I. The Awakening

In the Kingdom of Edreocion, where mages and wizards live freely, those mages can join in guilds and do some jobs for some rewards or money. Scylla's Legion is one of the most notable guild in the City of Castleburgh, where two of the four Element Dragon's Magic-user belong.

One of them is Jer Claimond, he uses a dragon's fire magic, rumors are going around the town saying that dragons adopted and raised him.

He is walking in the Manlam Grove together with his pet, which name is Zore and it is a Nightingale.

"I'm hungry..." Jer whined and hold his stomach.

"You just ate awhile ago." Zore who is on Jer's shoulder answered.

"But we walked too far and the food that I ate awhile ago was probably digested already." Jer explained.

"I'm surprised you know how digestive system works, I thought you just only think about food." Zore snarked.

"And what do you mean by that!" He asked in irritation but Zore just chirped and that made him roll his eyes. "Why did we chose to walk to walk by the way?" He asked again and started to walk.

They are from a mission that costs 100,000 Vinala in exchange for defeating a whole group of mercenaries in the City of Zhaver. It was supposed to be a group mission but Jer being a reckless teenager, he went alone. But after all, it was a success and gave more merit to their guild's reputation.

"The rent is due this week right?" Jer asked and Zore just chirped as an answer, he sighs and put his hands at the back of his neck while still walking. "We need to go into another job tomorrow Zore but I need someone who can help me." He said.

"How about Felix?" Zore suggested and Jer scoffed.

"He is a pain in the ass and whiny man." He commented.


"That woman is scary like his father, I bet she will just treat me like a slave." He commented again. "And besides, she's still not back yet...how long it is by the way...oh right, three years." He mumbled while thinking about the last time he saw Zinde in flesh.

"How about Vin?"

"We will just fight along the way." He answered.

"Her sister, Kaymmi!" Zore said excitedly.

"Vin and I will still fight, you know how overprotective he is when it comes to her sister."

"But she is already a Diamond class mage right?" Zore deadpanned.

"Right, her mission is different from mine...Why did you suggest her anyway!" He said exclaiming the last part.

Later on, Jer stopped when he smelt something funny and different around him, possessing a dragon's magic can heighten your senses and that includes the sense of smell.

Zore started to chirped anxiously when they heard a rustling sound in the nearby bush. He was about to walk towards it when magic attack suddenly came out from nowhere, it didn't stop into a single attack but it continues but Jer effortlessly dodged it.

Years of training and mastering his skills, those attacks are nothing to him.

In the nearby, a magic circle came out from a big old tree. It was one of the oldest trees in that forest, the magic around it was activated when a mage was around or near the area, Zore chirped when he saw this but Jer didn't mind because he was busy dodging the magic from those mages.

"Show yourself!" Jer screamed while trying to catch his breath. "What a coward bastard!" He said and with that, a man wearing a black coat came out from the bush. One by one they came out.

"What do you want?" Jer asked and he jumped down from the branch of the tree.

"The famous dragon child is here, what a beautiful sight." The man spoke and walk towards Jer, "Too bad, you are about to die." He added and with that, roots started to wrap around Jer's foot.

He groaned and tried to remove those roots but it didn't budge. "What do you want?" He repeated.

"Your magic." The man answered and Jer glared at him. "Ever since those dumb dragons gave the four elements to those teenagers like yours, the whole country has never attained peace."

"And you think it is my fault?" Jer asked while his eyebrow was raised. "Look mister, I think you are just tired and need more sleep so remove these roots from my feet now." He demanded.

"Speak in a courteous manner, dragon child." One of the men in the cloak spoke.

"My name is Jer you dumbass!" Jer screamed. "And stop calling me dragon child!" He demanded again.

"The country will obtain peace and order if the four elements were in our hands, now give me your magic!" The man ordered.

"Whatever, are you done? I'm tired and I don't give a shit about your whereabouts." Jer deadpanned

"Men! take his magic!" He said and his fellow men in a cloak pull out some water-gun like thing.

"You are delusional." Jer gritted his teeth, he is starting to get annoyed by the antics of the bearded man, later on, flames started to surround him. "My...magic..." Jer said in between of his breaths. "Is mine!" he screamed as he punched him directly in his face.

The roots in his feet are already burned that's why he successfully dodged the magic that came to him. "Dragon's breath!" Jer roared and the flame went out from his mouth, some of the men dropped on the ground unconscious.

Zore chirped again when the big tree glowed again. "Can you just help me here Zore!" Jer asked in irritation but Zore just chirped again and ignored him. "Thank you very much." He said in a sarcastic tone and rolled his eyes as he attacked another man in the cloak who came towards him.

"Seize him!" The bearded man ordered, Jer scoffed and kicked the nearest man on him then launched himself to the bearded man.

"You!" Jer screamed and grabbed his collar. "Don't ever call the dragons dumb again you dip shit!" He said and smash his head on him.

Jer faced the remaining men of the bearded man, he counted those men it turns out that it was a 10 versus one battle. He grinned and cracked his knuckles as he positioned himself into his fighting stance.

All of the 10 men launched themselves towards him and some of them started to use the gun that they hold awhile ago, Jer dodged those men with guns and kicked those things from their hand and punched then kicked them away from him.

He started to get really more annoyed by the smell of those men that's why jumped high and put his palms together like praying. "Fireball!" He screamed and a big ball of flame came out when he separated palms and throw that ball of flame towards the men, they started to scream and run away trying to dodge that ball.

Jer failed to notice that his fireball went through the magic that surrounds the tree, breaking the magic in the process. Luckily, Zore flew away before he got hit by one of Jer's destructive magic. "Really Zore? you're just there and chirping non-stop?" Jer deadpanned, Zore chirped again and found his place on Jer's shoulders.

Jer turned his back to the tree and stopped when he heard a cracking sound behind him, his eyes widened then looked at what he thinks is the oldest tree in that forest and he saw some cracks in its trunk.

"W-what is happening?" Jer asked and slowly stepped back as the cracks started to surround the trunk of the tree.

"I-I think it's your fault Jer." Zore said.

"And why is it my fault! My magic was almost taken away from me by those crazy men in the cloak!" Jer argued to Zore but eventually, he stopped and looked back at the tree.

"Another destruction of property Jer..." Zore whispered-slash-chirped.

"Aaaah! noooo!" Jer whined and with that the tree exploded, he immediately gathered his backpack and ran away from that tree as fast as he could. "I don't want to go there again!" Jer screamed while running towards the town.

He was pertaining to the Ethereal Conclave, they are the one who's making laws regarding the use of magic. Jer has been there many times because of one reason, destruction of government property while he is in the job. Although it is not really that necessary to destroy property in a job, he is a reckless fighter, he didn't mind what surrounds him as long as he defeats his enemy.


As the tree exploded, a bright light came out from the remaining trunk of the tree, and later on, that light disappeared and a figure of a woman appeared. Her eyes slowly opened and squinted when a bright light greets her face.

"Manlam Grove..." She whispered and looked at her surroundings. "I am still at the Manlam Grove." She said and stood up.

Then she looked at her own hands and arms, even in her feet. She can't believe that she is still alive after that attack.

"I-I need to get out from here." She said to herself and started to walk barefooted. "I need to get out from here...Makoth will find me soon..." She whispered while walking and looking at her surroundings.

The forest changes ever since her last fight with that demon, more trees and bushes grew after that. It looks more lively than ever.

How long am I unconscious? What year is it? Is Rajad okay? That was the question in her mind while walking towards the town, her mind keeps asking and at the same time can't process everything right now because she just woke up from a deep slumber.

A figure hid in a tree and looked at the girl who's slowly walking towards the town, the figure sigh lean his back on the tree.

That was the bearded man that Jer encountered awhile ago.

"Lyra Hamilton, the bearer of the origin magic is awake...finally..." He muttered before running away towards the forest.

End of Chapter One

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