Chapter 6.

Benjamin's POV.

"If I was you I would get away from my son before I teach you some manners, old man." I said crossing my arms angry at that father for bullying a small kid, younger than his son. I wonder where this kid's father is?

I walked and stand next to that boy who looked exactly like someone I know. He looks so much familiar. God, I wonder why I have seen him. I swear I have seen his picture somewhere. Maybe I know his parents. I have a feeling I won't like who he is. And I know when I have a feeling like that it becomes true.

So many people look alike in this world, I am sure I don't know him.

"Is everything alright gentleman?" A woman who I think must be the teacher came in just in time before I beat this old man up. He should thank his lucky stars that I didn't beat him up.

"Maybe if you did your job right everything would've been alright." I replied with my arms still crossed. Who in their right mind leaves a kid with the other kid he was fighting with and his father alone. Even an idiot fool would know not to leave them alone.

"Pardon." I know she heard me the first time but what I don't like is repeating myself so I just walked away and before I could a kid caught my hand.

"What do you want kid?" Those eyes, god those blue eyes. He looks just like someone I know. I have seen him somewhere maybe his picture. I should stop thinking about him, or else I will lose my mind.

He looks familiar, that's it. He can't be related to me.

"Please stay." The kid asked me, but it doesn't sound like he was just asking he was pleading with tears in his eyes. Before I could utter a word he added "I don't have a father." Everyone knows I don't give a fuck of anything, and I don't have feelings but seeing this kid something inside me changed. I don't know what this feeling is but I do know it's something I wouldn't like. Before I could think I have already agreed. I already said the words before I knew it.

"Okay. Just for today." I replied without thinking. Shit, why did I have to come to this school today of all days? Now I will be late for my meeting.

"There is my desk." He said pointing at it the front of the class. I remember when I was at school I always sat at the front till third grade I started sitting at the back because the teaches were boring and I always used to sleep in class especially Wednesday.

"Come on then." As he sat down I preferred standing and just like that he started looking at me. This feeling I have seems to always come back when he looks at me. Something in this boy seems off. Maybe I will stay until he's about to go home so I can see if I know his mother. But I would've known if he was related to someone I know.

"What's your name?" The boy stared at me. None of us were paying attention to what the teacher was saying.

"Momma said don't tell your name to strangers. I--" before he finished the sentences I cut him off.

"My name is Benjamin and it's fine you don't have to tell me your name." Before he could say anything the teacher walked to us.

"I don't see you painting Elijah, and Mr. Carson can I have your attention please." She said flirting with me but I didn't care about that, I care about how the fuck she knows I'm a Carson? I always donated stuff to this school but I didn't know they knew me. I didn't even introduce myself yet. Could she have seen pictures of me in the magazine? Yes, that must be it. Why the fuck, am I overthinking things today.

"You up next Mr. Carson." Shit, where is this kid's father? I can't believe I have to do his work for him. I got up and the kid said "Don't be shy." That kid made me smile. The last time I laughed or smiled was when I was married to Sofia it may have been a fake marriage but she was an amazing wife until what she did to me. Sofia was the best sarcastic person ever but she always said I was sarcastic.

"So my name is Benjamin Carson black. I'm a married man." As I was still speaking I could see the teacher blowing a kiss for me. I feel sorry for the man that she marries. "I'm happily married and I have many businesses around the world. Carson enterprises and Forbes are one of them. I even own many hotels. Well, that's all I will say for today, and thank you." I suck at speeches at school.

I took a seat this time. And before I could ask the boy a question he started speaking.

"My name is Elijah." I heard the teacher call him Elijah but I wasn't paying attention to that name. That name was the name I always wanted to know my kid one day. Elijah Carson black.

"Where's your father?" I asked him and his face impression changed. It was like he didn't even want to talk about him.

"Daddy is busy. Always busy." Elijah said as he started with his drawing. But all I saw was a mother and him. What kind of a father is he? Anyone would be lucky to have a good kid like him. I swear I would kill him if I didn't care about this kid.

"Are you not going to draw daddy ?" I asked him but he just stared at me. I tried not looking at him this time because every time I see him I just get the feeling I know him. He looks a lot like my family. I wish I could ask dad if he had a wife someone else.

Argh, Benjamin, get your head back in the game. You don't know this child so forget about him and focus on your own problems.

"Never saw daddy." What? Did I hear that boy right? He never saw his own father. I can't believe his always too busy to not even have time for his own flesh and blood. His own son. I could see the boy disappointed. So I changed the subject.

"How's mommy ?" His face impression changed so quickly.

"Momma is fine, she loves me. She is very nice." He had a big smile on his face as he was talking about his mother. He loves his mother so much that it remains me of me when I was a child. I was always a mommas boy. Both me and Damien. My best friend who turned into my hashtag number one enemy.

"What's your mommy's name ?" He looked at me and this was the first time I noticed he was adorable, he has black hair and blue eyes.

'There are so many people with black and blue eyes, Benjamin, forget about it.' My mind kept screaming at me.

"Mommy Sofi." He said as he started drawing a man. "You have a wife?" He asked me, I guess he was listening to my speech then.

"Yes. She's a Carson like me." I looked up and saw some parents leaving already, I can't believe I have been communicating with a kid for so long. I always get bored I don't talk much about life and stuff unless it's business. But with Sofia it was always different she knew nothing about business.

"Carson Valentines Black." Elijah said as he took his bag and got up. How the hell does everyone know things I didn't tell them today. First, it was the teacher saying Carson now it's this small kid saying Carson Valentines black.

"Elijah! Eli" a woman said walking towards us. She must be the mother but he looks nothing like her. I followed Elijah running towards her.

"Momma" Elijah said as she took him up. Thank god she's not someone I know.

"And who are you?" The woman asked me and before I could reply Elijah took over.

"Benjamin Carson." Elijah said as he laughed. I don't get why he was laughing what's wrong with my name or surname. I still wanted to ask Elijah how he knew Carson Valentine Black.

"What?" The woman's face impression changed then she whispered something to Elijah's ear. And he left running to what I think was her car.

"What the fuck do you want?" The woman asked me. What's wrong with her. What did I do to her?

"Excuse me but just because your husband couldn't be here today, the least you could do is thank me for being there for your kid. What kind of husband and father is he? The kid never saw his father that's a shameful thing. Don't you think ?" I was being to my old self. The Benjamin Carson black. The man that doesn't have feelings.

"That's all he told you? Just stay the hell away from Elijah. By the way, you right, What kind of a father are you?" Before I could ask what she meant by that she started walking away.

"Wait." I yelled but she just started her car.

"I'm not Sofia. I won't obey you like a dog." She yelled back from the window and drove off. What the fuck did she mean she's not like Sofia? How did she even know my Sofia?

I run to my car to follow her but couldn't catch up with her in time. So I just went to work instead.

Today is finally the day Sofia confesses to everything. All the things she did. And the reason why she did it. God, I hope I won't have to kill her. Its been three years and almost four months now. And now I can finally know the truth today to everything especially to why the fuck did she cheat on me? And no one can stop her from telling me the whole truth. No one can stop me from knowing the truth.

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