Chapter 6

I placed the blankets down on the bed, moving around the room to tidy up the odd cushion or object out of place when a thought shot through my mind. What was he even doing in my room?

I made my way straight to my grandmother's diary in the bookshelf and pulled it out, sighing loudly in relief as I saw the little box was still there. I pulled the locket out of the container and held it to my chest, my eyes shutting as I remembered where I got it.

The necklace used to be my grandmother's. Felicia and Zards. Married for sixty three years, and in love almost their whole lives. She passed away last year, and I had never felt so lost. She was brilliant, always full of life, charismatic, free and happy. Having her as my grandmother was a blessing, and even now she was gone, I was sure she was still watching over.

I turned straight to the last page, smiling softly as I came across the envelop that I had kept between the pages. A letter, that she had written to me lay inside. She knew that she was dying, but she didn't tell anyone, nor did she let it stop her.

The letter held so much. She had told me she loved me, which was more than my parents had ever uttered. And she told me to keep my head held up high, even when I found out the truth. I still didn't know what the truth was, and was hoping everyday that I would find the answer.

Suddenly hearing the shower turn off, I quickly closed the book and shoved it back in the bookshelf. Rushing back to the spare room, I pretended to organize the things as I heard Zeus walk in through the open door. "Is this where I'm staying?" He asked.

I turned around to answer, but stopped suddenly as I observed him. The t-shirt I had lent him clung tightly to his chest, his hair was still wet and messy and his posture was casual, the towel slung over his shoulder. Blinking out of my trance, I nodded quickly. "Yes." I smile tightly.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he stepped closer to me, making my trip back. "Are you crying?" He asked, peering at my face.

I looked away quickly, wiping the tears that I hadn't realized had fallen, earlier on. "No." I blurted out, not wanting to talk about my grand mother. "I'm not."

"Are you sure?" He asked, looking slightly concerned. "Are you okay?"

Nodding quickly, I faked a smile and bit down on my lip in an attempt to convince him. Although I knew, just like before, that he didn't believe me. Why couldn't I have been born a better liar? Like him, for example. He'd probably told enough lies to write a novel of them.

He hummed, clearly unconvinced, but let it go, instead pulling the towel off his shoulder and shaking it out. "So?" He asked. "What now?"

I shrugged. "There's food in the fridge, you can eat, if you want."

"You aren't going to eat with me?" He asked, as I glared up at him.

Shrugging irritably I shook my head. "Maybe later."

A grin took over his face. "Then let's do something fun."

"Are you kidding?" I scoffed. "I have homework to do."

"You're so boring." He whined, looking back at me with begging eyes.

"Okay." I nodded. "Nice talk. Now I have to g- " I tried to leave, but he stepped sideways, blocking me once again. "What now?" I groaned, looking back up to face him.

"Why don't we play a game?" He suggested, smiling like an idiot.

Pinching the bridge of my nose in annoyance, I turned up to face him. "What are you, 5?" I muttered.

"If that makes you more fun, then sure, I'll be 5."

"Okay." I nodded, smiling slightly. "Let's play a game."

His eyes lit up and he grinned in surprise. "Really?"

I hummed. "Let's see, why don't we play, hide and seek?" I offered. "You go hide, and maybe I'll come and seek?"

His gleeful expression melted as soon as I finished, and I grinned sarcastically, before pushing past him, to leave.

"Wait!" I snapped, the irritation getting even more unbearable.

"Why do you hate me so much?" He asked.

"Why would you think I hate you?" I finally asked.

"Well, I mean it's obvious." He continued. "You've ignored me all day. You get annoyed when I try and speak to you, and you won't hang out with me. You must hate me!"

I shook my head, running a hand through my hair. "I don't, hate you, Zeus." I mumbled.

"Then what?" He laughed, throwing his hands up. "You've called me a jerk within the first few minutes of meeting me, you threw a chemical at me! Please, just explain!"

"You don't know me!" I raised my voice slightly as I shook my head. "And I don't know you! This isn't about hating who you are." I continued. "It's about hating, how you are."

"How I am?" He asked completely oblivious to what I was talking about. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Do you seriously not know?" I spluttered. "You act like you're some sort of God. Being popular made you turn into a selfish player, picking up girls left and right just to dump them in the morning."

He stared at me in shock as I continued. "You hurt people, Zeus." I emphasized. "You make them question what's wrong with themselves when they have done nothing but trust you."

"It's not my fault that most of the girls in our school are slags." He exclaimed.

"There you go again!" I sighed. "Passing the blame onto the people around you. Have you ever taken ownership for your own mistakes?"

He stared at me, stumbling for words, and I nodded. "See?"

"How do you speak so much now, but stay so quiet in school?" He asked in aggravation. "If you said half the words you did to me now, you may have actually had some friends."

My eyes widened at his snide tone and I scoffed. "Friends, like you? I'd rather never speak again."

"How are you so quick to judge me?" He sighed, shaking his head in defeat. "Why don't you actually get to know me before you decide to hate me."

"What's the point?" I asked, voicing my thoughts. "One month later and we'll be back to not knowing each other."

"Why is it so important to you to not talk to me? Why is that the reason you're tutoring me?"

"I don't need any more distractions." I shrugged. "I want to focus on school."

"You think I'm distracting?" He whispered smugly, looming over me as I hit the wall.

My eyes widened as I pressed myself against the door frame, inching closer to the exit. "Yes." I smiled sarcastically. "Your face keeps making me want to vomit." I grinned making his face twist into shock.

I rushed out of the room and into mine, shutting the door behind me quickly. I let out a breath that I hadn't known I was holding and slowly trudged to my bed.

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