Going out


Pulling my jacket over my shoulders Devi brings my shoes over to me as we get ready to go out for dinner. We're going to a local barbecue restaurant, this is the first time we've been out of the hotel room in about a week. While putting my shoes on my phone pings, both me and Devi raise an eyebrow at it.

Picking it up it reads Dad, I gulp looking up at Devi and he nods. I open it to him saying, "Where the hell are you? Your mother hasn't seen you in almost a month", at this I stiffen. Should I tell him? No of course I shouldn't he'll track me down, I think to myself.

"What should I say?", I say glancing at Devi.

"Ignore it, we'll get you a new phone tomorrow okay?", he sounds pissed off while saying this.

We arrive at the restaurant and we all sit down at a booth, asking for all cokes when the waiter comes to our table. A few minutes after having a debate on what we'll get we go for the chef's choice. I get slightly insecure when the waiter thinks I'm a child asking what I'll have then shown me kid's stuff. I sigh correcting him and he apologizes over and over but I insisted it's fine. I'm not that much shorter than them... Devi notices my embarrassment and gently rubs my hand under the table. Will gets on his phone, Devi and I talk in a low voice as we wait for our food.

A few minutes later I see a man walk into the restaurant, which wasn't all that weird until I saw who it was. I instantly dunk under the table, peaking his head under the table Devi asks what's wrong.

"Daniel is here", I start shaking, Devi looks around then lands on him. We sit like this for a minute before I see a pair of feet stop in front of our table, it's Daniel. He starts talking and Devi cuts him off, "I'll drag your ass out of here right now if you don't get your ass out of my face, I dare you to make me." I shake and hold my tears back until Daniel walks away, this won't be the last we see of him I already know. I start crying and Devi bends down again asking if I want to leave but I can't manage to form any words.

As we walk out of the restaurant Devi holds my hand to try and comfort me but it does little to anything as I continue to cry. I knew this happiness wouldn't last very long, I knew I'd never get away with leaving. As we continue walking I calm down and stop crying but my head continues to spin.

Arriving home I walk in and throw myself on the bed and curl into a ball wanting Daniel to forget about me and move on. A few minutes pass when I hear a knock at the door, Will jumps up and opens the door. I tear up seeing who it is... How'd he find us AGAIN? I get anxious to the point where I lose hearing and zone out really hard. GO AWAY I DONT WANT YOU ANYMORE YOU BASTARD! I think to myself as I try to keep myself sane through all of this. Time passes and I have no idea what's going on around me, when I come back to myself Devi sits down next to me.

"Let's go take a bath", he says this gently as he places a hand on my face to comfort me. I nod still partly zoned out, Devi picks me up knowing I won't be able to walk.

For the rest of the night, everyone is quiet and distant from each other, but Devi does eventually come to lay with me. In his arms, I fall asleep still shaking from everything happening today. I love him and I want him here forever... I don't know if I can live without Devi...

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