Chapter two 

True Acceptance

Days after i decided to go home as soon as i saw her mom it's time you tell me the truth and she started saying its a lineage thing that we are the lockwoods that once we turn 18 then the werewolf in us comesout every full moon i bust out in tears, i am a monster and every full moon I'll turn fully into one, Jaxel you can control it Jack said How can i control it that i won't have to turn every full moon and only when I want because i don't want to hurt my friends i don't even know if they will like to hang out around me anymore i just want my life my back this is so unfair and tragic mom how come you never told me about this you lied to me my whole life thats why i never had friends we had to move alot and i never got to live the way i wanted i almost cost me my friends lifes jack i need Your help i want to gain control of this monster in me what do i need to do show me, obviously i need to go back to school before things get out of hand. In the morning i got ready and headed to school knowing i haven't heard from any of them and they must have informed caroline of what happened when went camping, Eric can i talk to you? I know you might not want to listen and you see me as a monster but can you at least hear me out at the very least, i know i almost killed you because i had no control i was still in shock of what was happening to me and the cravings and longings were too strong i couldn't even stop my self, thankfully you both go out safe i have no clue how i got home that night and the next day when i woke up i experienced unusual strength and senses, the shocking thing my mom wasn't even shocked she was well aware and didn't inform me that i had such horrible trait in my lineage and for centuries it keep occuring that I'm a werewolf and there's nothing i can do about it although jack told me i can at least learn to control it so i don't endanger any of you I'm  really sorry that i ruined our time to bond and all i promise to make up for it if you give me a chance help me talk to Tracy and caroline so they'll at least hear me out i know it's going to be difficult but i need you guys more than ever. Okay Jaxel i have heard you i can't say it wasn't  traumatic and terrible, it was but I'm glad it ended on that and there wasn't any more or extra so my friend can we go play soccer? Cool Eric. As we got there, hey captain I'm a fresh man and would like to be among your team, okay let's see what you got Jaxel, move ohh that good you are doing well. What was that, you know what just stay out for now, cool off first, damn! what was that Jaxel i don't know Eric i told you i woke up with unusual strength and senses i really need to learnto control this shit, I'm going to Jack's we've got lessons you know you mind coming along? Sure bro. As soon as we got to Jack's we heard alot of howling and it was really creepy Eric got scared, do you want to still come along bro? Yes, okay. Hey Jack so where do we start from i mean what's the first task because you are my mentor now and i have to get my life going alright boy you need to meditate and control your mind, start from meditation to gasp your mind. Hey Eric i heard what happened between you Jaxel and Tracy I'm really curious and sorry for Jaxel hope he is fine and coping because even listen to what happened i was frightening not to talk to being there that night but i want to hear from Jaxel even though tracy might not be ready at all to even come close to him i wish to give him my support at his lowest, you are such a nice girl caroline he will be so glad to hear from you. You can go to his place or during school hours we can chat and have some bonding time its been a while after all this this whole incident and it almost seemed as if we split up glad we are coming together little by little so did you still drop history class? Ohh i did it was getting too boring you know I'm not a fan of history instead i took french class we all know i love french you should join me too you know, no I'll pass, I'm sticking with history alright, i got to go now have help my mom with some stuff see you tomorrow Eric. Eric, Jack is the leader of a pack of werewolves like how come I've been this clueless the entire time the more I'm getting into this i knowing this thing better although I'm still dangerous and can't have any plan with y'all because i won't want to hurt you there comes Drake that bully, his parents are rich, he rides the latest car that gives him the right to pick on people him dating the hottest girl in school bro I'll ride on him I'm strong now i told you my senses amd strength are heightened if he dare picks on you he'll have himself to blame. You mind accompany me to Tracy's? I've got to reach out I've not seen her since then, alright bro. As soon as we got to Tracy's i knocked who is that, It's me Jaxel, Tracy please open up i want to talk to you, stay away from her you monster Tracy's grams speaks, she doesn't want anything to do with you ma it's me Jaxel and yes i know and i began to hear a loud sound and i was in pains she shut the door as soon as she shut the door the pain stopped then i realised seems Tracy's grams was a witch and she never mentioned anything like that to do everything is becoming so uneasy and its all unfolding too fast i feel like i don't know what to do at this point what about me, Jaxel if i wasn't there with you i wouldn't believe it , I'll feel like you made it up caroline called me and she made me feel so okay I'm so glad i have her as a friend she was so warm, i can't even blame Tracy she must be so traumatized. I'm going for traning see you tomorrow, we went into the woods on a full moon Jake was there with me it was all part of the training and i killed innocent people the control i seeked i realized it was harder than i imagined, i decided if i wanted to get better i joined the pack then i met this girl Taylor her skin was so fair with her blonde hair and blue eyes and i decided to talk to her, hey I'm Jaxel I'm new here you mind teaching me a thing or two? Ohh yea sure you can me Taylor I've been here for 2 years now that was when Jack found me i was wandering and really struggling i really killed alot and i thought i was alone in this, was so scared and full of fear and pain indeed Jack and the people here brought me hope and sanity on that day when i was bitten i thought it was just going to heal up and was going to return to my daily life i lost my friends loved ones and family they all left but this pack brought me back nice to meet you Jaxel how did you get here ohh Jack is actually my uncle as soon as i turned he came to get me because i wasn't bitten its been in my family for generation as some of the people here are my family reations and I've been totally clueless until now wow! Insane and your parents kept it from you all along ohh yea they did i bet you i didn't know how to feel or react as soon as i found out i felt like I've been deceived all along as i don't even know who i am i feel lied to, don't even know how to trust my mom anymore i bet there's more to come. ohh I'm so sorry you had to experience al of that Jaxel. 

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