Chapter 38

Third person's POV:

Three months later:

Fiona's mental state was vulnerable, and it was getting worse worse around Adam. After a lot of convincing, Adam finally agreed to give her space. For three months. Adam was staying out of this mansion.

Fiona's condition got better after treatment and therapy. She still got nightmares but it wasn't frequent as before. Her panic attacks also reduced a lot. She wasn't completely well but she was improving.

But there still were somethings which would trigger her. Like, she couldn't eat outside of her room, she couldn't sleep in a dark room, she wouldn't walk alone in this mansion without his father or brother. She was scared that Adam would appear anytime.

But still, overall she was better and her condition was being improved. Brian tried his best to keep her cheered. One day she was walking in the garden with her father.

"Dad, I want to see mom. It has been a long I talked to her last." Fiona said.

"Yeah, you are right. It has been a long. Tomorrow we will go to see her. I also want to talk to her. She may be angry at us for not going there sooner." Brian smiled.

Next day, Brian took Fiona to Isabella's grave.

Brian let Fiona talk to her mother alone.

Fiona knelt before her grave.

"How are you, mom?" Fiona said.

"It has been a long. We even missed your birthday. Sorry, mom." She let out a weak chuckle.

"Mom, I missed you, a lot. You thought I forgot? No, didn't forget. I couldn't come. He didn't let me." Saying, Fiona let out a deep sigh. She squeezed her eyes shut and tears ran down her cheeks.

"You know mom, I am hurting. Why my life turned like this, mom? I didn't even do anything bad. Yet, I am hurting. It hurts so bad, mom. Sometimes unbearable. Mom keep me in your prayer so that I can be strong. So that I can keep going. And also pray for the little soul who was snatched from me." More tears fell, she opened her eyes.

"I just want a little peace, nothing. Stay well, mom. Love you." Fiona stood up. Wiping her tears, she went to her father.

"Done talking to your mom, sweat pea?" Brian smiled at her.

"Hm. She is asking for you dad. She is angry at you." Fiona joked.

"She is a good woman. She won't be angry at me for long. Let me go, talk to her." Brian spoke.

Fiona waited there for him, a little far from her mother's grave.

Brian walked inside the surrounded area to Isabella's grave and placed the bouquet of pink Rose on the plain, hard concrete of her grave.

"It's has been a long. How are you, Isabella?" Brian sat on his bum.

"You won't talk to me? I know you are angry, you are hurt." He added.

"I feel like I failed you Isabella. I let our precious Fiona get hurt. I feel like the responsibly I took years ago, I failed to fulfill it." His voice broke.

"I never thought of her as any responsibility. She is dearer to me than my life, Isabella. You know that."

"Whenever I look at her now, I feel like a pathetic father. Who is the reason of her daughter's destruction. Who is unable to protect the most beautiful gift given by God. She is so fragile, so broken, so hurt. Lost the beautiful, cheerful girl of mine who would brighten the whole house with her giggles, joy and playfulness once." Brian's eyes glistened with unshed tears.

"But I won't shed a single tear today. I am done being scared. For my children, I won't be afraid anymore. I will make our daughter lively as before, give her life back to her. And if I have to be a bad person for that, I don't care." Brian avowed.

"I won't spare the person who ruined her life. I will destroy him. He didn't think twice before doing heinous tortures on her. She is innocent." He spoke, his eyes burned with fire of revenge.

"Bye, Isabella. Next time when I will come with our Fiona, she will be the happy girl as before. And it will be soon. I promise you, darling. Stay blessed." Brian got up.

Brian and Fiona came back to Adam's mansion by his car. Though Adam had to give his permission to go out, they had to take his car and his men always followed them. Brian was sick of this treatment.

Fiona was still mentally vulnerable but not unstable like before. Dr. O'Neil's therapy worked a lot on her.

She was no longer a slave of this house. She could roam here whenever she wanted.

Adam told his men to leave the mansion when Fiona roamed inside the house. She easily got scared of strangers or felt uncomfortable around them. Doctor advised them not to pressure her, to give her time. Once she feels alright, she will act normal around people. But until it happens, no need to pressure her. It may worsen her condition.

Her brother Zack started going to school. Adam ordered two of his men to send him to school and take him back.

For some days, Fiona was going out of her room and spent a lot of time in the pool side area alone. In the bright morning, the sun ray reflected on the water making it dazzle like diamond. Fiona tempted to get into the water and swim.

But she was wearing a loose maxi dress. She thought of changing into a bikini.

She got up and headed to her room and went to the closet. Adam brought some dresses for her. It was the first time she was checking the closet, looking for a bikini.

Rampaging through the closet, she found a bikini. She took the bikini and headed inside the bathroom to change it.

She stripped and put the bikini on but suddenly her eyes stuck on her stomach.


The gruesome engraving stared back at her, mocking her existence.

"I will taint you forever!"

"I can do whatever I want. It's just a little proof which you will carry forever as your identity."

"Everything I am doing to you, you deserve this. Like I said before, you were a born whore. Life is doing you justice now, look at your body, you are forever stamped with this appanage, identity. You are tainted for good. Wherever you will go, you can't run away from this reality."

Fiona's world stilled. Hot tears rolled down her cheeks. He was right.

She was tainted for good. She could never run away from this identify. She traced her fingertips over the ugly scar and contorted her face in disgust. If any person saw her body, she/he would feel disgusted. She took off the bikini and changed back into her dress. Opening the door, she ran to her bed crying loudly.


"Your eyes are red, what happened sweetie?" Brian asked Fiona during lunch.

"Nothing, dad. Something must have got in my eyes." She said.

"You are lying to dad. Why sweet pea? What happened?" Brian queried.

"Dad, I am tired of living in this place. I feel like dying every second. Dad, can't we go out of this place?" She professed.

"Dear, we are kept here against our will and I know how much it hurts you staying here. Adam called me saying that he will return today. I will talk to him." He informed her. Fiona paled instantly hearing his name. She gulped hard.

"What if he doesn’t let us go?" She mumbled.

"I wouldn’t let him hurt you." Brian spoke holding her arm. Fiona nodded and continued eating.


Fiona never went out of her room after Brian informed her that Adam was going to return.

Zack told her that drawing is fun when someone feels bored. He gifted her a new set of crayon and a note book. Fiona drew a picture to make him happy, but after that she realized what he said was indeed true.

Drawing really was fun. So, often she drew pictures. It might seem funny for an adult like her, but it gave her pleasure.

Like a child she draw a picture of her family. Her mother, her dad, she and her little brother Zack.

She was drawing a picture then she heard a click sound on her door. She thought it was Zack.

Without turning her head she spoke, "You know, Zacky, what have I drawn today? I have drawn our family photo."

"You were so little, wearing a diaper." She giggled but her smile faded instantly when she saw it was none other than Adam.

She shut her mouth.

"How are you?" He asked. Fiona didn’t reply, she kept her gaze rooted at the floor.

Adam narrowed his eyes at him.

"How are you?" He repeated. Fiona kept the crayons and notebook aside and slowly got down of the bed.

"I asked you something." Adam pressed.

Fiona walked to the door with slow and steady steps without sparing him even a glance.

Adam clenched his jaw in anger. Fiona was about to open the door, but Adam slammed his palm on the door, making it shut with loud noise before she could open it.

Fiona flinched at the loud sound and closed her eyes. When she she opened her eyes, she found herself caged between the door and Adam. He trapped her with his body against the door.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Adam glared at her, his face hard. His eyes shook her in fear, but she composed herself. Swallowing hard, she spoke,

"I don't want to talk to you."

She tried to leave but Adam stopped her, pulling her arm. She quickly jerked his hand off her.

"Don't touch me!" She panted hard. She contorted her face, feeling disgusted by his touch.

"You hate my touch. Isn't it?" Adam questioned.

Yes! I do. I hate you to the point everytime I look at you, I want to kill you.

She wanted to yell. But she kept silence instead. She already experienced what he might do if he got angry.

Adam smirked and grabbing her jaw, smashed his lips on her. Fiona squirmed, trying to push him but Adam held them above her head. When he let her go, Fiona was breathing hard.

Fat tears ran down her cheeks and she slapped him hard on his right cheek, then on the left cheek.

"I am nothing but a piece of meat to you. Am I? Just a body to be your play thing, bastard? Why don't you let me go?!" She cried.

Adam didn't seem angry or surprised. He kinda expected this. He licked his lips, which kissed her soft ones and then touched his cheeks where she slapped him.

"I would never let you go." He said. She eyed him with pure horror.

"Why don't you want to let me go? Aren’t you not satisfied after snatching everything from me? Even my child?" Saying, she broke into sobs.

She fell on her knees and pleaded joining her hands, "Please just let me go. Please. There is nothing you can take from me anymore"

"That's not possible. I want you." Adam declared. Fiona paled.

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