Nerd In A Paranormal Condom


773 words

1 chapters



Table of Contents


"So please tell us, sir. What is your greatest weakness?"
"Losing my wife", he grinned, glancing at his woman, Delia, with a goddess-like aura seated next to him.

The interviewer cooed, "Aww, that's beautiful. What will you say is your greatest strength?"
"Having my wife", he waved at his beloved-who sat with her legs crossed, smirking at the interviewer.

The interviewer awwed, "Okay sir, last question... How would you describe your wife?"
His lips grew into a devious grin, uncontrollably holding the hand of his heart's desire.

"The best dream no man but me deserves".

The entire audience clapped in adoration. Delia smiled, glancing at her husband then back at the interviewer.

The interviewer then asked, "And sir, bonus question, how would you describe your marriage?"
"A condom".

Delia, his wife then chipped in, "A paranormal one, at that".
"One that none of us can escape, unless we go boom!" He smiled.

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