Chapter 5

“Hi, Shanequa," Elsa said as she entered her daughter's office.

“Hey, Ma, how was your cruise?" She inquired.

“It was good, I heard the news of your pregnancy, congratulations dear." Her mom added.

“Thanks, Ma." She added as her Secretary entered the office. “Ma'am, it's time for the presentation." She said. "Alright, Georgette I'd be there." She said getting up from her seat.

“Your husband and father-in-law would be there for the meeting so ace it," Elsa added as smiled.

“So, that was why you came to my office to see me. Just to tell me this because the man who calls himself my husband and the bastard of his father was here?" Shanequa burst out in anger as her hormones took a hold of her.

“Don't you dare think of messing this up, or you'd know what mummy dearest can do," Elsa added as she walked out.

A wave of nausea hit her as she sat down immediately calming down her nerves. She popped a mint into her mouth before majestically walking to the conference room. She wanted those bastards to know she wasn't bothered by any of their antics.

“Where the hell is she? She can't keep us waiting for this long." One of the members cried out as Peter threw Elsa a look of 'you better fix this'

“My bad sorry if I kept you all waiting, let's begin." Shanequa boldly said as they all kept mute.

After the presentation, she talked to a few members on the board as her feet were killing her. “You look exhausted, " Georgette added catching up with her.

“I am, my feet are killing me." She complained.

“So sorry, pregnancy and all its complications, well there's a spa down the street you can go there for a foot massage since there is nothing much left to do in the office, " Georgette advised.

“Well, that's not a bad idea Georgette, I have a meeting with the head of each department, I guess you can reschedule that to another day." She said.

“I would, you go and treat yourself to a nice spa day," Georgette added walking off. Shanequa headed to her office and grabbed her handbag and keys then headed towards the elevator after locking her office.

“Closed for the day Miss Shanequa?" Francis, the security guard asked.

“Yes Francis, I'm treating myself to a spa today, " She smiled.

“Nice, have a nice day." He added as she entered the car and drive off to the spa.

She treated herself to a full body massage after which she had her foot massage.

“This is heavenly." She moaned out as the masseuse chuckled.

“First time having a massage in your condition?" She politely asked.

“Yes, and this is wonderful, I sure would be having plenty of these." She added as they burst off laughing.

Shanequa arrived home in a happy mood. The spa treatment had released her stress. She met Kamon in the living room going through some files. She was in no mood for his tantrums so she just walked passed by without a greeting.

“Ma'am, can I get you anything?" Kendra met her at the staircase.

“Has Kamon eaten lunch?" She inquired.

“Not yet, ma'am, he requested for some salad, mashed potatoes, and steak, so it's still cooking."

“Okay, what I'm craving for right now is some MacDonald's, don't you worry about me I'd place an order." She added as she continued to her room. Kendra hurried to the kitchen to see if her boss's food was ready. She had mashed the potatoes and prepared the salad already. It was left with the steak to prepare. She began the preparation of the steak with the procedure below,

Let it rest out on the counter for 30-45 minutes or so, until it comes fully to room temperature. This is always essential with cooking any kind of steak. Near the end of this time, go ahead and preheat the broiler on your oven.

Then brush on both sides with oil. Sprinkle with your desired dry seasonings. (I like a mixture of garlic powder, kosher salt and black pepper. Meanwhile, as you’re seasoning the steak, heat your skillet over high heat on the stove for about 6-8 minutes, until it is super-hot. Once your steak is seasoned and your skillet is ready…

Place the steak in the hot skillet (carefully, so that the oil doesn’t splatter). Then give the tops of the steak a gentle press down with a spatula, so that the full bottom surface of the steak makes contact with the pan (instead of accidentally curving up). Cook for 30 seconds. Then flip the steak over, and quickly. Carefully use an oven mitt to move the entire pan to the oven, where the second side of the steak will continue to sear. Broil for 3 minutes, then flip the steak. Broil for another 2-3 minutes more, or until the steak reaches 5° below your desired level of doneness. (The steaks will continue to cook a bit more once they are removed from the oven.)

Then use a pastry brush to brush any of those extra juices in the pan onto the steak (that’s where so much of the flavour is hiding!). Tent the plate with aluminium foil and…

Let the steak rest for 3 minutes, to lock all of those delicious juices in. Once the steak is ready to go. After she was done, she set the table and then served her boss.

“Sir, lunch is served." She said. "Thanks, won't Shanequa be joining us?" He inquired.

"No, I won't," Shanequa added behind Kendra just as the bell rang.

"Just in time!" She said excitedly as she opened the door and paid the delivery man taking her food from him as she hopped up and down like a child that had seen candy.

“Enjoy your steak, love." She said as she headed to her room to enjoy her food.

“She looks quite happy, doesn't she?" He asked Kendra who put his plate of food before him.

“She does, enjoy your meal Sir." She added and left him at the table to eat.

“Wierd, he never talks to me, maybe he's just in a happy mood." Kendra thought to herself as she cleaned the pots and pans she had used to prepare Kamon's meal.

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