Chapter 3

Chapter 3

"Did you seduced him, sis?" My cousin, Gina, asked while we're eating. I pouted my lips.

"I wasn't even sure right now if I really got hired! I didn't seduce him, duh." I said.

I am at home right now and it's already evening. Earlier, after my boss said that I am hired, I was actually shocked. I mean, how come?! Was that supposed to happen? He didn't even looked for the requirements I gave and hired me. For the record, he is the owner of that company I am applying for! The owner! And to my surprise, my job is to be his secretary, in which I really still can't believe even more.

Okay, I was literally shocked until now. No joke about that.

"How about his looks? Is he old? Or not? Is he hot?" Gina asked more. I frowned at her and shrugged.

"He didn't look old!" I said. He looks at least 30 or younger.

She laughed. "Is he hot?" She asked again.

My face heated up when I realized again his face. He is perfect. To my own description, he is really perfect. The face, the body, everything. God! He must become from heaven and have a mission for something I don't know why he is here. And he is damn hot!

"Oh my god! Base on your expression, I knew he's hot! Come on, sis! You're single---"

"And I am still eighteen." I cut her off. "Why? Are you in a relationship already? Auntie!" I diverted the topic and called auntie. Her eyes became bigger and slap me in my right arm slightly.

"Sissy!" She said, as if afraid to be caught.

"What are you two doing? Gina, don't stress your elder sister because she still needs to work tomorrow so go, finish your homework." Aunt explained.

We were finished eating and I washed the dishes before going upstairs to sleep.

This was a long day for me but it was really worth it. I am tired already and tomorrow, there's a new journey for me waiting.

Is this real? Am I dreaming?! God! Thank you for letting this happen. I now have a job and it's not a simple job. I'll be the secretary of the boss of the most powerful company at all times.

I promise that tomorrow, I'll do my best. I need not disappoint my boss. I need to be the best version of my life, and be the best secretary he will ever have.


I yawned as I heard my alarm clock buzzing again. Geez. I was still sleepy. I yawned again but immediately opened my eyes when I realized it was the first day of my work.

Oh my god, Cashedy! Your work starts at 8.00 am in the morning and here you are, still laying on your bed as if there's nothing you need to do today.

I looked at my alarm clock to see what time it is already. It's already 7:11 am in the morning! I am late!

I stand up and find my towel and immediately went outside to go to the bathroom. I need to move fast or else I'll be late on my first day of work. And even if I move fast right now, I'll be really late.

I took a bath quickly and wore my clothes. I don't have any uniform right now so I just wore my plain t-shirts and slacks and simple black shoes to complete my attire. Maybe I can put makeup on my face when I'm on a trip to the company.

And when I thought everything was okay, I went outside and bid goodbye to my aunt who's watching cartoons and ran as fast as I could.

"Taxi!" I waved my hand to the taxi but unfortunately, it was full already. I checked the time and it's 7:42 now. The trip will consume at least 30 minutes to be there at the company.

You're so dumb, Cashedy. It's your first day and yet you're late. Let's see if I still have this work tomorrow or I'll find another job again this easily.

After several minutes, I am now in front of the company I applied for. I started to ran and I don't care if my make up will ruin. I didn't need to think of it anyway because I am already late.

"Oh, hi! Did you get hired? You're Cashedy, right?" The guard greeted me after he saw me. I force my lips to smile and greeted him too. "Yes. I'm sorry but I need to go now, I'm already late." I said and passed by him.

I saw Jake and he smiles when he saw me. He went to my place and hug me for a second and I got confused about what he just did.

"You're hired?! Wow, I told you! Congrats to you!" He said happily. I awkwardly smile and said my thank you. "I want to talk to you but I really need to go now. I am already late." I explained and I am really nervous right now.

I think he got to ask more but I left him and started walking. My boss's office is still on the fifth floor so I really need to take the elevator even if they have stairs for each floor.

I turned right when I remember that the elevator was located there. There were people I saw entering the elevator and when it was my turn to enter, the elevator was full and closed.

I checked again the time and god, it's now 8:38 am in the morning, 38 minutes late on my first day! Great! I am early before 9.00 am.

He must be angry right now and thinking of firing me on my very first day here.

After a long way, finally the elevator returned to the ground floor and I enter inside. There are people who enter inside also and they're looking at me.

"Is she the new secretary?" I heard one of them whispered when the elevator closed. Was that even a whisper?

"I think, so. And I think she's already late." The girl behind her said and looked at me with an irritated face.

I think they have to say something more when the elevator opened and they went outside but before even leaving, they looked at me again. It was now me who left in the elevator because well, the only office on the fifth floor is the owner's office.

Duh, what's their problem if I am really the new secretary? Is being his secretary bad?

The elevator opened and I went outside. Now, Cashedy, what are you going to say? What are the lies you're trying to explain later in front of your boss?

In front of the owner's room, I felt the familiar sensation I am feeling yesterday before I entered here. I raised my right hand to knocked on the door and wait for him to respond.

"Come in." He said in a low baritone voice. It was steady and feels so much authority.

I slowly opened the door and enter myself nervously. I still have the guts to enter here even if I failed to be here exactly at 8.00 am.

"What time it is already?" He dangerously asked.

"I-i'm sorry, Sir! Please, forgive me! I--" I started to pray for my life when he suddenly stood up. I am not looking at him because of too much nervous.

"I said, look at me when I am talking to you." He said. I forcefully looked at him and there the unusual feeling of my body heated up again.

"Please, give me a second chance, sir. I won't be late tomorrow. Please." I begged.

"I'll give you a second chance for being late but why the fuck are you talking with that guy earlier? Are you flirting?"


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