Chapter 7

Headmistress Ville was looking at Fleur from top to bottom. She received a very urgent call from her old friend saying one of her student was involved in an unavoidable situation.

"What have you done to one of the Archers? Or should I both of the Archers?"

Fleur smiled sheepishly at the headmistress. "I may threatened one of them. If I'm not mistaken." Headmistress Ville sighed and pinch the bridge of her nose.

"Do you know how serious this matter is?" Fleur slowly nodded. The headmistress shake her head and looked at the wall clock. "Your parents will be coming. For what I've been told, the Archers had called them and informed them that your family will be sued for this matter."

Fleur's eyes widen.

"What?! This is absurd! I didn't even do anything wrong! I was just protecting my Friends." The headmistress raised her head. Fleur settled down on her seat and sighed.

"Well, you threatened someone from nobility. This is a very serious matter, Miss Larove. Very very serious. Now that your parents is involved, God have mercy."

The headmistress leaned in and placed both elbow on the table.

"Fleur, threatening an Archer is a recipe for disaster. Whatever they did, you should just let them do it. It's not necessary to help and jeopardise your own status and good name."

Fleur looked up.

"Headmistress Ville, I was raised to help people around me. Whatever it takes to save everyone, I will do it. My great grandmother, my grandmother, my mother's, they all taught me to be a Larove. And a Larove never back down from helping people in need."

At this point, the headmistress were speechless. She remembered someone who has the same spirit as this young girl in front of her. Her own mother, Emerson. The headmistress smiled.

"You have the very same spirit like your mother. She's quite determine in her decision. But she's not daring like you. You're truly a Larove. Bold and brave."

The headmistress closed her book and sighed. "You may go. I will let you know about anything." Fleur nodded and excuse herself.

Fleur was walking back to the dorm when she was hit from behind. The blow came fast and was hard. She fell to the ground dazed.

She tried to roll over but someone kicked her in her side knocking the wind out of her. Fleur gasped for air as she was surrounded by a group of people all wearing masks.

They began hitting her and kicking her from head to toe. She could feel the sticky wet blood coming from her head. She couldn't speak. She couldn't move.

She couldn't defend herself. She wasn't sure how long the beating went on. She passed out before they were finished.

Meanwhile, Arabelle was going to the music department building when she heard someone moaned in pain. She gasped to see a figure laying face down on the dirty ground.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Arabelle said when she saw Fleur. "Its nothing." Fleur said trying to wave it off. "How can you say its nothing? Your eye is so swollen you cant even open it. Your lip is cut. There is still blood in your hair. Can you even walk?"

Fleur stood. "Of course I can walk." But the pain was too much and she began to fall backwards. Arabelle caught her and Fleur winced in pain. Arabelle lifted Fleur's shirt.

"I cant believe this! Did you see a doctor or even the nurse? Your entire abdomen is purple. What if you have internal bleeding or broken ribs?"

"Stop worrying. I'm fine."

Arabelle knelt down. "You don't have to pretending everything is fine when its not. I can see you are hurting." Fleur turned away. "I didn't even see who it was. The cowards wore masks, hit me from behind and then beat me all at once while I was on the ground and couldn't move!"

Arabelle gave her a gentle hug. "I wont let them get away with this." Fleur went to argue but Arabelle held up her hand. "Now lets get you cleaned up properly and don't arguing with me." Arabelle stood and helped Fleur into a warm bath.

She gentling cleaned every trail of blood and treated every bruise with care. She then made sure Fleur was comfortable in bed. After she was finished helping Fleur, she went to gather her friends.

They were going to Columbus institute. She was going to find out who was responsible for hurting Fleur and they were going to pay.


"Arabelle. We should ask the headmistress first. She might know what's happening."

Francesca says. "I did. She says the Archers sued Fleur's family." Arabelle stopped whatever she's doing and face her friends. "I know we shouldn't do anything but after seeing Fleur, I don't want everyone out there started to talk about how cruel nobility can be."

"But, an Archer is cruel. They think with them being the very first family who being appointed, that makes them the leader." Clementine sneer.

Francesca clapped her hands. "Are we going to the Columbus or not? I don't mind slap Reginald or Kenny when we're there though." Arabelle chuckled. "We will. But not for now. With the seniors issues and Fleur being hit, I need to be cautious."

"Is she okay?" Francesca asked.

"She's okay. But I'm not convinced at all."

"Let's visit her." Clementine suggested.

"That's a perfect idea." Francesca turned to Arabelle who replied with a smile.

They were on their way towards the student dorm when Isabella stopped them. Isabella looked at all of their faces and crossed her hands. "Where are you going? The mansion's pathway is on the other way around."

Francesca pulled Arabelle back before she lost it. "What's wrong with you, Isabella? PMS?" Clementine asked. Isabella stepped forward and looked into Arabelle's orbs.

"Because of you, the Archer's planned to kill my best friend. Because of you, Fleur is hurt. I'm sorry my lady. I know I'm rude. But this is all me. It has nothing to do with my parents. If you want to end me, end me."

Arabelle yanked her arms from Francesca and faced Isabella. "I won't do that. I know you're just protecting her. But I mean no harm. I will do anything to stop this. I will not let anyone hurt her anymore."

Arabelle walked passed Isabella and followed by her friends. "You better make sure of that!" Arabelle stopped on her track and look back. "Oh I'll make sure of it."

Arabelle turned back and made way towards the familiar dorm. They all stopped in front of Fleur's room. Francesca knocked and seconds later, Natalie opened the door.

"Oh, my lady.." Natalie opened the door and let them all in. When Arabelle went inside, her heart breaks when Fleur was on bed, feeling hurt. "How is she?" Clementine asked.

"Like that. But the doctor says there's no internal bleeding. She will be okay." Natalie replied while cleaning the stuff on top of her bed. Arabelle went to Fleur bed and sat on her side.

She looked at the bantered face and squeezed her fist tight. Whoever did this must pay! Everyone was surprised to see Poppy suddenly walked out of the bathroom, with only her towels and smiled when she noticed the nobles.

"I'm sorry for this." Poppy apologise. Arabelle waved it off. When she turned back to Fleur, her rage came back. Now there's a solid proof to not marrying an Archer.


Emerson together with her family just arrived at Heathrow. They were waiting for their chauffeur when Antonia noticed her wife's attitude was kind of different.

Emerson rage was showing and Antonia having such a hard time controlling her wife. "Ems. Relax. Your worrying too much. So what if the nobles try to sue us?"

Emerson sighed. "This matter is such a disgrace to us! You know how respected we are? And now this fucking nobles think that they could challenge the Larove family?! They are wrong! My mother and grandmother didn't raised a coward! They raised a warrior!"

Antonia stood up and placed her hands on her waist and stared deeply into Emerson's orbs. Colten and Azelna know it's not a perfect time to be near their mother if she's placing her hands on her waist like that. That means trouble.

"I never knew Carmen and Allesandra raised someone who has no patient. Be smart. Don't be like those animals out there who can't seems to think in times of needed to think rationally."

Antonia motioned both her hands around them. "Society watching us like a hawk Emerson. One slip moves, our reputation will go down the drain. Reputation is not important for me, but do you want them to label us as savages? Think wisely. That's how a warrior think before going to war."

Antonia looked at both of her kids. "You two will be staying at the hotel while we meeting this Archers. Tomorrow, we will meet Fleur. But listen to this warning and listen carefully. If I know one of you try to do something stupid without us knowing, I'll swear when we get back to LA, you both will be in so much trouble. Do you hear me?"

Colten and Azelna nodded vigorously. "Yes mommy.." they both says in unison. "Good." Antonia then turned back to her wife. "You know how we deal with this kind of things. We survive being sued by those kinsfolk years ago for one of our projects? And we won against kinsman. So I think we will be okay dealing with nobility."

Emerson sighed and placed her head on her hands. She's tired. That's for sure. But she have to deal with this so her daughter will not be in trouble. "Emerson..." Antonia sat next to her wife.

"I'm okay." Antonia rubbed her wife's side and offered her arms open for their kids to join the hug. Emerson immediately felt better. "You all are my strength. I will not let anyone do anything to all of you.." Emerson says and hugged her kids and wife.

"Mrs Larove. Your car is ready."

They all looked at the person and smiled. They thanked and followed him towards their transportation. "Where are we going, mrs Larove?" The driver asked them.

"Send my wife and I to the Archers Estate. After that, you will send my kids to the hotel." The driver nodded and began driving. Azelna was looking out when Colten pulled her in.

"Remember what grandma Carmen says. Never, show your head at the windows while the car is movingz We don't know who's watching us. If you do that, it makes you an easy target."

Azelna apologise and sat properly. "Good job Colten. You remember what has been taught to you." Antonia praised her son. "Like great grandma Carmen said, it's better to be cautious that being lower down in a creepy dark hole." Emerson chuckled.

She remembered that sentences like it was just yesterday. "Let me ask you a question. What did grandma Alle says if we're in a situation where we have to be fair and square?" Emerson asked.

"Be rational!" Colten says.

"Be proactive and alert at all times." Azelna added.

"But what's he most important thing of all?" Emerson asked.

Colten and Azelna looked at each other. "Listen to everyone's opinion and side of story before deciding on what should we do or shouldn't do." They both said in unison.

Emerson smiled. "Good. You remembered. And this method can be use in relationships as well." The twins nodded. When they arrive at the Archers, the guards was the first person who greeted the Laroves.

"Put you game face on baby. It's time to get really stern." Antonia turned to her kids. "On the second thoughts, come with us. I don't trust you alone in the hotel room."

Colten chuckled.


Keith Archer and Jeffrey Weston were having a nice cup of tea when Keith's butler made himself present. "Sir, your guest has arrive."

"Send them in." The butler now and opened the double doors to let the Larove's in. "Ahh. The Larove's. I am humble to let such powerful gay family in my clean home." Antonia raised both of her eyebrows.

"Excuse me?" Emerson says.

Keith waved it off and offered them to sit. Colten and Azelna let their parents sit while they stood behind them. "Oh twins. Come on. Have a seat." Colten smiled.

"We were raised to not be rude towards our parents and guest." Colten quip. Keith scoffed and went to his table to grabbed a file. "Since were here, I would like to just be straight forward to you. Your kid has make a fool out of me and I want your family to pay."

Emerson looked at her wife. "Lord Archer, you're making fool of your own self. My daughter just help you being an idiot." Emerson says that earned a nudged by Antonia.

"You dare to talk to me, an Archer like that? But I understand. You never felt a male persona as the one who guided you in life. You're gay. Your whole family is. You think I don't know what your connection with the Christ family? You probably force everyone to to do business your way."

Colten was worried her mother would get angry at them. But for Emerson, she's quite known to be the calm one. "I'm sorry lord Archer. The way my family decided to live is none of your concern." Emerson clear her throat.

"I just want to let you know something about he Larove. Once you declare war with us, we won't back down until justice is serve. So let me ask you again, lord Keith Archer and Jeffrey Weston, are you willing to be in war with a family who is quite known to be very very powerful in the world?"

Keith looked at Jeffrey's face and looked back at the woman who claim to be great. Keith does his own digging with this kind of family. They will not rest assure until justice was serve.

And this case, Keith's son and nephew was the cause of this. He was having second thoughts but Jeffrey, Arabelle's father just nodded, telling him he's going to support his action.

"Mrs Larove, We're well aware of your influence to the queen of this country and also the prime ministers. But remember this, I have my own connections throughout Europe." Keith smiled.

Emerson and Antonia stood up. "So be it." Emerson says and turned her heels followed by her kids. Antonia on the other hand, looked at the nobility in their eyes.

"You do aware you just ask for war from the Christ, Larove and Avilia all together? Are you willing to face the social and business downfall of your life and company, gentleman?"

Antonia smiled when Keith and Jeffrey expression changed. "Antonia.." Emerson called out for her wife. "In a sec.." antonia turned her heels and went to the door.

But before walking out, she turned.

"See you in the battlefield, gentleman. Let the great and the brave wins.." Antonia smiled and walked out of the room.

Next chapter