Chapter 2: Darian


After driving back to my place, I found myself stuck sitting at the dining room table with my adoptive parents and my girlfriend all while I thought of the real reason I brought me and Belle back here. We made up. Again. And I was hoping we could make up some more in my bedroom, knowing my folks wouldn’t be home from work for another 3 hours.

That clearly wasn’t happening.

I don’t know why they’re both home so early, but here we are.

They were starting the conversation off lightly, as usual, and kept asking Belle a million questions. They always act like Belle is a new girl in my life, but they’ve known her longer than I have; almost eighteen years to be exact. Both Belle and I turned eighteen a week after graduation. Yeah, we are literally 3 days apart.

“So, the U, huh?” Mom asked, pretending to shuffle papers around on the table but not actually doing anything with them. It was a nervous tick she had and now I wondered why she was so nervous. “I can’t believe you two are heading off to college in just over a week! You two are still like babies to me.

Oh no. Not the waterworks again. This woman cried more than anyone I’ve ever met in my life.

Belle nervously giggled next to me. “My dad actually seems pretty excited that I’m leaving.

I rolled my eyes at that one. It was no surprise that the prick was excited she was leaving. Now he didn’t have to spend any money on her because she’s technically an adult now. If I have it my way, she’ll never live under that asshole’s roof again. I’m just glad I’ve been her neighbor for all these years. We really did need each other. It was me and Belle against the world.

“I’m sure he’s a little sad you’re leaving,” Mom added while she pouted her bottom lip. She knows how big of a piece of shit Belle’s dad is but she’s too nice to comment about it. “I know we’re awfully sad to see Darian leave.” She reached over and squeezed my bicep but I kept my gaze locked on Belle’s. She knew how much I hated when my mom cooed over me.

“Well, luckily for you, the U isn’t too far.” Belle shrugged. “We’ll be back all the time.

I wanted to kick her. Was it okay to kick her?

Belle glared over at me with a playful grin and I knew she was trying to tease me. We had talked for hours upon hours about how I couldn’t wait to get out from underneath my parents’ rule. They had me locked down like an Alcatraz prisoner. We hardly hung out at my house when my parents were home. It was just easier this way. Belle’s dad didn’t give two shits what she did and I basically lived there when my parents went to bed. I sneak out my window and walk next door to spend the night with Belle before returning to my own bed early in the morning before my parents woke up. It was shitty how we both had extreme parents. Mine was over-bearing and suffocating while her dad didn’t even know what she was up to most of the time. Hell, he walked in on us having sex once and didn’t say a word. He was apparently looking for the TV remote and when Belle said she hadn’t seen it - all while we covered ourselves up - he just shut the door and went away.

“Oh, I sure hope so.” Mom paused before looking over at me with an unreadable expression on her face. “So, are your dorm rooms close to each other?

Shit, here we go. I knew this talk was coming up, I just didn’t know when. She still thinks I’m this sweet innocent boy who’s never had sex before. I hate to say it, but I’ve had more sex with Belle in the last two weeks than my parents have in five years.

“Mom,” I warned.

“What? I’m just asking. Her dad doesn’t seem to be too concerned that the two of you are going to the same college and going to be all alone out there. Isn’t he at all concerned about it?

“No, Mom, he isn’t.” I rolled my eyes and sat back in my chair before crossing my arms over my chest.

“Well, he should be. I know you two have been very close your whole lives and I think it’s time to have the safe sex talk.

I barked out an incredulous laugh as I leaned forward and glared at my mom. I could feel Belle’s eyes staring holes into the side of my head but I didn’t care. It was time that my mom knew the truth and I hope she got off my back.

“Listen, Mom,” I took a deep breath before continuing, “B and I are much closer than you think. We don’t need the safe sex talk. You’re about 3 years too late for that.

The look on my mom’s face was priceless. All the color drained from her cheeks and her mouth kept opening and closing as if she wanted to say something but didn’t know what exactly she wanted to say.

“You two are having...

Christ- she couldn’t even say the word.

“Yes, Mom, we’re having sex.” I reached over and grabbed Belle’s hand in mine. My mom’s eyes traveled to our entwined hands and she looked ill.

She looked over at Belle then. “Your mother would be so disappointed in you, Anabelle. Sex is for marriage and having babies. You two aren’t ready for either of those things.” Her hand went up to her chest as she took several deep breaths.

Her words struck something deep inside of me. When my mom mentioned Belle’s mom, I nearly lost it. My mom thinks she knows everything and doesn’t know when to keep her mouth shut.

“Mom,” I warned, “are you finished?

I could feel Belle’s hand quivering in mine and all I wanted was to pull her into my arms, kiss her tenderly, and tell her that everything would be okay as long as I’m with her.

“Yes, I believe we’re finished.” She looked at Belle. “I think it’s time you head home now, Anabelle.” Her tone was clipped and I knew I was about to get a tongue lashing after Belle went home.

Belle nodded shyly before she stood up from the chair next to mine. Her eyes sought mine out and I noticed she looked a bit frightened. Was she upset that I told my mom about our sex life? Surely it wasn’t that; she’s not embarrassed by that. It’s probably how I said it, versus what I said.

“I’ll walk her out.” I stood from the table, Belle’s hand still in mine, as I walked her towards the front door and in the complete opposite direction of my parents. It was funny how my dad just sat there not saying a word, but that was normal for him. My mom wore the pants in the marriage and it was obvious.

We stepped out onto the porch as I shut the front door behind me to give us a bit of privacy.

“Your mom hates me.” Belle spun to look up at me.

I let out a small chuckle and shook my head. “She doesn’t hate you. I’m afraid she just didn’t have you in my life plans.

“Exactly. She hates me. Well, she might like me strictly for the fact that she’s known me since birth and I’m the neighbor girl, but I’ll never be enough for you.

I hated the sad look on her face because I never wanted her to think any less of herself. “Babe,” I breathed out as I brushed a strand of blonde hair behind her ear, “you just let me worry about that. Why don’t you head home so you don’t hear the tongue lashing I’m about to get and I’ll sneak over later.” I hated that I still had to sneak around. I’m eighteen years old for fuck’s sake. Pretty soon Belle and I wouldn’t have to sneak around anymore; thank God for co-ed dorms.

Her face contorted. “I’m sorry you have to get yelled at because of me.

“I get yelled at for everything, you know that.” I lowered my face to hers and stole a quick kiss. “I’ll be over as soon as I can.

“I’ll keep a light on for you.” She winked at me before jumping off the porch and heading towards her house next door.

Damn, I love that girl. 

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