Chapter 3

“Kamon, what the hell are you still doing in my house? Don't you have a wife to attend to?” Peter asked his son annoyed.

“Dad, I do alright, a wife you forced me into marrying, a wife I don't feel an ounce of love for,” Kamon added frustrated.

“I don't care whether you love her or not, but you better not mess up this business deal for more or you know what I can do. And one more thing, you both have to bear us a child who would succeed after you guys. Until then you don't have the sole ownership of the company, the same goes for your wife even though you've been introduced to the company as successors.” His father threatened.

“I hate you, dad,” Kamon added as he stormed out of the house with his car keys.

His drive to his house was an angry and reckless one.

How could he be so heartless and selfish? Kamon thought to himself as he drove on.

A couple of hours later, he honked his horn in front of his house as the security man opened the gate for him.

He angrily tossed the keys on the table as he headed for his room.

Shanequa heard noises from Kamon's room and decided to check upon him.

“Hey, is everything alright?” She asked interested.

“It's none of your damn business, Just stay far, far away from me. I guess you're happily married to the Kamon Mills who is clearly uninterested in this shenanigans. You could have protested yet, you went in accordance with your mom's will and now, they want us to have a child who would succeed after us.” He angrily said.

“What?” That was all Shanequa could say before storming off.

She slid down her bedroom door as she sobbed.

She cried because she was sick and tired of being blamed for everything.

She cried because she was hurt at how her mom easily threatened her because of money.

She cried because she wished her dad was still alive to see all this.

Maybe having children would keep her company form her husband's cold attitude towards her.

But how was she going to get him to have sex with her?

He was clearly disgusted by her sight.

Or, she could seduce him like how she did to Zane when they were together. It always worked. She smirked to herself.

She wore the black sexy lingerie she got as her wedding gift from Nola. Then wore her transparent nightwear over it. She walked to Kamon's room and knocked on the door.

He put the bottle of whisky into the table fridge in his room before opening the door.

When she was waiting, she forced herself to cry so that her plan could work.

“What do you--” His expression softened as he saw her face wet with tears.

“Hey, are you okay?” He asked concerned.

“No, i-i-i, never mind I'd just go back to my room.” She added trying to walk-off as Kamon stopped her.

“You clearly aren't okay, come sleep in my room.” He suggested.

“I don't know if you'd be okay with that.” She said as she loosened her robe which fell at her feet revealing her sexy outfit.

She pretended to pick the robe in order to cover her body but Kamon stopped her drinking in her figure.

“You don't need that.” He took the robe from her and then pulled her closer to him as he stared at her beautiful face. He wanted to stop but the burning sensation in his groin was proving otherwise.

He planted a soft kiss pouring his emotions into the kiss as he pulled her into his room locking it behind.

His arms roamed all over her smooth skin making him groan in pleasure.

“You're beautiful.” He moaned lifting her and putting her on the king-sized bed. She starred in his beautiful eyes as he unlatched her bra gaining access to her breasts.

He sucked them as she let out a loud moan. He captured her lips into a kiss as he thrust into her. At first, it hurt, then later it turned into pleasure.

Shanequa fell asleep in his arms and he was too exhausted to push her off.

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