Chapter Five

Kristen stood by Shay, his arm tucked securely beneath hers as though he were protecting her from all who dared to intrude. She felt awkward standing here, being here. Only the rich and elite were invited to this event, which made her wonder about her escort. Shay never mentioned much about his past, except to tell her both his mother and father were dead, and his sister married a half breed Blackfoot.

She didn't know if he was rich and powerful, or if he just knew the right people who could help him advance in life. If that was the case, she thought, what would he do if he knew who and what she really was? One thing she did know for certain was how very striking he appeared in his black and red devil's costume. Just what an Angel needed, she mused. A handsome devil to tempt her!

The evening progressed with little or no disturbance. Kristen heard several people referring to the incident at the hotel that afternoon and verbally applauding Shay's chivalry, but not once did anyone mention her or even ask who she was. Hidden safely behind her mask, Kristen felt a certain degree of boldness. She danced with Shay and laughed at his jokes, smiling and flirting innocently until she was certain she was indeed ascending a stairway toward heaven.

Supper was served just after nine o'clock in the massive dining hall of the mayor's mansion, who had hosted the annual spring event. Kristen sat next to Shay, staring at the chandelier with a twinge of excitement. She was amazed and delighted at how this room reminded her of home, of happier times when her parents were alive, and the old castle sang with festivities. She became melancholy as memories began to consume her attention. Shay noticed the sudden change in his date's manner noting the slight bowing of her head.

"Smile," he told her in a whisper next to her ear.

His breath was warm and sent a chill of pleasure and anticipation down her spine. Kristen smiled as ordered, but weakly. There were too many emotions rambling around inside her to allow her to display true pleasure.

"What's the matter?"

Shay's words were softly spoken, though Kristen felt certain everyone around them could hear. She didn't want to cause gossip or be tomorrow's topic of the town's talk yet try as she might she couldn't push aside the memories invading her soul.

"Oi’m not ‘ungry," she lied, hearing the soft rumble from her stomach. "Oi tink Oi’m jist knackered."

"Stop thinking," Shay ordered.

He was certain the events of the day were catching up to her and until he could get her back on the dance floor or better yet, alone in the garden, he couldn't do more than talk with her.

Before Kristen could think of anything to say to help relieve Shay's concern, the Mayor leaned his balding head toward them. His heavy mustache hung in the corner of his mouth and his chubby cheeks were red from the excursions of the evening's festivities.

"You know, Sinclair, you can't keep her to yourself forever," he joked, wrinkling his nose as he spoke.

Shay turned his attention away from Kristen eyeing the distinguished man dressed in knight's armor sitting at the head of the table.

"I beg your pardon," he said with a smile. "I could have sworn you were a happily married man, and I can assure you, Sir Knight, this damsel does not need rescuing unless it's from you that is."

"No man is happily married when there's a vision as beautiful as this next to him, and from what I've been hearing, you've done quite a decent job of rescuing yourself." Kristen blushed as the mayor patted her hand with his. "Nevertheless, I'm the elected leader of this fine city and I say it's my responsibility to make all the new arrivals feel welcome."

"Kristen isn't exactly new, she's been here for weeks, but if you insist on dancing circles around her, at least wait until after we've eaten. The poor girl will need her strength to fight the pain from your stepping on her toes."

"If you weren't my favorite nephew young man, I'd disown you."

"I'm your only nephew, Uncle Stewart, and I'd hate to think of what the fine folks of this city would say if they knew you were flirting with my date," Shay teased the man raising his voice slightly so his aunt could hear.

The woman frowned her disapproval and cleared her throat, telling one and all the mayor had a great deal to answer for once the ball was over. Shay chuckled at the pleading look from his uncle but returned his attention to Kristen.

"Don't take him seriously," he assured her, adjusting his mask across his eyes. "He's an excellent and very powerful government official, but harmless as a kitten when it comes to people. And he is happily married."

"Oi didn't nu yer were de mayor's nephew," Kristen whispered softly.

"Does it matter? He was my step-father's brother. He's always been very good to me. He took me and my sister in after our parents died and even helped me rebuild our farm."

"’ Oy did yer parents die?" Kristen asked, desperately wanting to know more about this handsome devil beside her.

"They were killed by outlaws when I was fourteen. Three men rode into the ranch after dark and shot them after my step-father refused to give them my mother as a personal trophy." Shay's voice seemed distant and void of emotion as he spoke.

"Oi’m sorry," she told him, sliding her hand across his arm. "Oi won't pry anymore."

"You're not prying," he told her gently, his hand capturing hers and holding it gently. "You asked an honest question and I answered it. Now tell me something," he continued lowering his voice so no one else could hear him. "What are you running away from?"

Kristen nearly choked as she took a sip of wine. She knew Shay could read her feelings, but she wasn't aware he could see into her soul as well.

"Wat do yer mean?" she asked hoarsely, wiping the spilled wine from the table.

"Kristen, I know there's more to your being here then what you've said. If there's something you're hiding from - or someone - please tell me so I can help."

"Ah’d rather not discuss it," she said, constructing yet another wall around herself, blocking him from entering.

Shay sighed. He knew this woman and he also knew there would be no way of forcing her to reveal anything once her Irish temper awoke. But he was determined enough to keep at her until he learned what this beautiful Angel of his was hiding.

Shay didn't seem to want to let Kristen go and even came close to having several fights, when he refused to allow the other young men to dance with her, including his own uncle. Many of the women were beginning to grow irritated by his behavior. The reason most of them had come to this party, was in hopes of snaring the infamous Shay Sinclair. He was not only handsome in every conceivable way, but he was known for the sensuous attention he showed to those young women fortunate enough to catch his eye.

The one and the only person who gave Kristen cause to worry, however, was dressed as Queen Anne. Her dark locks had been dusted white for the event, making her look very fashionable and stylish. The perfect portrait of the famed English noblewoman herself. Kristen knew who she was but doubted from the way the woman continued to glare that she recognized her. If she had, Kristen was certain she would have said something. She would probably have called her a barroom harlot as she had that afternoon at Hattie's, which would have led to a fight.

The hour of the unmasking was quickly approaching causing Kristen's nerves to begin to jump uncontrollably. She didn't want to take her mask off and show her face to those watching. She assumed the men wanted to dance with her mainly because Shay wouldn't release her, but never once suspected the real reason was due to the deep cleavage her gown revealed. Kristen had been embarrassed about wearing the beautiful creation due to this same fact, but finally relinquished when Hattie insisted she looked breathtaking and Shay wouldn't allow anything to happen to her. She also knew the women were glaring because they couldn't place her and assumed – however wrongly – that she was Shay's newest conquest.

As the clock struck the bewitching hour, Shay's Aunt Mary shouted across the noise, that the time to remove the masks had come. Shouts and cheers rose up over the crowd, as masks were slipped from faces, revealing to all who the mystery guests were – although there were few surprises.

Several shouts of praise rose, when Caroline removed her mask. They all knew she would have the most exquisite costume, but never dreamt it would be so brilliantly designed. As she began accepting compliments on her attire, insisting her gown was made exclusively by an Irish designer, Shay reached for Kristen's arm. He knew the rumors going around about him and Caroline had filtered through his Angel's ears, but he chose to ignore them. Instead, he helped Kristen remove her mask, revealing to all her rare and splendid beauty.

Those men who had spent the evening fighting for her attention gathered closer around. They had all admired her well-rounded curves but never imagined she would be so exquisitely radiant. Shay secured his grip beneath Kristen's arm and steered her toward the punch bowl for one last drink and as far away from the drooling of her new aficionados as possible. He dipped the ladle in the punch pouring them both a glass of the red liquid when he heard the feminine lilting behind him.

"Oh, Shay darling," Caroline said hurrying to his side and slipping her hand in his arm. "I just have to tell you how wonderful it is you brought Lady Kristen tonight. Heaven knows it must be dreadful to be new in town and have nobody to look out for you. I'm so proud of you, playing the noble knight."

"I thank you Caroline, but unlike most folks around here, I'm not accustomed to playing games. Kristen is here at my request because I asked her. I enjoy her company. Now, if you'll excuse us we were about to leave."

Shay slid Caroline's hand off his arm and reaffirmed his hold of Kristen's, turning her toward the exit.

"Oh, but you mustn't go just yet," Caroline said, stopping him with a firm grip to his free arm. "Daddy so wanted to speak with you and I was saving the last dance for you."

"Tell your father he can contact me tomorrow at the Double Arrow. As for the last dance, I believe that belongs to my date. Excuse us."

Shay nodded politely, then left Caroline to stand alone, her temper seething within her, her mind growing wicked with thoughts of murder. If this was how he wanted to act, then he could just act that way. As for her father speaking with him tomorrow, she'd make damned sure the conversation had an interesting topic.

Kristen looked at Shay for the first real-time that evening. If she didn't know better, she'd swear he was her knight, just as Caroline had suggested. He was rugged and handsome and very powerfully sensuous. She suddenly felt sorry for Caroline. How could any woman not want to be with him, let alone have his arms around them as they were around her?

"I'm sorry about that," Shay told her, whispering against her ear. "Caroline assumes that since her father owns half this town, she has the right to be rude to everyone she meets. I hope she didn't upset you too much, Lady Kristen."

Kristen stared into those beautiful dark eyes and sighed, despite herself. Handsome just didn't cut it when referring to this man.

"’Attie towl yer didn’t she," she whispered, embarrassed at the way she couldn't help staring at him.

“She said you were brilliant, but I already knew that.

“Oi shouldn’t ‘av left so abruptly. Oi’m not loike dat normally an’ considerin’ wat ‘appened…well, Oi shud ‘av tart better.

"What happened this afternoon will never happen again," he told her, stern objection echoed in his tone.

Kristen frowned at his attitude. Why was he getting so upset? She was the one Caroline had called a harlot.

"’ Tis gran’ so. Oi tink Oi’m I'm gettin' used ter it."

Now it was Shay's turn to frown. Just how many men had forced themselves on his innocent angel?

"How can you say that? I can't imagine any woman getting used to being raped."

Kristen frowned again. It became suddenly clear they were referring to two entirely separate events. Had so much happened to her this day, that she couldn't remember one horror over another?

"Oi wasn't spakin' av dat, an’ frankly, Ah’d loike to foget it ever ‘appened."

"Has it happened before Kristen?"

"Ah’d loike ter foget it, if yer don't mind. Oi wasn't referrin' ter ...Oi tart yer meant de way yer Las acted at ‘Attie's, not wat ‘appened at de hotel."

"She's not my Las, Kristen," he insisted.

Kristen sighed deeply, feeling exhausted. She was tired of dancing and playing cat and mouse games with this man and more anxious now than ever to go home and crawl into bed.

"Shay, if yer don't mind, Ah’d loike ter jist go ‘um nigh. Oi ‘av ‘ad a busy day an’ Oi’m I'm anxious ter see if Sean's al’ roi’."

Shay felt the mortar setting on the stones of her private seclusion as he gazed into her violet eyes. This woman was hiding, hiding from him, from her past, perhaps even from herself. She was frightened of everything, nearly as badly as her brother had been, but just as he was able to help Sean open back up, so he would help the sister. It was more than a promise. It was quickly becoming his lifeline.

Kristen sat quietly beside Shay as they rode back to Hattie's. She knew he was angry that he couldn’t get the answers he wanted, but she knew he wouldn't understand if she told him. She had to protect Sean and keep him hidden from the Baron. Telling anyone would run the risk of revealing her secret and lead the man back to them. Sean had just started speaking; he had such a long road ahead of him yet and he wasn’t strong enough to confront the ghosts of their past.

Shay was lost in thought as they neared Hattie's house. He wanted to spend a nice evening with Kristen, he wanted to help her forget what had happened and he wanted to celebrate Sean's progress. More than that, he wanted to feel her in his arms and hear her call him by his name and not Mr. Sinclair. He never intended to give her reason to block him out of her life entirely. Had she told him her secrets, he would have offered his help if he could, and he would have held her tight until she felt safe again. Yet knowing could be as hard as not knowing. What if she was running away from an unhappy marriage? Would he be willing to help her then? Hell yes! He thought. He didn’t care if she was married or if she was wanted for murder; his feelings for her ran deep enough he would protect her and hide her an eternity if he could.

The horses slowed in front of the house, as Shay pulled them to a halt. They sat there in silence for a few long, uncomfortable seconds trying desperately to think of something to say, but neither gaining any leverage over the other. Kristen moved softly intending to climb down from the carriage when Shay's hand shot out and caught her arm. He still didn't know what to say, but he couldn't allow her to walk out of his life without trying to stop her.

"Yer ‘urtin' me arm," she told him, her voice quivering slightly with fear.

"I didn't mean to, I just don't want you to leave yet. Stay and talk with me."

Shay eased his grip yet kept his hold. He lavished the heat her delicate flesh produced through the thin material, feeling the warmth against his palm. If only her arm were bare if only he could touch her the way he had dreamt of every night since they first met.

"Oi’m knackered Mr. Sinclair, an’ Ah’d loike..."

"Shay!" he snapped, aggravated at her refusal to call him by name and frustrated by his own lustful thoughts. "Dammit Kristen, why won't you say my name? It's a simple name and it's not hard to remember. Just say it."

"’Ill it make yer let me go?" she asked, her dark blonde lashes lowering over her violet eyes.

Shay couldn't say anything for several long moments, he could only look at her. How could he let her go once she spoke his name? Her soft brogue, her delicate tones were like a gentle caress, washing over his body and soul. Let her go, the words continued to echo in his mind. He'd tried twice now to pull his hand away, but he couldn't. He needed to feel her warmth, her tenderness beneath his touch, even if it was only her arm.

"That depends on whether or not you can say it," he whispered with deep emotion.

Kristen raised her eyes slowly, looking at the man from waist to chest, across the wide span of shoulders and finally to his lips, but that's where she stopped.

Her eyes were trapped, riveted to the lush fullness of his mouth. She remembered the way he kissed her that very afternoon, the tingle his touch caused, and the weakness she no longer despised herself for feeling. It was the same weakness she'd felt all evening long. Every time he touched her, every time he whispered in her ear, even when the only thing he did was look at her. She could feel her heart jump, and the sudden rush of heat accompanying the sensation traveled up her neck to her cheeks.

"Shay," she whispered in a single, breathless word.

His hands reached out pulling her across the seat toward him. His arms wrapped around her waist, crushing her to his chest as his lips found hers, tasting and ravishing in one urgent hungry moment. She didn't think to struggle, she didn't consider fighting. She wanted to feel this as much as he did.

Her arms slid around his neck, her trembling fingers tangled in his long dark mane. He was perfect, and he made her want...what? There was an urgent almost unstoppable need to feel more, to learn all he had to teach her.

The pressure of Shay's mouth forced her lips to part, causing a deep gasp to escape her throat. His tongue made a darting motion between her teeth, caressing, and teasing a moan of pleasure from her. If only she knew what he expected, what he wanted her to do.

Seconds seemed like hours as he played an erotic rhythm inside her mouth, urging her to play along with him. Slowly, she began to respond, feeling the heat caress her legs as it traveled upwards, mingling with the flipping sensation gripping her stomach. She heard him moan, deep and savage as his grip tightened around her waist. His hands massaged the small of her back, forcing her to arch voluntarily against him.

He was warm, hot, so much so that Kristen felt the sudden urge to touch his flesh, to cool him with the contact of her own body. Her hands slid to the front of his costume, pushing a small space between the layers of fabric. Her fingers trembled with a toying action as she eagerly fought with the buttons of his shirt until they released, allowing her to explore the span of muscles covered beneath a thick patch of soft hair.

He was magnificent. Strong as a bear, yet gentle as a newborn babe. As her fingers played a sensual game of innocent exploration against his chest, his own fingers began to explore her, not as innocently, yet just as eager. He traced the bodice of her costume with one long finger, feeling the heat radiating beneath his touch. Her delicate skin was soft as satin and he relished every inch of it.

Shay’s hand moved to the firm round mounds of her breast, straining against the thin material. He squeezed gently, yet strong enough to produce another moan. He knew it wouldn’t be long before he felt that wall go up again, but he wanted to push her as far as he could before that happened. The soft pad of his thumb began to caress the hard nipple straining against the fabric of her costume and he felt her fingers tighten in the hair on his chest.

Kristen felt the new explosions of desire erupt within her and found her body reacting instinctively. Her back arched further into his grip as he slowly slid her down to the soft leather seat of the carriage. His moan was primal, and it sent waves of heat racing through her veins. She wanted to know more, to feel more and when the warmth of his hand touched her breast, she moaned even deeper.

Shay’s body was reacting to her heat, to the desire to know and see so much more of her, and he felt his own passion strain against his britches. His hand managed to move her bodice down enough that he was able to explore her breast without resistance. She was panting against his lips and he could feel the rapid beating of her heart beneath his touch.

Slowly, he moved his lips, kissing a heated path across her cheeks to her ear where he gently nipped at the delicate lobe. Kristen gasped in surprise, but she allowed him to continue. Her need was mounting, and she fell completely into his passion. Shay moaned again as his mouth moved down her neck, across her collarbone, and between her breasts. Nothing could feel so wicked or so wonderful as to have this innocent Angel beneath him.

Kristen’s breath was ragged inside her chest as she felt the moist heat of his kisses trail over her chest. She wanted to feel so much more, but she had no idea how far this would go. When his tongue reached the hardened nipple of her exposed breast, and she felt the mixture of the cool evening air and the heat of his mouth against her skin, she nearly screamed. The sensation consumed her; lit her on fire and made every nerve ending tingle.

She found her fingers moving to his head, wrapping in the length of his soft hair as she held him to her. He suckled her breast in a heat that made her moan again as she arched her back into him. Her legs moved apart, and she found him settling on top of her, pressing her gently into the seat. A vague thought that they were still in his carriage outside Hattie’s house drifted into her mind, and she quickly dismissed it. She didn’t care where they were, just so long as he didn’t stop.

Shay knew he was nearing the pinnacle of no return. This was not the time, nor the place to take her, but his libido was demanding more. When she lifted her legs to the board surrounding the front of the covered carriage, he knew he was lost. It would take an act of God to separate them now.

His kisses burned sensuous holes into her skin as he nipped and suckled her breasts. Slowly he reached down and slipped his large hand beneath her buttocks and lifted her up, pressing against the material that hid her from his desire. Kristen moaned and gently began to wiggle her bottom, making the contact between them unbearable. It took every ounce of resistance he had not to plunge into her right there.

The burning in her stomach found its escape, traveling to the secret core between her legs. She throbbed with anticipation, but for what? She wasn't exactly ignorant of the ways a man and woman made love, but she'd never experienced anything so overwhelming before. Minute after passionate minute ticked by, taking Kristen to the point of no return. When she felt the air against her legs, she didn’t care, nor did she pay attention to the tugging at her drawers, but when the heat of his finger met her tender flesh, she became vividly conscious to the events unfolding around her.

Shay was making love to her or damned near close to it. She had to stop it, she had to fight him, but as he began to caress her, feeling the wet heat beneath his fingers, her resistance faded. The feeling was mind-blowing. She wanted to know more, to feel everything and as the urgent demand for release filled her, she knew she had gone too far. Her body tightened beneath his touch, convulsing as his fingers played a wicked game between her legs. It was the most incredible feeling she had ever had, but when she felt the sting of his fingers as he slipped into her body, she gasped.

Kristen squirmed, making his urgent need for her turn rock hard. He had never felt a woman respond so quickly or felt one as tight as she was. He wanted her, he needed her, and he didn’t care if anyone saw them. She was taking him to Eden and he wasn’t willing to stop the exploration.

Just then, he heard Kristen’s soft sobs and his mind began to clear. He realized, with a sense of guilt, he'd gone too far. Eden would have to wait for another time.

Shay looked at her, seeing her eyes closed so tight the moisture leaked out the creases in the corners, sliding down the sides of her face to mingle in her golden curls. How could he have done this to her? How could he have caused those tears after he promised her she had nothing to fear?

Slowly he rose above her, hoping the evidence of his desire would cool with her tears. He lifted Kristen up, sitting her next to him in the seat. He held her against him as he adjusted her gown, covering her luscious breasts from his hungry eyes.

"It's alright, Angel," he whispered, soothing her anguish with his gentle words. "Don't cry. Please don't cry. I didn't mean for that to happen. Please forgive me."

Kristen heard the tenderness in his voice and began to sob harder. She wanted this to happen, she wanted this as much as he had, but the memories of what she had fought against for so many long years came flooding back to her, and she found herself barricading the doors against him.

He hated to hear her cry, hated, even more, to know he was the cause of her tears. As her sorrow deepened, he began to realize it was more than his lust or the assaults from Red Eye causing her to cling to him. It was something much deeper, much more compelling. Something she didn't want to tell him but needed desperately for him to solve.

"Angel, please. Oh God, stop crying. I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong. It's more than me, isn't it? Why won't you tell me what's happened? Let me help you, please?"

Kristen pushed away from him, shaking her head. She couldn't tell him, not now, not ever. She climbed blindly from the carriage and stumbled toward the house. She had to get inside, she had to lock the door and hide. She couldn't allow this to happen again, not ever again.

Shay called after her, but she didn't stop. She ran blindly, her vision clouded by a river of tears, her mind rejecting all logic and reality. Shay jumped from the carriage, throwing the reins across the hitching post and ran to catch her. Kristen had already entered the house by the time he reached the porch. She tried to shut the door, but he easily pushed it open and grabbed her by the arm, just as she began to stumble backward from his weight against the barrier.

He pulled her into his embrace, whispering softly in her ear, calling her by name, assuring her he wasn't going to hurt her. He kept ahold of her, until she stopped struggling and her tears ceased, then he walked her to the sofa next to the large stone fireplace and sat down with her.

"You're alright, Angel," he told her, reassuring her he wouldn't allow anything to hurt her, not now, not ever.

"Oi’m sorry," she sniffed, trying to regain hold of her emotions.

She couldn't believe what she had just done. She couldn't believe she had run from the only man she'd felt safe with, in years.

"Don't apologize," he whispered, lifting her chin so he could see her swollen violet eyes. "I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have tried to force you when you weren't ready. Especially after what happened this afternoon. I just wish you would let me help you. I know you’re running away and I know it was something horrible, but I can’t help you if you won’t confide in me.

Kristen knew she could trust Shay, she knew beyond the shadow of a doubt he would never deliberately cause her heartache. So why couldn't she forget the past and start her life over? Why couldn't she put the Baron out of her mind forever?

"Tank yer'," she whispered, accepting the gentle hug he offered.

"I’m here for you,” he promised, holding her tightly against him.

Shay wrapped his arm around her waist and walked her to her room. He stepped inside checking the window and wardrobe, making certain all was secure. An unnecessary deed, but one Kristen appreciated beyond words. Watching as he locked the window and lit the lamp on the nightstand, made her feel ten times stronger. He walked over to Sean's cot and kneeled to tuck the boy in under the covers before kissing his forehead. It was an act that wrapped her heart in a tight shroud and made the tears spring to her eyes again.

"Are you alright now?" he asked quietly as he slipped his arms around her waist.

Kristen nodded as she laid her cheek against his chest, listening to the rhythmic sound of his heart beneath her ear. No words were needed to say thank you, so she didn't bother trying to find them. She did, however, accept the tender kiss he offered before he left the room and closed the door.

Next chapter