Chapter 4


I thought this was the end of my life. Troy had been yelling at me the rest of the day. I sighed a breath of relief when I saw Ryan and his friend exit the parking lot.

At least I hadn't gotten fired.

In as much as most waitresses here sold themselves for tips, I hated collecting tips from anyone. It made me feel like a slut.

Troy had left the restaurant with a stern warning to me and Vee at 7pm. We had to clean up the place and shut it down.Stupid manager.

"You okay? "Vee said as we walked out of the restaurant after the lock up.

"Course,why not? "I said trying to keep the topic she was bringing up away.

"Don't try hide it,Zel"she said

"It has happened so let's get it behind us"i said.

"Okay see you tomorrow then"she said heading towards her street and waving .

"Yeah, tomorrow "I said and started walking home.


On reaching Mrs Roses' home, Louie had fallen fast asleep so I had to piggy-back him back to our apartment.

I woke him up to take a bath and dinner and to brush his teeth before he returned to his slumber.

I sighed as I cleaned up the small table. The dinner couldn't fill two stomachs so I had to go to be on an empty stomach.

I crashed into my bed after a long bath. The flashes of what had happened that evening had swallowed me up. I wanted to share it with my mum, my dad but I had no shoulder to cry to.

Quiet sobs sipped through me until I finally fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning with a striking head ache. I reached out to the drawer to get the panadol but it had finished. Thankfully, my paycheck would come in today.

I woke Louie up and as usual he was being an ass about washing up.

"I don't wanna have my bath!"he yelled as I dragged him into the washroom.This was getting tiring. Why wouldn't he just budge already?

"Okay let's make a deal"i said letting go of him once we were in the tub.

"Like the sound of that, what'cha got"he said poking me.

"You take your bath"i said pointing to the tub "then I'll come pick you up from school today"

"Deal!"he screamed and got into the tub.


I managed to get Louie ready for school and took him to the bus stop.

I put on my red T-shirt,mini skirt and black flats. I didn't actually have much clothes and footwear cause I used all my money to purchase Louie's clothes,but it didn't matter anyways.

I pulled my messy hair which I can't remember when last I shampooed into a ponytail and slid out of the house making sure to lock the door.

"Bye sis"he yelled getting into the bus.

"Bye, Don't be naughty"

"I'll be waitinnnnngggg"he screamed as the bus zoomed off.

I sighed and made my way to Mc Donalds. When I got there, only three tables were full.

"Hey Vee"i said on seeing Vee behind the counter engulfed in her phone.

"Hey girl, didn't hear you enter" she said coming out chuckling making me giggle a little.

"Today certainly is calm"i said scanning up the place.

"A perfect blessing"Vee said entering her trance.

I waved a hand in her front making her snap out of her trance.

"Dreaming bout your boyfriend "i said teasingly.

"Of course, too bad you stopped it"she replied making us to laugh.

Suddenly we heard the door fling open making up flinch in our spot. The sight made me wish I hadn't come to work that day.

It was Ryan and his friend.

Vee quickly went to welcome them.

"Good day sirs, she said trying to put on the best smile but her eyes spoke get your asses outta here dweebs.

"Hello beautiful "the friend said to Vee making the top of her ears flash red slightly. He was really charming. Something told me they didn't come here just to order a shot of Ladance,Ryans eyes were fixed at my angle.

He came right to the counter while his friend sat on a table with crossed legs smirking .

"How may I help you,Sir" I said trying to keep my calm and not over react.

"A cup of unspilled Spanish coffee"he said joining his friend on the table. By this time all other customers had left leaving only four of us.

"What will you have sir"Vee asked the guy.

"It's Liam and I'll go with same"he answered with a smile.

Once the coffee was ready I took it to him and he took the sauce plate which the cup was on.

"Have a seat"he said smirking and taking a sip of his coffee.

"Sorry sir but I have work to do"i replied.

"I said take a seat"he said more firmly.

Troy had started shooting daggers at me again. Anymore feud then i'll really be fired from here so I took a large breath and took a seat making sure to keep the distance in case I gawk then they wouldn't notice.

"Its simple, I'll lay it down for you"he said while his friend nodded in approval. I could see that Vee had started glancing at his friend awkwardly.

"I'm Ryan Alistair"he said "You know me right"

"Am I meant to?"I replied earning a suprised look from him which didn't last long.

He cleared his throat and continued "Not that like I expected someone like you to know"

Way to rub it in.

"Whatever,go straight to the point"i fired at him. That suddenly incited the anger in me. "This is Liam Parker"he said pointing to his friend who just gave a wave. I smiled then he continued.

"I'll give you an option"he said bringing out his iPhone 7 and showing me a video clip of what had happened that day before putting it back.

"What are you going to do with that?"I asked confusedly.

"Paste it online so that everyone will be out to kill the girl who did that to Ryan Alistair. "he said resting on his chair and smirking.

This was going no good.

"W-what do you want? "I stuttered making him smirk.

"Be my girlfriend for 3 months then we'll break up"he said confidently.

"What's in it for me? "I retorted.

"$100,000.95"he said making me almost pass out.

"Is your friend crazy? "I asked Liam who was getting really amused by the conversation.

"Possible"he said earning a nudge from Ryan.

"Lemme think "I said.

The money could be really useful. I could enter college and earn my degree with just one month pay... Not to talk about three months. No-one had never really asked me out so being a girl friend would be harder than I think... but I have to try .

"Ehem! "Ryan cleared his throat snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Okay I'll do it but no funny occurrences okay"i said sternly.

"Cool, not that I'm interested in girls like you anyways"he said bringing out a file and a pen making me roll my eyes. "Sign here"he said.

After reading the contract I signed at the bottom.

"Also, I would be the one to break up"I said smiling.

"Why? "he asked.

"If you a are so popular, I like the idea of the Ryan Alistair dumped by a common girl headline"i said.


"Where's your phone? "he said reaching out his hand.

"why? "I said biting my lip.

He snatched my phone from my pocket and started dialing something before using my own to call his.

  "Here"he said handing it back to me and I snatched it quickly.

   "Stupid" I muttered under my breath.

    "What? "

  "Nothing"i said smiling with puppy dog eyes.

"Ryan, be quick, I gotta leave soon"Liam called out.

    "be here by 12 tomorrow and we're changing that thing you call a phone"he said and left the Mc Donalds before I could speak up. Dweeb.Now I'm dating someone I don't even know... Great Hazel.

I was so engulfed in the conversation I didn't know when time flew past 4pm. LOUIE!I screamed in my head as I instantly ran out of the restaurant.

Well this was a little bit long chapter. I had to rush through this one because of Chemistry projects.Sorry for any grammatical errors of any sort.

Please vote and comment and give me your ideas on maybe how you want the story to go.


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