Episode 2: StrikeOut

"Honey! Wake up! You're going to be late!" Rory groaned covering his ears as he rolled over in his blue and green bed.

"Rory Beasley! The sun is shining and birds are chirping, you're going to be late!" The voice called again, Rory finally rolled out of bed his body feeling sluggish and eyes burning from sleepiness, he rushed to the bathroom going to brush his teeth and get dressed, why couldn't school happen when people were, you know, awake?

Rory ran down the stairs still putting on his shirt as he turned and dashed in the kitchen, "I'm ready! I'm ready!" Rory called out, "For what squirt?" Kassidy asked she was sat at the kitchen table, a white bowl in front of her, lazily eating cornflakes out of it, she was dressed already, but her hair was still up in curlers.

"For school, mom was calling me and, an-and..." Rory said confused as he looked around the kitchen, "And it's Saturday?" Kassidy said pointing her spoon at the calendar chuckling at the defeat on Rory's face, Rory sighed dropping his books on the table, letting his head collapse next to them.

"Mom said to wake up!" Rory complained, "She fooled you" Kassidy said shrugging before putting her bowl away in the sink, "You sad, sad gullible eleven year old" She said patting his head on her way out still laughing at him, "There you are honey" Savanna said coming into the kitchen a smile on her face as she took in the jeans and stripped yellow and blue T-shirt her son was wearing.

"And dressed no less" She said kissing his cheek, "Mom, it's Saturday, why am I awake on Saturday?" Rory asked sitting up, "You have to wake up everyday honey, it's kinda tradition" She said before going into the fridge, "No, I mean, I was planning on sleeping in, reading comic books, inviting Chase over, playing basketball, eating snacks watching cartoons, Saturday stuff!" Rory exclaimed, "Well that's the problem, I was hoping you wouldn't laze around in bed all day, now you have more daylight to do "Saturday stuff"" Savanna told him, "Now I wanna do more sleep stuff" Rory groaned sitting back down, "Oh hush, now what do you want for breakfast?" Savanna asked, "Sleep?" Rory suggested, "Oh you- you'll have jam, toast, milk and an egg, how does that sound?" Savanna asked taking the ingredients out, "You had me at jam!" Rory said grinning, she smiled at him before getting started.

"Can I invite Chase over now?" Rory asked in one breath right after he swallowed the rest of his food, "Sure, as long as his parents don't mind" Savanna said, Rory jumped from his chair rushing to the phone, he quickly dialed the number bouncing eagerly waiting for an answer.

"...Hello?" Chase answered, his voice groggy, "Chase? It's me!" Rory answered happily, "Who.." Chase questioned with a yawn, "Rory Beasley, "Ro-yo", your best friend, partner in crime, classmate, the-" Rory began explaining before a tired Chase interrupted him, "Hi Rory, why and how are you awake?" He asked, "That's not important- come over! Let's do Saturday stuff, my mom said you could, if your parents don't mind anyways" Rory replied, "Okay, okay I'll come over, they won't mind, their still asleep" Chase said yawning again.

"What'd his parents say?" Savanna asked smiling as she put away the breakfast dishes after washing them, "They said...he could come over!" Rory replied, "That's nice honey, stay out of trouble, I'm going to go shopping in a bit" She said kissing his forehead, "I will! Don't worry!" Rory said before running off to get his comic books in anticipation of Chase.

"The other little snots here!" Kassidy called out, Rory took his armful of comics running downstairs, seeing Chase walk in, "I love you too" He said sarcastically, Kassidy rolling her eyes at him before heading back upstairs finishing taking her curlers down, "Chase-Y!" Rory shouted grinning, "Hey! What's up dude?" Chase said high-fiving him, "I've got comics!" Rory announced showing him his other hand, "We've read these already though..." Rory said looking down at the older things, "We can read em' in different voices!" Chase said snapping at him, Rory's eyes gleamed with excitement, "Yeah! With a brain like that why don't you get A's on every test?" Rory asked, "Beats me" Chase said shrugging. The two raced through to the kitchen getting chips and sodas before pilling on the couch starting to read all the super hero comics they had, laughing at the voices they gave each character as they flipped through them.

It was a little later in the day then, the sun still out when Daniel came through the door a wide smile of achievement on his face as he clasped his hands together entering the house.

"Buckaroo have I got news for you!" Daniel said grinning at his son, Rory was sprawled one way on the couch while Chase was sprawled the other way, comic books were open on them and the floor, and they were lazily tossing a ball back and forth to each other now chip crumbs around their mouths.

"You got a tattoo?" Rory questioned looking up, "What?- No" Daniel said frowning a bit in question, "Your car broke down?" Chase suggested, "And, why would I be smiling?" Daniel asked him causing Chase to shrug,

"No, I got us tickets to a baseball game! Doesn't that sound fun?" Daniel exclaimed, "When is it?" Rory asked, "Today! We got to get a move on if we wanna make it! The bright sun, voting for our favorite teams, salted pretzels, hot dogs, peanuts, popcorn, soda pop! We're burning daylight! Let's get a move on buckaroo!" Daniel said rubbing his hands together in excitement.

"I'll pass" Rory said yawning, "Last one outs a rotten eg- Huh?" Daniel stuttered a bit flabbergasted, "You'll what?" He asked again, "I'll pass, I don't want to go out, I want to laze around the house" Rory said licking a chip off his chest, "Let me guess, and do "Saturday stuff"?" Daniel asked in a slightly mocking tone, "That's the one!" Rory said grinning, "Why don't you take Kassidy?" He suggested, "Are you kidding? She wouldn't be caught dead there" Daniel said, Rory shrugged causing his father to sigh, "I had everything all planned, I got the tickets and everything..." He muttered turning to leave out.

"I'll go" Chase piped up causing Rory and Daniel to stare at him, "You will?" Daniel questioned, "He will?" Rory said sitting up a little, eyes wide, "I will, if you don't mind" Chase said sitting up brushing the crumbs of himself, "Well, I mean..." Daniel said considering it for a moment before he snaked a arm around Chase's shoulders pulling him close patting him roughly, "Why not? Hey I bettcha we catch the winning ball!" Daniel said grinning, "Alright!" Chase exclaimed, Daniel handed over a ticket to him before they walked out, leaving Rory still staring in surprise, "Oh and, have fun doing your Saturday stuff son!" Daniel called out, "See ya Ro-yo!" Chase called after him.

"What's wrong with you?" Kassidy asked waltzing into the living room, "He left me..." Rory replied staring at the door in awe, "You're little friend? Yeah no duh, he doesn't live here no matter how much you invite him over" Kassidy said brushing off the couch before sitting next to Rory, "My little friend and my little dad!" Rory exclaimed standing up, "I won't stand for this!" He said, "You just did" Kassidy said blowing some hair out of her face, "Well, I won't sit for this!" Rory said before turning to walk away, "Wait, where are you going?" Kassidy asked, "I'm going to have fun, by, my, self!" Rory told her pointing a thumb to his chest, "Not before cleaning up this mess, mom's gonna freak is she sees how you left this place" Kassidy said gesturing to the comics, thrown around trash and crumbs, "I'm gonna have fun, by myself! After I clean this!" Rory exclaimed again, before going over picking up his trash.

"What's wrong with my baby? I thought he'd be ransacking the bags by now" Savanna said, she'd come home with arms full of groceries she'd began putting away with Kassidy, "The little snot- Kassidy began saying before Savanna gave her a glare, "Rory's been in his room all evening since Chase and Dad left" Kassidy explained, "Chase and Daniel?" Savanna said with a snort, before putting away a head of lettuce, "That's unbelievable" She giggled, "They went to some game or something, Rory was whining about it before he shut himself up in his room" Savanna said, "Oh well I'd be whining too, my dad taking my best friend instead of me to a game" Savanna said pouting, "Hey maybe dad just needed a break from the little dweeb" Kassidy said shrugging, "Oh stop" Savanna said lightly batting at her daughter.

"Rory! Rory Beasley, it's time for dinner honey" Savanna said knocking on her son's door, it was even later in the evening now, Daniel had returned home, and Rory still wasn't coming out. Rory stood at his door from the other end throwing at his dart board, "I'm not hungry" Rory responded, his stomach growling right after it, "Not even you're on my side?" He quietly questioned his stomach, "Honey, I made steak! We even have Mac and cheese" Savanna said trying to coax him out, "Is, HE here?" Rory asked coming closer to the door, the promise of his mothers Mac and cheese beckoning him to come out.

"If "HE" is your father, then yes, he will be, he lives here too you know" Savanna said folding her arms leaning against the door, "Can't I eat in my room?" Rory tried one last time, "Not, a, chance, I'll be scrubbing cheese from your blankets for ages!" Savanna told him, she heard him sigh before he finally opened the door she backed up in anticipation.

"There's my little man!" Savanna said kissing his cheeks, which Rory scrunched up his face from wiping away the lipgloss she left there, "Now let's go have some dinner" She said taking his hand leading him downstairs and to the kitchen where they took their hands apart, Kassidy was already eating sitting beside Daniel at there oval shaped table, Rory shot glares at Daniel who was wearing a baseball cap to the table.

"Now then, the family's all here" Savanna said smiling sliding into her seat while she urged Rory to do the same, "Pass the rolls" Daniel asked his wife when she sat, "Of course dear," She said handing them over, "Dad, did you have a good time at the game? Kassidy asked, her and Rory exchanged looks sticking their tongues out at each other mockingly, before Rory looked back down to his plate, "In fact, In fact I did!" Daniel said taking a swing of fruit punch, "Ya know, that Chase Fowler is a good kid" Daniel said laughing, "Chase Fowler a good kid? Oh brother" Kassidy said rolling her eyes, Daniel laughed a bit,

"No I'm serious, we watched the game, we shared snacks, it was a real American experience!" Daniel exclaimed, "And ya know," He said wiping his mouth while Savanna smiled watching him get so excited, "We actually did catch the winning ball!" Daniel told his family.

"That's amazing dear!" Savanna said shaking Rory's arm a little, "Isn't that amazing?" She asked, to which he just glanced up before looking away, "Where is the ball dad?" Kassidy asked, getting Daniel's eyes off Rory, him noticing his sons odd behavior "Oh uh, I let Chase keep it, he was "stoked"!" Daniel laughed. Keep the winning ball? That was the last straw.

"Ro-Yo!" "Hey! Rory!" "Heeellllo? Earth to Ro-Yo!" Chase said racing in the hallway up past the crowd to Rory, "What you got cotton in your ears or something?" Chase asked laughing as he finally caught up, "What?" Rory responded a bit coldly, "What?" Chase mocked him laughing again, "You got business with me or something Fowler?" Rory asked stopping in his tracks to stare at him, Chase looked a bit taken aback, "Uh, yeah I do actually" Chase said reaching into his black leathery looking jacket pocket, Rory's eyes on him the whole time, "Look what I got!" Chase said holding up a baseball, "There was a home run and the thing came right to us! It was crazy! Your dad spilled his soda trying to get it!" Chase said laughing at the memory, "Oh, is he MY dad now?" Rory asked folding his arms, "What crawled in your shorts and died?" Chase mumbled putting the ball away.

"Guys less talking, more working!" A Teacher said shooing them into the classroom, they shared a glare before going into the room.

*What a rat! Putting his ball right in my face, some pal* Rory thought glaring at Chase who was staring ahead at the teacher, *He's not even paying attention, he's just trying not to look at me" Rory thought squinting his eyes at him.

"Eyes on your own work Mr.Beasly" Ms.Collins said as she swayed around the chairs and desk making Rory quickly look at his own paper.

Rory went to lunch after the bell rung, the place was loud like normal, the smell of whatever the lunch lady was cooking wafting through the breeze, he started to go to the line feeling a little out of place without Chase behind him, but he couldn't give in, what he did was unforgivable!

"What's for Lunch Linda?" Rory asked smiling up at the lunch lady, she looked down at him, her eyeshadow just as blue as ever, "Spaghetti" She spat, before sloshing the food down on his tray making him jump a little, a meatball almost rolling off the top, "Whoa, a little quick aren't ya? Careful, I might have to report ya" Rory joked, she growled a bit before tossing him a cup of salad and slice of toast, "NEXT!" She shouted causing the children to hurry along, "Tough room" Rory thought as he made his way to the table him and Chase usually sat at.

Rory just knew he had to win his father back, he'd used that Sunday trying to talk to him and help out with some stuff after he'd stopped being angry about him going to the baseball game in the first place, but wasn't sure if it was enough Rory looked around the place as he forked up some spaghetti, *Brain stormings, hard on your own* He thought slurping some up, as his mind drifted to what he could do with his father and school work.

"Hey Rory!" A voice interrupted his thoughts "How do you win an oldmans heart?" Rory thoughtfully said, The kids smile dropped as he backed away in confusion. "I didn't mean it like that! I meant my old man- as in my father!" Rory called out, standing up trying to get them back, he sighed plopping back down on his seat seeing the boy leave, hearing chuckles behind him as he did, he turned his head to see who was laughing at him, to see Chase.

"What's funny?" Rory asked glaring, "Nothin'" Chase said abruptly halting his laughter, "Then what are you laughing at, Fowler?" Rory asked standing up to face him, "I said nothin', Beasley" Chase said back, they glared at each other once again, before Chase broke the silence, "What's your problem man?" He asked, "I don't like thieves!" Rory replied, "Don't call me a thief!" Chase said taking offense, "Don't be one!" Rory retorted, "This is bogus, I'm outta here!" Chase said leaving in a huff, Rory sat back down aggressively eating his spaghetti.

"Hey Dad!" Rory shouted, almost making Daniel trip as he was just walking into the living room, "Hey Buckaroo, how was school-" Daniel barely got the words out before Rory dropped his books running over to hug him, Daniel frowned in confusion but hugged Rory a smile appearing on his face, "What's gotten into you Buckaroo?" Daniel asked laughing a bit, although he wasn't complaining, "Nothing, I missed you!" Rory told him staring up at his father his blue eye glimmering, "Well then, how about you get done with homework, and I'll take us out for ice cream? How does that sound?" Daniel asked lifting Rory up holding him upside down tickling him making him laugh wildly.

"Help me with it?" Rory asked as he was put back on his feet, "Sure thing buckaroo!" Daniel agreed, Rory ran picking up his books rushing up to his room, "Hey," Savanna said catching Daniel before he went upstairs, "Hey!" Daniel responded wrapping his arms around her waist kissing her, "Where are you going?" She asked, "To Rory's room, I'm helping him with homework- say a prayer for me, hmm?" Daniel said making her laugh, "Why? Rory's a good student when he trys!" Savanna said lightly punching his arm, "Yeah, but I wasn't" Daniel said tensing up before traveling up the stairs, "Go get em' tiger!" Savanna told him pinching his butt as he dashed up, "Fresh!" Daniel called at her as he disappeared at the top of the stairs making Savanna laugh.

"Alright Buckaroo, what's troubling ya?" Daniel asked slapping his hands together, pulling up a chair sitting at the corner of Rory's desk, tilting the little lamp down at the paper in front of Rory.

"Math" Rory told him, "Oh boy" Daniel said wiping his brow, "Oh boys right" Rory said looking at all the problems on his page, "Let's get started" Daniel said.

An hour later the two were done with the homework, it was tough but they kept at it, both being exhausted afterwards, Daniel was pleasantly surprised that Rory was so dedicated to his work right then, use to him making excuses or being distracted and talkative during any of their homework sessions.

"All done Buckaroo, time for ice cream!" Daniel said, Rory jumped out of his chair celebrating making Daniel chuckle at him, he stood up rubbing his sons head, "Let's get a move on!" Daniel said, "Alright! I want strawberry cheesecake!" Rory said happily, "You'll get it, and you know, you deserve it too, I'm proud of you Buckaroo" Daniel said putting his arm around his shoulders, Rory smiled up at him trying to wrap his arm around his dad's broad back as they walked together.

"Where are you two handsome young men going?" Savanna asked from on the couch reading a book, "Ice cream!" Rory cheered, "He did so good with his homework, I have to take him out" Daniel said laughing, "Sounds great, you guys gonna swing by and get Chase?" Savanna asked, Rory frowned at her, "Hey, that sounds great, wanna call him up?" Daniel asked looking down at Rory, "I'd rather gag myself with a fork" Rory said shocking his parents, "Come here honey" Savanna said patting the couch beside her, Rory walked over sitting there Daniel sitting on the other side keeping Rory in the middle.

"Something up?" Savanna asked putting an arm around his shoulders, "Up? Up with what? What's wrong with a guy getting ice cream with his pops, ALONE?" Rory asked folding his arms, Daniel and Savanna exchanged a look before focusing on their son once more.

"As much as I love the extra attention, and you being on your homework, this isn't you" Daniel said wrapping his arms around his shoulders, "What's wrong Buckaroo?" He asked staring down at him, "Well..." Rory said breaking eye contact, looking down fiddling with his hands, "Honey?" Savanna said kissing his cheek, "I like baseball too..." Rory said, "Baseball?" Daniel questioned, "Yeah, baseball," Rory said standing up, "You took Chase and not me, why? I'm your son not him!" Rory said, "Well Rory, I thought you didn't want to go," Daniel said chuckling, "It's not funny dad!" Rory told him, "I'm not laughing Buckaroo, is that what's wrong? The baseball game? I only took him cause I couldn't take you, you know that" Daniel said, "No I don't" Rory mumbled, Daniel stood up with him, a sympathetic smile on his face, "Rory listen, you're my son, you're always going to come first, Chase isn't my son- thank goodness...But you know what I mean" Daniel said, "I guess I do" Rory said, "Oh honey, you shouldn't ever feel neglected, we love you very much, you don't have to do anything special for your fathers or my love" Savanna told him gently.

"Thanks Mom, Dad" Rory said hugging them, a pit coming in his stomach when Savanna spoke again, "One thing I want to know honey, if you were this upset, I'm sure you let Chase know how you felt?" She asked in a knowing way, "About that- You guys up for ice cream now?" Rory asked trying to switch the conversation, "Rory Beasley, I won't let you lose your friend over this, Chase didn't do anything wrong, why not go make up?" Savanna urged him, Rory looked from her to Daniel, next thing he knew he was roaming the neighborhood of Charleston looking for his friend.

Rory walked from the suburbs looking part where he lived going around the shops, there were a few places he knew Chase hung out at, and sure enough he found him by a park a few blocks down, he was on a swing playing with a yo-yo, while slowly swaying himself, Rory suddenly felt a bit choked up, what does he say? I thought you stole my daddy, that's why I was being a jerk- that sounded stupid and lame...But what do you say?

Rory was in front of Chase before he'd thought of anything, and ended up just mumbling out a "Hi".

"What are you doing here?" Chase asked standing up, Rory didn't feel very intimidated though, him and Chase had been friends for as long as he could remember, it actually didn't really make sense for him to be fighting with him or whatever he was doing.

"I'm here to see you" Rory said, "Oh really?" Chase asked folding his arms, "What for?" He asked, "Just to see, if you wanted to...hang out?" Rory asked, "I was starting to think you didn't want to hang out anymore" Chase told him he wasn't sure if he sounded mad or just disappointed, "You're my best friend, who else would I hang out with?" Rory questioned it was a simple answer, simple and pure, it sounded so right coming out of his mouth he even chuckled a bit, he saw Chase crack a smile, before spinning his yo-yo up catching it in hand shoving it in his pocket.

"You know something?" Chase said, "What?" Rory questioned, "You're my best friend too" He said pushing him, Rory laughed a little as they lightly shoved at each other before starting to walk together back towards the Beasley's house their conversation picking up where it had left off, as they got to the front about to go in Chase stopped the conversation "And so, I think I could live on cheese-" Rory was saying before the interruption, "Hey Rory, if you want it, you can keep this" Chase said pulling out the home run baseball from his coat.

"You're dad caught it, I don't really need a baseball anyways.." Chase said holding it out to him, "No, you keep it, my dad caught it, but he gave it to you," Rory told him, "But Rory," Chase started, but Rory stopped him, "He wanted you to have it, and hey- if it had to be anyone else but me to have it, I'd want it to be you too" Rory said smiling, "Thanks Ro-Yo" Chase said grinning before putting it back to his pocket.

"There you boys are! How about we all go to a baseball game, this weekend?" Daniel asked as soon as they entered, Savanna smiling from where she sat on the couch, "I'd love to! I'm sick of home Saturday stuff anyways!" Rory quickly said, "What about you Chase could you ask your parents?" Savanna asked, "I think they'd like for me to be gone another weekend" He said grinning in excitement, as him and Rory shook each other by the shoulders both grinning ecstatic to be going together.

"Let's go look at my baseball cards!" Rory said, "Alright!" Chase said both of them racing up to Rory's room, his parents chuckling as they went.

"Whooo!" "Whooo!" "Dad can you stop them, they've been doing the "wave" for EVERYTHING" Kassidy said in annoyance watching Rory and Chase beside each other both wearing matching baseball caps and catchers mitts, slinging their arms up and down, laughing and throwing popcorn at each other.

"Just focus on the game sweetie" Daniel said making Kassidy sigh sitting beside her mother, having some circular shades on and a sun hat, resting her hand on her face while her elbow was rested on he thigh. "We should do this more often" Savanna said kissing Daniel's cheek, "We should" Daniel said hugging her close making her smile.

Soon their eyes were glued to the game watching as the team hit another home run, "No way!" Daniel shouted, "It's coming right for us!" Savanna exclaimed, Kassidy bent down quickly hiding, "Boys watch out, watch-!" Daniel was shouting before the crowd erupted into cheers, and screeches, as they looked over seeing Rory had caught the ball.

Rory held it up in a winning pose, grinning madly looking over his family in satisfaction.

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