

Working with the Meng family was just the best things that could ever happen to me ,l thought as l sat down having my lunch .l mean it was only months away when l was running away from Peter and his father and here l was now sitting as healthy as ever living my life. James was sitting at the other corner l could not help but notice his gaze and how he stole some glances at me .Sometimes he would be very kind and loving and this fun person and sometimes he just like that,but all l know is that he is a good person."hey sunshine are going to eat that "said James as he approched me with his lovely smile,"its like l can do anything about l mean once you set eye for someones food you never let go,remember last time you almost choked aunt".

we finished the rest of our lunch with just a light conversation and went back to work.With all the money l was saving l was planning on buying land the have my own house and a farm you just simple life,but when l think about it evry time my heart isnt happy.l mean l want to be independent but also great ,when l lool deep l see myself having all kinds of buildings and shops where my clothes will be made and sold l want to make a name for myself ,l want to be great but...

We were about to close that when some strange guest just arrived that was very unexpected and all the cooks were gone ,l was about to make them leave but James stopped me ,he waved at the other good looking guy,he was tall yet very muscular ,dark hair with some falling on one eye,he was light and l could not help it but smell the strong seductive perfume that was coming from him,the other two guys who were him just bowed and took seats on a different table than him.James smiled at him he smiled back but just for a moment revealing his white teeth,James took his hand and led him to where l was standing ,then the eyes ocean blue,but not lively there big but lacked that twitch that would bring liveness to person ,he just stood there staring at me ,l stared back he did not even smile a bit or even move any little bit l was getting uncomfartable and a little bit scared .James broke of the silence"Twilight meet my good friend Rowon ",l extended my hand to him but he just kept his straight posture ,how embarassing it was .I took him to a nice table and asked him what l could offer him,"tea would do"he said in a deep ,cold but very low voice ,as much as l was trying to keep my calm this guy was really getting to my nerves ,first you just stare at me like am some kind of frozen monkey then refuse to handshake me now this l was really boiling inside ,l think James noticed and followed me to the kitchen "look sunshine dont let him get to you its just the way he is ,he is a good person though ",oh good you say he really does have a unique way of showing his goodness ,James laughed at me as he made his way out ,he shouted"while boiling  with anger princess dont forget to boil  the tea you dont want to upset your humble guest''.humble guest he says ha ha ha.

As am walking to the table with the the Rowon guy stared again despite me being annoyed by him his eyes had a certain something that l really wanted,or pitied or l really cant say but those eyes just made me feel something .As l was about to give him the cup of tea it slipped and it fell on my hands ,l let out a loud cry the two guys quickly stood up and came to my aid ,James was so angry "what do l tell you every day about your clumiseness now look,he ran out to find a cloth and some oinment ,Rowon gave me hand and helped me sit on the chair he slowly lifted up my arm and started blowing it ,okay now what was this Mr Cold guy was now ,Mr soft woww,i felt sudden beating of heart,l was about to get a hear attack or was l too tired l didnt know,"are you okay miss"he asked ,l tried to say something but my throat suddenly went dry,luckly James came back and took over ,he helped me back to my room and then said he would be back after sending his friend away.

To my surprise when James came back he had two bottles of wine ,"l thought after this tiring day and all that has happened this certainly would help",James has this special charm of knowing what l wanted all the times,l just loved the fact that he someone in my life,after drinking the whole wine bottle just in two gulps James tried to stop me ,but could not, l was drunk but not too much so l decided to take a small walk backyard just for some air the come back ,l slowed staggered to the get,all things were blurry and just when l was about to turn back and head home ,thats when l feel someone pinning me by the throat and put a knife on my neck"dont move a step sir or l will kill her ",l turned only to see that the guy being threatened was Rowon ,or was it?l mean with all the alcohol in my system l could not even tell if what was happening was a dream or not,the guy l was assuming was Rowon tried to move forward ,but as soon as he did the guy really did stab me right in the stomach l let out a faint scream ,all the alcohol seem to have vanished now ,l was feeling unbearable pain right down in my abdomen"now sir if you thought l was joking now you see am not ,now drop your gun and hand me what l want and will let this girl go or l will just cut her head of"said the guy trying to kill me.Rowon with his face full of anger and fear did as he was told"now take a step backwards and l will give the girl",he did as he was told ,instead of just letting me go the strange men did stab me a few more times before throwing be to the ground ,Rowon came running towards and put his coat around my stomach to block the bleeding.l tried to say something to him but l could not the pain l was feeling was just too much as l struggled with my breathing and a bit of  coughing blood ,all the air in me seemed to be running out ,it was so hard to keep my eyes open , l was trying but slowly then shut down,l could only hear Rowon begging me not to die and not to close my eyes but l did anyway,the last thing l remember was hearing Rowon lift me up and that was it.