Chapter Three

Sam’s POV

“I’ll see you later, honey!” my mom shouted after dropping me at Hilton High.

I turned around and looked at the students walking towards the building. I’m terrified. I slowly walk towards the main entrance.

“Be invisible. Be invisible.” I keep repeating myself. As long as I keep my head low. And don’t cause any fuss, I will be able to get through this.

I was looking around and trying to find my way to the Headmistress’ office. I wanted to ask someone for directions but I don’t know what to say. I’m too shy to approach them. I’m starting to get some looks from the students and I’m started to panic. I walked really fast and saw the rest rooms. I went straight to the female rest room and hide on the cubicle.

I closed my eyes and trying to control my breathing.

“Relax, Sammy. Relax” I keep playing Sophie’s voice in my head. And then I heard the bell ring.

I stayed there for a few minutes to make sure that no one is in the hallway.

I got out of the rest room and tried to look for the Headmistress’ office. But I don’t know if I’m in the right building. I sat on the stairs and placed my head on my knees.

“This is hopeless”

And then someone patted my shoulder. I was startled and frightened at the same time. I’m not really comfortable at other people touching me. I got up and put a distance between me and the person in front of me.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to startled you”

I didn’t say anything and I keep my head low.

“You must be the new student? I was looking for you everywhere”

I glanced at her for a few seconds.

"I.. I was.. I didn’t know..” I was stuttering. Great! Now I’m the weird new girl.

She bent her knees and tried to look at my face. And then she smiled when I met her eyes.

“I’ll take you to the Headmistress”

I just nodded and followed her to the office.

“I found her, ma'am” the girl said as we entered the office.

“Sam?” Aunt Amy walk towards me and she was about to give me a hug but I stepped back. I keep my head low.

“Oh yeah. I forgot. I’m sorry” My mom must have said something to her.

I glanced at the girl. She was confused.

“Take a sit, Sam” Aunt Amy said as she was getting some papers on her drawer.

“This is your class schedule. Miss Elizalde will help you to your way around here in the campus”

I took my class schedule and smiled at Aunt Amy.

“She’s the class president”

“No, ma'am. That was last year. Cindy is the class president”

I looked at her when I heard the name Cindy. It could be the my friend Cindy.

“I’m not gonna hold on you for too long. You can go now and take Sam to her class”

I stood up and said thank you to Aunt Amy. I need to remind myself not to call her that when we are in the campus.

“Sam?” I turned around and looked at her.

“I’m glad you and your mom are back” and then she smiled.

“Me too, ma'am”

I was looking at my class schedule.

“What’s your first period?” the girl asked.


“Great! We’re in the same class”

She was waiting for me to answer her or something. But I looked down and stared at my shoes.

“You don’t really talk much, do you?

I nodded.

“Anyways, I’m Isabella” she was offering her left hand for a handshake.

I was about to take it but I saw the bruise on my hand. I hope she didn’t see that.

“Sam” I just said.

“Okay! We have a long way to go, Sammy”

I looked at her when she said Sammy. Only Sophie calls me that.

“Come on. We’re late”


So far all my classes this morning was better than I expected. I guess Aunt Amy must have told the teachers something because they didn’t let me introduce myself to the class. I wonder what my mom told her about me.

During the lunch break, I made sure to sat on the table on the corner. I was still getting a few glances. Some will whisper with their friends and then look at me. Probably wondering what’s my story. Good luck with that.

I was trying to check the cafeteria. Looking for a familiar face, Cindy. I mean I don’t know if I will get to recognize her. We were only six when I last saw her. Or maybe it’s a different Cindy.

I saw Isabella looking at me. I avoided it and just try to finish my food.

“What’s your next class?” she was already sitting across me.

I took my class schedule in my bag and gave it to her.

“P.E” she said.

“I have Maths. And Mr. Dickens is not a fan of tardies”

I smiled. “Dickens” I whispered.

“Right?! Dick-ens” she said while laughing. I didn’t know she heard me.

I did what I do best. Keep my head low.

“You think you can find your way to your next class?” she asked. I just nodded. But she seems not convinced.

“Give me a pen” I took my pen and gave it to her.

She wrote something at the back of my class schedule.

“Here’s my number. Text me if you need something, okay? Don’t call. You might get me in trouble” she hand me the paper.

“See you around?” she smiled.

She went back to her group. “Typical” I said to myself. Her friends are like the jocks and the cheerleaders. The hot ones. You know, they are like on top of the pyramid when it comes to school hierarchy. I guess she was just being nice to me because she was asked by the Headmistress.

I heard the bell rung. I took my tray and placed it on the counter. And I went to look for my P.E class.

She said building near the field. But there’s two building in here. I went to the first building. I looked around, there are classes on going. I tried to stay quiet as possible. I reached the end of the hall. I don’t think there’s a P.E class in here. Students should be wearing P.E uniforms right? I went to the second floor. All I see are lab rooms.

I went to the second building but I don’t think it’s here. I wanted to ask someone but I was too shy. So I gave up. I went to the field and sat on the bleachers. I curled up against my knees and hid my face.

“Breathe, Sam. You have to breathe”

I don’t know how long I was sitting like this. Until I heard someone.

“What are you doing here?

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