Chapter 4

Sienna’s POV

I left Spade at his house because he is still sleeping, but I left some foods for him so if he’s hungry he can eat and go to work. But still I remember what happen last night, he is forcing me to do it with him but I can’t maybe, that’s the reason why he left and come back with a drunk face…By the way I left Spade because I need to go to work at my aunties bake shop and who knows if he is still angry at me. I go inside and I saw Leiah and Stephany.

“Sienna” Stephany greeted me I walk towards them.

“Wow! Welcome back! I thought you will stay at Canada for a bit?” I said she chuckled.

“I got bored so I came back home” she said.

“Have a sit first…I just tell Auntie that you two are here” I said but Leiah hold my hand.

“No need, I already told her that we’re here and she said that you should spend time with us” she said with a smile.

My forehead twitch, “where are we going?” I ask them. They both stand up and pull me out of the shop.

“Shopping, eating and let’s talk about your marriage with Spade Agreste” Stephany said and the both go inside my car. Wow they’re really my friends they go inside my car without my permission, I just stare at them.

“Drive now” Leiah command and I just shake my head and go to the driver seat and start driving. We are so quiet inside the car, Stephany broke the silence because she played music through her phone--wait!

“That’s my favorite song” Stephany and I said, “I’m the one who told you to listen on it so it means that’s my favorite” Stepahany said while wearing those smirk on her lips.

“Fine, fine it’s your favorite now” I said while turning my car.

“Such a childish” said Stephany I just laugh but Leiah scold her like many times and she is telling her embarrassing moments when she was a child and after that we’ve reach our destination.

Spade’s POV


I woke up with an head ache when I saw a glass of cold water and I notice that I was covered with blanket, I drink the water and stand up. I look at the clock and it’s already 9am Ugh…I drink too much alcohol last night and that blanket and cold water, did she take care of me last night? I look upstairs and on her if she’s there, she already left when I go to the dining table I saw food covered of plastic there’s a letter on it.

I didn’t wake you up because you were so drunk last night, don’t worry before I left, I made you some breakfast please eat it and I’m sorry.


That’s the letter she wrote, I just lip bite when I remember what I just did to her last night I can still remember how she beg and cried to stop me. Maybe she’s really innocent but how can I face her? I hurriedly take a bath and put some clothes so I can go to my company.

Fast Forward…

I am on my office now and still thinking about her, I don’t know why she is popping on my mind right now I just open some of the papers on my desk so I can forget her.

Sienna’s POV

We are on a restaurant right now eating after we buy some things, I honestly have no intention of buying anything but when I’m with them I can’t stop buying what I want.

“So tell us what happen after your marriage” Stephany said and expecting my answer.

I nodded, “it is good” I said and eat again.

“Strange…you two are married for almost 4 years, how come you’re not pregnant yet….does your baby is not in your plan? Or not in his plan?” she ask then drink.

“Spade is recently busy” I answered.

“Hey tell us the truth…”I look at them with a worried face, “is he still not accepting you? Nor listen on your side?” I stop eating and put down the spoon.

*sigh* “He still not accepting me, that’s why we have no plans on having a baby but yesterday Spades grandpa came on our house and he ask that….”I see that there expecting what I’m gonna say next.

“That what?” they’re really expecting.

“That, within three months if I don’t get pregnant. We will get divorce and all the money and the lands that were given to Spade will be taken back, so last night….”I close my fist when I remember what he did to me yesterday.

“What happen? Did he hurt you?” Leiah ask and I saw they’re faces. They’re worried.

“He forces me to make it with him” I said.

“D*mn that guy! I’m gonna kill him really!”Stephany said while holding the spoon tightly.

“You wanna have revenge? Just tell me and I’m gonna do it for you” Leiah ask I notice that she’s pissed because her tone is different.

I laugh for some reason, “No, I don’t want have a revenge” I said while sip on my juice mm! Not bad I should visit this restaurant sometimes.

“Then, divorce with him” Leiah said, I look at her straightly.

“I can’t do that” I said.

“What? Why?” they both ask.

“He will lose his money if I do that” I said.

“But you don’t love him anymore right?” Stephany ask.

“I……still love him” I said.

“But he is a jerk and he doesn’t love you back…. It’s not fair that you’re the only one who is loving him” Leiah said.

I love that jerk that is why I’m waiting for his ears to listen and I’m willing to wait” I said and smiled.

“I’m really sad for you” Stephany helplessly said…I just smiled and said,

“Thank you for worrying about me” I said.

“But if you some back up call us ok?” I nodded as a response and we finish our food. After that, we go home now because it’s already 8pm and in a whole day we are just inside the mall and my feet hurts now. When I reach home, I notice that he is not home yet because there’s no light on our house. I open the door and open up the lights. I don’t know if what time is he coming back home but I’m going to wait for him, an hour past but there is no sign of him maybe he is over working himself right now. I lay on the sofa bed and close my eyes.

I woke up on my bed and it’s already morning, when I heard something the kitchen so I go down slowly so he won’t hear my foot step and I peek on him behind the wall, he is cooking I think this the first time I saw him cooking.

“Come out” I get confused when he started talking, did he already know that I was here on the entire time? I come out behind the wall, did he carry me all the way through my room last night? I felt my cheeks heats up because I imagine him carrying me.

He looks at me seriously and put the food on the table, will he get angry again because I woke up late? Will he scold me? I’m really nervous right now.

“Sit” I was surprise when he only said one word.

“What?” I ask I want to hear it again maybe I’m hearing wrong.

“Should I repeat it again?” he ask back, oh I’m hearing it right! But why is he so calm to me?

“N—no” I said and sit while he is preparing our food. He is really weird like what did he eat yesterday? I look at him and he is serious and calm. I don’t know but I think I have a chance to explain my side on him.


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