


He could not even stomach the presence of his own squad member at the moment because her failure was that unsettling.

If it was possible, Drixie put her head even lower.

She bowed to pay her respects to the disappointed man before them.

Premier did not notice that small gesture because he was too focused on the situation at hand—and by that, he meant Daphne Garza, the precious little girl whom he treated like his own child years ago.

He contemplated whether or not it was his fault to contact Revolution immediately after hearing Drixie’s report. Fucking hell. They took the wrong person. The Commander would not be so forgiving, and he was aware.

Premier was aware that Revolution had his eyes especially trained on her.

He detected the dark intent of the latter the moment he had heard about her. He had to pretend that the goosebumps which spiked up when Revolution’s eyes swirled with something unimaginable did not happen at all.

Indeed, the Commander did him a favor by listening to his request, so he planned to never commit any mistakes in the future missions in return. However, the team had served Revolution exactly what he wished for right from the start.

Daphne Garza was here.

It was not like Revolution would give her up now.

“Those who are not part of Ganaremos…” Premier began, “leave.

“Thank you, Sir. We shall head back to the infantry,” One of them bravely said before scurrying out.

Three persons were breathing in the same room.

Daphne Garza.

Premier Kontonicolas.

Drixie Washington.

“What is this, Seis?


Premier’s voice was considerably low, yet venom-filled.

It was as if he was trying to be patient, a persona that he already was, yet for some reason, he found it hard to maintain his usual character. How could that be even possible?

Ah, of course, the answer to that question was simple, but complicated.

“I have acted on my own volition, my lord. I must accept the corresponding punishment.

Before Premier could even respond to that nonsensical bullshit, his phone rang.

It was the Commander.

“I am honored to hear from you, my lord,” Premier spoke, his voice strained. His expression gave him away, and only Drixie could witness that.

How pissed he looked.

“Templonuevo Undercroft.

That was all he heard before the line was cut off.

“The lord has issued an order. Proceed to the cellar,” he stated coldly.

Drixie’s eyes widened in shock. Why was he not scolding her? “B-but—”

“The lord will see it for himself. Such matters cannot be discussed over the phone.

Premier might appear cruel who did not care about the world, but deep inside, he felt defeated. He could only do one thing—and that was to delay the Commander’s moves.

Next chapter