Facing the Pack

I quickly straightened myself and made sure I brushed my hair as perfect as

I could. I wanted to look my best so that my fellow pack members didn’t think that their new Luna was a hot mess. First impressions mean everything. I shook off my nervousness and checked myself in the mirror one last time before I headed out the bedroom door.

I didn’t know where I was going, but I wanted to make sure that got to familiarize myself with the sounds of the pack before I got overly nervous before meeting them. I followed the sound and the smells of greeting and food to a stair case that seemed to be a couple stories high. I decided to walk half way down and sit there until it was closer to time for dinner. Leaders should be punctual, but I didn’t want to be fifteen minutes early.

I found a spot that was hidden from most of the lower half of the stairs, they would really have to want to see me to actually be able to see me. I closed my eyes and let my nose get familiar with the smells, dinner smelled amazing, and the scents of the people who were here and slowly coming in as I spent my time sitting on the stairs, smelled fresh. So many mixtures of smells it was amazing.

I could hear laughter and warm tones of greeting. It made me smile at how warm they were to each other. I’ve heard some packs were very stoic and standoffish from each other. I was happy to see that this wasn’t one of the packs that were that way. The warmth from the pack wafted at me from where they were. I wasn't quite sure where they were in this humongous house, but I assumed that like all packs, they were either right around the corner in a very large dining room that spanned most of the house, or, they were right outside.

I got so lost in thoughts of how warm the pack was I didn’t notice when someone stepped beside me and sat down. The hand on my leg shocked me out of my thoughts and made me jump with fright.

“I’m sorry if I scared you, but I went to the room to see if you were ready for dinner and I was surprised to not see you there, I thought you had ran away.” Josiah said.

I brought my hand to my chest trying to calm my heart that was pounding in my chest.

“Oh I’m sorry, I just wanted to get used to the smells of the pack. I wasn’t sure where I was going and I followed the sound of them to here before I decided to sit down and get used to them. I was hoping it would calm my nerves before I made a fool of myself in front of the whole pack.” Pink I was sure, was spreading on my cheeks heavily.

He smiled very happily. “I knew you were going to be a great Luna, making sure your pack sees you as strong the first time you meet them. I knew you were perfect for me.

I was shocked by how happy he sounded when he was speaking. I tried to give myself a smile that matched his, but I was still feeling a little nervous about meeting the pack. I paused as much of the thoughts of failure and nervousness away before it could take over me and make me run back upstairs to the bedroom and hide under the bed.

“It’s about time to make your grand entrance, are you about ready?” Josiah asked.

“I’m as ready as Ill ever be, lets get down there before I change my mind and decide to go hide under the bed instead.” I rubbed my hands on my legs and stood to get up. Josiah reached his hand out for me, helping me down the rest of the stairs into a huge entry way.

The walls were high and shiny with all different types of shiny, expensive pieces of decoration. To the left of the stairwell was a giant entry door, looking just as expensive and shiny as everything around it.

We went right and down the hallway towards the laughter and talking. As we grew closer the laughter and voices quieted to nothing right as we entered a giant room where there were tables lined up for everyone to sit at. We stopped in the entry way, everyone bowed deep and stayed put for a few seconds, waiting for their Alpha to release them.

“Rise, Norther Moon Pack, and greet you Luna.” Josiah said, his voice bouncing through the room strong and loud.

They all rose, still staying quiet, all eyes on me making my nervousness grow with each moment.

“I proudly introduce my lovely mate Evelyn, daughter of the Alpha of West River Pack. With our mating, there is now a strong alliance between two powerful packs. May the Moon Goddess shine her light on our mating as well.

There were clapping hitting us from all of the pack members. They were all in sync. They were quite reserved, but I tried to chalk that up to being about this being a formal setting and not them not thinking I’m a worthy wolf to be their Luna.

Josiah, with a hold still on my hand, led me into the room, people parted creating a path for us to get through. He led me to the end of the longest table in the room, pulling out the chair to the right of the chair at the end, the Luna’s chair. I took a seat and thanked him quietly as he pushed it in for me, taking his seat at the end of the table.

“Please be seated, Norther Moon Pack.

Everyone moved to their seats and sat down, no one touching their food yet and the only sounds that were heard were chairs sliding in and out from under the tables.

Once everyone was sat in their seats they all turned to look at Josiah. There were empty plates in front of everyone with food in all sorts of serving dishes. There were all sorts of dishes lined up along the table, all smelling wonderful. Josiah scooped a couple different items onto his plate and grabbed a fork and took a bite. The moment his fork left his lips the others all started going and getting food on their plates. It was a sign of dominance, the Alpha taking the first bite, at least he wasn’t one who waited a bit before taking the bite, making others to wait.

I grabbed some beef brisket, vegetables, and some potatoes and put them onto my plate. I tried to ignore all the stares I was getting from the pack members. They were starting to make me nervous beyond compare. Against my better judgment I looked around me, looking at the packs faces one by one, trying to read what they thought of me from their features. There were happy faces, but most were blank. I didn’t know what to think of that. What was going on inside their minds? Did they hate me already?

Among the many faces I saw Avery smiling at me. I smiled back at gave her a short wave that she returned.

“Evelyn dear, I’d like for you to meet my Beta and Third in Command, Mateo and Cooper.” Josiah said taking my attention away from the pack and pointing to the two men sitting to his left. Mateo was gruff and just nodded at me as he ate his food. Cooper gave me a short nod and a quick hello and did the same. I nodded back and waved at them before continuing to eat. They didn’t seem like they wanted to talk to me very much and I wasn’t going to make them.

We all quickly ate in an awkward silence, at least, I felt awkward. Once the meal was done Josiah patted my hand.

“We’re going to mingle with the pack a little bit before heading up to bed and I’d like for you to stay by me.

I nodded in agreement and followed his lead as he stood up and stood with him placing my hand in his. We stepped to the side and waited as everyone came to us. Bowing as they did so. Everyone would say a couple words to us, smiles on their faces, many smiles reached their eyes, others faded the moment they touched my mate. I tried to ignore them, but it didn’t sit well with me.

My thoughts were cut when a woman about my own age stepped in front of me, bowing with a huge smile that made me want to smile back at her.

“Luna, it is wonderful that you have joined our pack! I would love to spend some time with you if you’re ever free, maybe show you around the pack grounds if Alpha would allow it. She said looking at Josiah with the same smile she gave me.

“That might be a good idea, I’m sure our dear Luna would love to see what her new pack looks like and stretch her legs a bit in the next few days.” Josiah said, with a small smile.

“I really would like to get a look at the pack, all the people here seem like amazing people and I would love to be able to get around and see how everyone is on the daily.” I said.

The main part of the Luna’s job in the pack was being the peaceful, calming, motherly type that helps where she’s needed, and I couldn’t be a proper Luna until I was able to see just what the pack looked like.

Josiah’s smile grew wider with my words. It’s settled then I’ll send for you whenever our dear Luna is ready.” Josiah nodded a stiff nod back to the young woman in front of us. She nodded back and started to turn to leave.

“Oh, would you please tell me your name before you go?” I asked her quickly.

“It’s Mercy, Luna.” She smiled at me and then turned and made room for more members of the pack to come greet us and introduce themselves to me.

Once the line had ended Josiah turned to me with a tight smile.

“I’m very happy all of that is over, I love my pack but some of the older women are quite talkative and they make me quite sleepy.

I smiled back at him. The women were quite talkative. That was one thing I was grateful for tonight, one thing that seemed to be the same no matter where you are in the world.

I smiled at that. Josiah grabbed my hand a little tighter to get my attention.

“Are you ready to head up to bed?” He asked.

“I think I am, it’s been a big day today.

“That it has, meeting your new pack is a lot to take in. Let’s head up to the bedroom so we can get to sleep.

He led me back up the stairs and to our room. I wasn’t used to calling it that, but quick changes usually happened when mates found each other, this wasn’t anything different.

Josiah opened the door to the room for me, releasing my hand so that I could get past him, once I was in the room I turned around to look at him, this was really awkward to me, I wasn’t ready to mate with him, even if we had done it the night before, I hadn’t remembered anything. I was hoping we would be able to go to bed without any issues with him thinking I wasn’t a good mate for him.

He started to undress shocking me, we were not at a point we were ready for this.

“Umm I’m going to go to the bathroom and get changed.

I quickly grabbed one of the new sets of pajamas that he had bought me earlier and ran to the bathroom to put them on. I washed my face and took a second to tie my hair up into a messy bun for sleep. My nerves from earlier had not melted down at all, only changing the reasoning behind them. I took one last second to look myself over before exiting the room and walking into a situation I was hoping wasn’t going to turn out horrible.

All my worrying was for nothing, there was no one in the bedroom. I was shocked that I didn't hear Josiah leave the room. Just to be sure that he wasn’t still in the room I opened the closet door and looked in, he definitely was not there. I shrugged. I was grateful that I would be able to just go to bed and not risk offending my mate.

I quickly crawled into bed. Hoping that he wouldn’t catch me in the process. I went to sleep thinking of all the things that had happened. In a way it was both what I expected and not.