Orphan Maid


31.98k words

32 chapters



Table of Contents


Tara is an orphan girl, who lived her whole life in an orphanage in a small village. she has never been to the city before. A proposal came in for Tara to go to the city to work as a maid in a rich family. What will life be for an orphan maid.

She fall in love with one of the sons in the house, Nick fell for her the first time he met her. They got engaged, but faith turned things around were Tara was thrown out of the house by Nick's Mother and siblings. When Nick travel to Canada.

she later notice she was pregnant. What will happen next.



Sedem Trunk

#TEAM Tara

2024/1/9 Reply

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2023/1/17 Reply

Dorathy Bassey


2022/1/27 Reply