II. The Encounter

Jer kicked the guildhall's door open, and that made a loud sound. The other mages inside of it looked at him.

"I am back dipshits!" He screamed and look around, "Who wants to fight!" He asked loudly.

"Why are you so noisy, you mutt?" A man asked when he woke up from his nap. That man is Felix Stannos. The Water Dragon magic-user, the opposite of Jer's magic, that's why they are always fighting whenever they see each other's faces.

"What did you just call me!" Jer asked in irritation, Felix flips the table as he stands up and butts his forehead to Jer.

"You are so noisy, mutt." Felix repeated.

And with that, chaos inside of the guild hall started. It now breaks the tables, there is an exchange of magic attacks and in every minute you can hear an explosion of walls.

"Here they are again." Percival muttered and sip on his beer.

"They never change." Steldarts added while looking at the young mages who are quarreling.

"At least Jer came back safe." Nanno said and flipped the card in the table. "Ugh! I lost again!" She whined and Constance just chuckled at her and put down a card on the table. She was about to say something when a bottle hit her head.

Constance glared at the two mages who started the chaos in the guildhall. "Cut it off you dumbheads!" She screamed but no one heard her as they continue to beat each other.

"Constance! let's have a fight!" Jer screamed but before he can hear her answer, Felix punched him straight in his face and that sent the man a few meters away from him.

"I am still here you flame brain!" Felix said. Jer didn't answer instead he just punch his face like what he did to him.

"I am not talking to you, water asshole!" Jer answered.

They exchange punches, kicks, and magic, the audience nearby just shakes their head. They already lose hope that those two will go to change.

"So noisy whenever Jer came back." Julian muttered while mixing a drink behind the bar, he effortlessly dodges a flying chair towards him. "Who wants a drink?" He asked while smiling.

"Every year, the ruckus here is getting into another level." Percival muttered as Julian transferred some drink to Steldart's mug.

"Jer is growing up, that's why." Julian answered and handed him another glass of beer. "You know that kid." He added, and that made Percival smirked.

"I hope Zinde will come back as soon as possible, I don't want to clean another mess again." Nanno said and pouted. Because besides of being a mage, she is also an employee in the guild like Julian.

"Don't worry, she will be back as soon as possible." Julian said and smiled. "And don't worry, I'll help you to clean up." He offered and that made Nanno's face brightened.

"You're so kind Julian!" She said and beamed at the bartender. Julian stopped on what she said and Nanno noticed it. "D-did I say something bad?" She asked innocently.

Later on, Julian wailed and Percival panicked as he tried to comfort the bartender. Nanno didn't know what to do and thankfully, Constance came to pull her towards the exit of the guildhall.

"Man, stop crying come on." Percival said but Julian still wailed, he sighed and looked at Steldarts who just shrugs his shoulder. He knew that when Julian cried, it is hard to stop it. "He is harder to calm down than Constance when she was a baby." Percival commented and that made Steldarts laugh out loud.

"C'mon P., stop acting that you are the one who took care of Ruh." Steldarts joked.

Percival butts his head on him. "What did you just say?" He asked while glaring at Steldarts.

"You heard me, you womanizer." Steldarts answered and glared back at him and with that, they started to fight. Joining the chaos caused by the young mages.

A man walked towards the balcony on the second floor, he sighed when he saw the broken chairs, tables, and walls, there is also are some broken bottles of beers laying on the floor. He let out a sigh again and looked at the ceiling. "Oh, the founder of Scylla's Legion. Master Lucira, what will I do to this thickheads?" He asked.

He sighed again for the third time and jumped from the second floor, he landed softly at the bar counter and that made Julian jump and stop from crying.

"Scylla's Legion!" The man's voice echoed throughout the whole building and that made the chaos stopped and looked at him.

"Old man!" Jer greeted and Felix hit his head because of what he called their master.

That old man is Zadavik Marcheford, the current master and head of Scylla's Legion. Besides being the head of the guild, he was named as the Rank 5 on the 10 Pillars of Wizard.

"I've received reports from Conclave telling that some of the government properties are destroyed...again." He informed and he sat on the bar counter crossed legs. He started to recite the names of mages who went overboard in their past jobs and no one dared to meet his gaze as he looked around.

And that made him sigh again. "Julian, has Zinde informed when she will be back?" He asked the man behind the counter.

"Uhm...she didn't answer the letter that I sent, Master." Julian answered, he looked at the mages again and he threw the papers in the air and later on, the papers burned "Who gives a damn about that stupid report! We are Scylla's Legion. We are unstoppable!" He screamed and the mages cheered.

"Julian! get the drink and we will drink until we passed out!" He ordered and Julian immediately followed.

Mages went back on what they're doing, including Jer and Felix who started to fight again. Zadavik just shakes his head and walked towards the table where his friends are sitting. He noticed some band-aids in their face.

"Man, you are partying again? I'm sure Zinde will not like this." Percival asked as they watch the young mages to drink and chat and some of them are bickering.

"Those younglings will be the death of me." He said and opened his palm, a stack of paper appeared in his hand and that made Steldarts and Percival's mouths hung open. "See this? this is the reports that I am talking about, what I was holding is just the memo and by the way, most of them are from Zinde and Jer." Zadavik explained.

"This generation is a handful one." Steldarts commented.

"Steldarts, when will you accept the offer?" Zadavik asked. "I am not getting younger here." He added.

"Z, I told you. I am not fit to be the leader of this guild. I prefer to be a wingman of yours." Steldarts answered and winked at him before drinking his beer.

"Why don't you give it to Zinde? She is strong and I can see a passion in her eyes." Percival suggested.

"Zinde is still young P., Also a reckless." Zadavik answered and Percival snickered.

"How about Shayne?" Steldarts suggested also.

"She said that when the right time comes, she will accept the offer." He grumbled. "When is that 'right time' huh? when I was bald and has a white beard already?" He ranted, steam coming out from his nose and the two men chuckled at him.

"Then suck it up and continue to be our Master." Percival said and grinned. "But I am looking forward to Zinde, Man." He added.

"Me too, that child of yours can make a man shut up by just her gaze." Steldarts commented.

"Even his father." Percival joked and they both laughed, Zadavik smirked again and shakes his head. For the years that they've been together, these two never change.

I wonder where my daughter is. Zadavik thought as his eyes found Jer who's lifting the table with his one hand effortlessly.

Jer can be the head of this guild someday, I hope he became mature when the time comes. Zadavik thought again. But however it is, I will not stop guiding these younglings until they grew up. He declared to his mind.


Everyone is looking at Lyra's direction while she is walking, everyone will surely give her a second look base on the torn clothes and cape that she wore. But Lyra didn't mind the stares instead she just continue to walk.

The town looks different from the last time she saw it, some of the houses are now buildings, and the dirt road is now cemented.

How long did I sleep? She asked again in her mind.

She finally stopped walking and she can hear loud voices from the inside of the building on her right, she blinked trying to remove the blurriness of her eyes but it was no use. She felt dizzy and weak all of the sudden that's why she leaned on the nearest wall on her.

She heard a door opened and closed then the voice of a man. "Those people are so loud." The man muttered.

He took a step outside, still not noticing Lyra on the side. Lyra tried to call him but no voice is coming out from her mouth and she felt her body dropped on the cemented road, the man heard a 'thump', he looked where it came from and he found a body on the road.

"Hey miss, are you okay?" The man asked when he reached her.

Before her consciousness slipped out, she studied the face of the man, he has raven blue hair and a sharp jaw and gray eyes.

Raven Blue...that is my favorite color. Lyra thought before her consciousness slips away.

End of Chapter Two

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