I love a Yakuza


"Okasan wa leaving, imasu!"

I yelled out.

"Aki, can you throw out the trash!" kasan  yelled back.

I stumbled down the stairs while quickly pulling on my school blazer and sticking my head in through the kitchen door.

"But kasan, rin is already waiting to give me a ride..." I complained.

I didn't stay around any longer. I had already slipped on my shoes near the front door and ran outside.


I can hear my mother shout after me as I make my way through our front gate and onto the back of Rin's bike.

"Ikimasu!" (Go!) I yelled out, slapping Rin's shoulder while doing so.

Rintaru has been my best friend since childhood. When I was in second grade, I had always been bullied because of my girly and nerdy appearance. But thankfully I had Rin who was always there to protect me from  bullies.

Rintaru had always been a popular guy when growing up and I always use to wonder why someone like him would stick beside someone like me who was too weak to even defend himself. Whenever I asked him this, Rin would say, "Aki-chan is going to be my wife. I have to protect him!"

But I know he only says those things to cheer me up whenever I was doubting myself.

Rin is not only popular and has extremely good looks but he is also very good at sports. with his jet black hair that falls to his shoulders but he always kept it tied  in a ponytail, he is also tall, tanned and muscular. Which is definitely a huge contrast to my pale and slim appearance.

It was no surprise that Rin became even more popular once we entered high school and he also became a well-known player. But it was in middle school that Rin had pierced his ears and brought about his bad-boy persona.

But I never cared about any of that because Rin is my best friend who cares about me as much as I care about him.

In Rin's eyes, I am this fragile, 5'2 high school boy who always needs his popular best friend taking him to and from school every day. I had tried to tell Rin that I could just commute by train every day, but It was like I was talking to thin air.

At least now that I am in high school, I don't get bullied anymore. I only have hordes of girls always begging to dress me up and do my hair. Rin says it is because I am too pretty to be a boy, but what does that even mean being too pretty to be a boy?! I can't even remember when Rin had made himself my bodyguard at school, it just happened.

We reach our school right as the disciplinary sensei was closing the gates.

"Wait!" Rin called out and peddled faster.

Luckily, we made it through the gates just in time.

"Rintarou! Aki! This is the fourth time this week, you guy's are seriously cutting it close!" The disciplinary sensei angrily reprimanded us like always.


Rin just saluted and zoomed by sensei who had his hands planted firmly on his hips.

"And slow down!"

But Rin just kept on going at the same speed anyway.

"Rin, you're going to get into detention again if Masura-sensei writes you up!"

I say this to Rin once he stopped in front if our school entrance. I couldn't help but worry for my best friend.

"Aki worries too much!" Replies Rin as we both get down from his bike. "Alright then, go inside before attendance is taken. I'm going to go lock up my bike, so I'll see you at Lunch time, Aki-chan~"

Rin waves as he walks away from me.

"Stop calling me Aki-chan! It's Aki or Akio!" I yell towards his retreating back.

Rin chuckles. "Yeah, yeah, Aki-chan~"

I pouted and glared intensely at Rin's back before.

"Saki, get off of Aki! You're going to suffocate him with that big chest of yours!" said a girl called Makia as she tried to pull her best friend Sakura off of Akio.

"Nani...Nani..." (What) Sakura pouted as she climbed off of Akio's body.

Once free, Akio quickly pushed himself off of the ground with his face still red from the encounter. Encounters with Sakura always left him feeling heated.

"Gomen'nasai.." Sakura suddenly apologized.

She saw how red Akio was in the face, thinking maybe she had been a bit too rough and had caused him harm.

Akio raised his head to look at Sakura's adorable face and felt suddenly warm.

She really is tiny, Akio thought, With her big round eyes that sparkle, long black hair that falls like silk down her back, pretty pink lips that always shine and her beautifully pale complexion, she really was the right fit for him.

Akio really thought that they would be perfect together.

"Gomen'nasai" Sakura repeated, looking even more guilty.

She was trying to get a response from the adorable aki, but he just stood there still flushed in the face. Aki also realised he was standing there just staring at Sakura like a baka (idiot) and turned even redder in the face. He tried to find a response to give to sakura but it was like all the words had escaped him. This always happened.

"Saki, just let the boy sit down. He just arrived and you had tackled him at first sight." scolded Makia.

"But aki never talks to us...and he's so adorable that I could just squeeze him all day." confessed Sakura, holding onto Akios hands as she kindly led him to his desk to sit.

"Just let him be!"

Maki said this as she pulled a reluctant Sakura back to their own seats.

The door to the classroom then opened and Nagi sensei entered, taking a quick look around to make sure everyone was in their assigned seats.

"Okay, quiet down."

A sigh left Akio's lips as Nagi sensei did roll call. He was thinking back to when Sakura had tried to apologize to him and all he did was stand there like a baka without saying even one word. No doubt she thought he was a weirdo now.

Akio doesn't understand how he can talk to everyone else just fine yet when it comes to interacting with Sakura, he becomes too shy and closed off. It was so lame that Aki promised next time, he'll ask Rin what to do in this situation and be prepared.

Akio sighed and banged his forehead down onto his desk.

"Hasegawa-kun, why are you not paying attention?!" Nagi sensei called out to Akio.

But akio who wasn't paying any attention failed to notice any of that.


"W-what?" Akio's head jerked up in surprise.

The reason why he hadn't responded earlier was because he had fallen asleep.

"Care to explain what the equation for this question is?" Nagi sensei asked and waited patiently.

Shit! Akio thought. He hadn't even been listening so of course he didn't know the equation. Sensei who wore a knowing look and who had purposely put Akio on the spot because of his negligence, continued waiting for Aki's answer.

Without any other choice, Aki looked towards the board to where the equation was, quickly solved it in his head and gave to answer to Nagi sensei.

"Correct, but next time you want to sleep in my class young man, you had better think twice. You already know that I expect your full attention at all times." Aki nodded. "Come to the detention room at lunch, you will be eating there as punishment. Do I make myself clear?"

"Hai." (yes)

Akio slumped down in his chair as everyone started to chuckle at his carelessness.

When Nagi sensei returned to his lesson again, Akio discreetly pulled his cellphone out and sent a quick text to Rintaru.

[Pick up some lunch for me and bring it 2 the detention rm at lunchtime pls.]

Akio kept his phone unlocked to wait for Rin's reply. His phone vibrated in his hands and he read Rin's simple reply:


Next chapter