I Don't Date Cheerleaders


53.92k words

28 chapters



Table of Contents


Carmen Larove, a rebellious 16-year-old girl with a secret, master in martial arts and she doesn't give a damn about what others think about her. After her recent fight that she started in a boarding school, she was kicked out and her parents force her to enter a public school where her older twin sisters go to. Carmen is also an openly lesbian girl.

Larissa Vincent, a 16 year old cheerleader who is openly bisexual. She came from an average family and open-minded. She is one of the most popular girls in school but she's not the Queen Bee. She also has to work in a local coffee shop after school to help her dad support her 2 little sisters, her sick mother and to pay the bills.

What happen when a rich rebellious girl met one of the school famous cheerleader?

Will there be spark between them?

Or will there be chaos?

Read to find out.



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