Golden Dragon Prince


2.25k words

1 chapters



Table of Contents


Parallel universes, several realms coexisting with the human realm are separated by a human hair-thin wall of light and invisible to ordinary human eyes.

In the century before Christ, a powerful ascetic together with powerful warriors founded the Golden Dragon Kingdom. A kingdom founded to protect the human realm from evil demons.

In 1998, King Kawasa Dhara Barna was crowned as the 21st king to lead the Golden Dragon Kingdom. A wise king, Friendly and very concerned about his people. The life of the Golden Dragon kingdom was so peaceful, serene and far from the disturbances of the demons until in 1999, the first son of King Kawasa Dhara Barna was born, a handsome son who was predicted by the guardians as the incarnation of the demon hunter god.

When he was just born, king Kawasa Dhara Barna decided to immediately evacuate prince Kamandaka Jagadita from the kingdom of the Golden Dragon to the human realm for the safety of the prince and king Kawasa Dhara Barna choosing a married couple named Kuncoro and Ai

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