Chapter 6 The Last Mutant

The greens spent most of the next day preparing for combat, & saying their farewells. I was elected Captain of the Greens by popular vote among the Green Mutants, And because Zoe ordered it. Bela and I made love and probed each other with our noses. We named that Snorkeling. Then the break of dusk came and it was time to leave. Bela & I shared a last kiss, and she promised me a great snorkel job when I returned. I was looking forward to it.

As the sun set over the crest of the horizon we broke camp. I was leading the procession out of camp and it was just before dawn as we approach the outskirts of Central City. We came across some termite mounds and replenished ourselves until satisfaction. There was a clear stream that ran outside of Central City where we quenched our thirst.

I felt that as the Captain, Lt Blag and I would enter the first dwelling.It was unoccupied, but we did gain a few more weapons. Lt Blag & I slaughtered the occupants of sixteen dwellings before the alarm was sounded. I was certain the other teams did as well,..or better. The alarm consisted of a bloodcurdling scream;.. "MUTANTS", accompanied by a firearm's report.. For a few seconds I looked around ,... from force of habit I suppose. I hadn't been a mutant very long. It was strange at that exact moment,...the realization of being on the "other side".

Lights were going on & guns were going off practically at the same instant. We joined the mass exodus pouring out of the houses. I noticed only one of the team of the house next door leaving. We fled in the direction of our predetermined rendezvous point, pursued by angry mirror people during the retreat. A few greens were mowed down in their tracks from small arms fire. One of them was Lt Blag. The mutants had taken their first casualties.

As we approached the outskirts of Northern City, I was glad I had left plenty of troops on the higher ground to cover our retreat. My troops opened up with a hail of gunfire,.. uncomfortably close to us but still over our heads. The enemy did not fare as well since they were still a small distance behind us. The mirror people broke contact, initiating their own retreat. All of our survivors, including the wounded made it to safety.

I debriefed all participants during the journey back to Mutant Camp. I concluded that we had dispatched slightly over three thousand of the enemy, far a camp record. It was not be without it's cost, however.. After a head count it was determined that seven brave green mutants had went to their reward in the line of duty,..including First Lt Blag.

Upon our return,.. following my report to Gen. Zoe & the council, a large victory celebration was given in our honor. I attended the shindig, because it was expected of me, as leader of the Greens. I didn't have the heart to enjoy the celebration & festivities. Many good mutants had died & I couldn't get their faces out of my mind.