She Falls to the Sky

She Falls to the Sky

Swiftly, swiftly she rides the beast through the Western Current, nudging the reins to make him para-glide. His giant furry wings blows the clouds in front of them away so they can see where they are going.

She presses her right knee into his side and he turns to the right with an echoing cry, alerting any other rider in his medium of his presence.

It is a matter of minutes now before the air becomes black and still, leaving the clouds to glow and illuminate the path.

'Faster, Asta!' she cries to the beast.

Asta takes in a long pull of air, expanding his body and releases it, the exhale pushing away clouds in front of them. More energy pumps to his wings and he beats them harder and faster, propelling them forward with greater velocity.

She is now able to relax her position and she starts to think through different strategies in her head. The news is that The Lady is in danger, of what, she doesn't know, but she does know that she has to get there quickly, after all it is her duty as one of the The Lady's two hands to protect her. She wonders if, Farr, the other hand is already there.

She gently pulls out a feather-like fur from the back of the beast and sticks it in the gap between two upper front incisors.

She needs do this just once more, finish protecting The Lady today and she is free of service to The Lady. She wonders what she'll do. Lo-aare is her sweetheart, they've flitted around the matter of getting tied but they haven't been serious about it. She hopes he'll agree to have them tied soon and they'd be a couple and do things together.

Then there is her dream.

The rumours.

There has been the ever present rumour of another world. Below their world is the sky, where most of their old clouds migrate to, and below that sky is said to be another world full of wonderful creatures and solidity. But discovering it has proved to be difficult, their old clouds has been settling for so many years and has become thicker and endless. A flying beast never goes more than two and a half stretches before it cries and turns back.

It has been her dream for years now to be the first person to discover that magical world. She'd started to train Asta right from when he was a beastling and she a child to surge through the thickest clouds and overcome the fear that grasped other beasts. She is very certain they can find that world together, then she'd prove all those people wrong, all those who believe she's loose in the head to believe the rumours. It is practically only Lo-aare who at least seems to believe her. Thinking about him, would he be willing to leave his meteorology profession and join her in the discovery of that world? Well, she'd have to find something to do about it.

Asta's slight moan catches her attention and she notices that it has already become dark. For how long it had, she isn't sure. It is getting late, they still have five three-quarter stretches to go before they reach the end of the Western Current - where the lady is.

'Haaa!' she hollers and nudges the reins.

Good Asta understands her urgency, he gives a loud cry and goes faster. Faster. Faster. From a distance they are a blur whispering through the accumbent clouds and blowing them out of proximity.

Soon the Western Current starts to get lighter like the trailing tip of dawn, signaling the near end of their flight. It never gets dark at The Lady's, unless she wants it. They burst through the clouds and the Grand Edifice comes into view in all it's glory. The building is made from the finest cloud, woven with the finest monsterthread by the finest men in the kingdom. A hovering bridge spans the divide between the Grand Edifice and the gates. She gently pulls the reins and the beast slows to a glide to ascend a gap and land on the mouth of the bridge.

As she gets down she can't help but wonder about the quietness of the place. If The Lady is in danger, shouldn't everywhere be consumed by the cries of battle?

She unties the strings of her windcheater jacket and grabs her weapons.

'Stay here, boy,' she says to Asta as he goes to perch on a staff high on the walls.

She quietly treads across the bridge and whistles.

A screeching whistle pierces out from inside the Grand Edifice. She quickens her pace, that means danger!

On reaching the huge doors it is thrown in unexpectedly but she is trained for surprises and has already chambered her weapons to a position where it will be charged with maximum kinetic energy. But nothing springs out at her so she cautiously starts to step in, giving another series of whistles.

She gets more screeches back, telling her which way they are. She turns towards the cloud room, where she will step on a cloud to take her to the next level. These clouds are no ordinary ones. No, they aren't the ones plentiful in the environment, rather they are not dissimilar to the ones that comprises the hovering bridge. The only difference is that the hovering bridge is woven with Gali spider thread as well as Stonna beast saliva to prevent it from floating away, these clouds are just spider thread and KanPsa dust, the latter to break its momentum when stepped on.

She starts to wonder where The Lady could be in all this. She can't possibly be in harm's way, the answer backs had been made by friends, not enemies. And she thinks it is the left hand.

On getting to the next level she is confronted with the scene of The Lady tied up with ozone ropes.

She gasps when she sees Farr holding a loaded piston weapon to The Lady's neck. Her heartbeat almost stops when, to her shock, she sees beside Farr, no other person than Lo-aare.

'You arrive, at last.' With her free hand Farr points a weapon at her then drops it back to a side with an evil grin on her face.

She is still shocked at seeing Lo-aare. 'What in the clouds are you doing here?'

Lo-aare rolls his eyes. Her heart is gripped by the scrawny iron hand of fear.

Lo-aare looks like someone she doesn't know and she finds herself doubting if it is really him. His face is contorted in a malicious way like a monster about to kill, his nostrils are flared like the head of the mythological cobra and his teeth bared to show off sharp teeth. Even when he rolls his eyes he still looks fearsome.

'About time you knew,' he starts in his baritone voice. 'We - that is me and my sweetheart here-' he puts his arm around Farr's shoulders which gets shrugged away '-are getting tied soon.' He shrugs. 'I was never going to tie with you, you are the loser, Farr made me realize that.'

'Shut up for now,' Farr says to Lo-aare, then turns to her. 'Dear Right Hand, you're welcome.' She grins wickedly.

She is confused and hurt and betrayed but won't break in front of them. She has to be strong for The Lady, strong to save her from these evildoers.

'Why are you doing this, Farr?' She pointedly ignores Lo-aare, even though she is still hurt and feels betrayed, she's already getting over him, she plans to kill him with her own hands after saving The Lady.

'Are you're planning to kill The Lady and take her place? That is as possible as you-'

'Enough!' cries Farr. She smirks and hits The dazed Lady on the head. 'You insult me! I have no designs on her position, what is to benefit from becoming The Lady, ruling over the kingdom boringly ever after, and never getting tied? Shit, you can't even have any relationship!'

'So what are you-?'

'Do not interrupt! I shall tell you my plan, anyways. We're to be free of service to The Lady today then we'll get fortuned. You think I don't know her plan? She's going to give you seven out of ten of the fortune,' she cackles, 'she thinks you're better than me! Well I say no! I'm going to kill her, kill you, take all the fortune to last me and Lo-aare forever and where will you be?!' Farr is ranting mad now and she is moving the piston weapon dangerously close to The Lady's neck.

'Don't do this, the kingdom . . . the kingdom is going to-'

'I don't give shit! I will make my sister The Lady, that's what she always wanted and I will indirectly hold the kingdom in my hands.' An unhealthy gleam shadows her eyes.

'That's right, it's a shame you won't be there to see everything happen, no, you will be off to your dreams.'

Lo-aare gloats at her.

She frowns, unable to understand what he means.

'What he means,' Farr supplies evilly, 'is that you'll carry the can. Who will the people blame for The Lady's death? The right hand. And poor me, I shall be the one who came to the Grand Edifice, found all the guards dead and found you killing The Lady. I shall be the hero who beheaded the betrayer and they will make me The Lady but I shall pass it to my sister. What's the fun in being The Lady, oh shit.' She starts to laugh evilly and Lo-aare joins in. Suddenly she plunges the needle end of the piston into The Lady's neck, injecting her with morfluzadine*, the fluid of death, all in one second.

'No!' she cries and runs forward only to be tackled down by a rope from Lo-aare. She's forgotten that he is a master of lasso.

He's now at her side and pulls her up by her hair. She grinds her teeth and spits in his face earning a resounding slap across the face.

'Shit girl,' he says, swearing at her. 'It will be so fun pu-'

'Get her out,' Farr shouts and kicks the dead body of The quondam Lady away.

Lo-aare drags her out by the hair. Three men are stood at the entrance and they don't look like they're going to help her.

He pushes her onto the bridge. She lands on her knees and shakily stands up looking for Asta. She must find a way of relaying a message to the nobles. They have to know what really happened.

Her eyes wander the breadth of the walls but sees no sign of the beast. Where is he? She has to find him quick! He shouldn't have gone! He's never left without her before! Why would he do that now! Or-?

'No,' she says turning to Lo-aare. Her face drops on seeing his expression. 'No!' she screams. 'What did you do to Asta?!'

'I had one of our watches shoot him while we were up, don't bother to look for him, he's gone and you'll soon follow, then you can be together deadly-ever-after.' Farr thrusts a streal into the floor and a hole forms right there.

She gulps, aching for her beast. It's over. It doesn't pain her as much as the fact that the betrayers will go unpunished.

'I got to like the beast though,' Lo-aare says and cackles.

'Shut up!' Farr cautions and at the same time turns on her heel, raises her bow and shoots the three watches one by one before they can even react. They all fall to the ground, no bones about it, dead.

She then turns to her and grins, her long red tunic blowing in the wind. Her heart misses a beat. Is she next to die? Shit, she is scared to die. Farr's impulsivity scares her the most.

'Well, well.' Farr comes up to her and strokes her neck, her heaving breathing bearing down on her. 'To a job well done.' Suddenly, she rips out her Ambra and tosses it to Lo-aare, who crushes it in his strong hands.

She cries out in pain as she watches Lo-aare toss the broken remains over the bridge.

She fights to keep her tears in check, she is as good as dead, they are going to throw her over the edge. And she is not going to stop falling, Ambra was made and given at birth to check falling and bring the person back up.

'You piece of shit!' she swears at them.

'Who cares?' Farr says. 'I'm tired of waiting,' she tells Lo-aare.

Lo-aare smiles at Farr and turns to her. 'You're lucky we are not going to kill you, directly. Instead, we are sending you to your dream.' He laughs. 'The other world.'

'Meh,' says Farr.

'Exactly.' Lo-aare agrees and chortles. 'You're just crazy to believe in all that children's tale, more to our benefit, because the people would rather believe us to a girl loose in the head.' He laughs evilly. 'Not that you'd be there to say otherwise.'

They start to move towards her, she looks over the edge and gulps. True, she wants to discover that world, but not this way! Not unprepared! She is going to die! What if there is actually no world? She'd fall till foreverhood. Now she is doubting her belief, is this even the time to think about it?

'Palamate. Farewell, Neusa,' Lo-aare says in a sad voice all the time a grin on his face.

Her eyes widen as they both push her and She Falls to the Sky.

Σηε Φαλλς το τηε Σκι,

Πέφτει στον ουρανό,


Aiyoo, I wouldn't be so wicked to leave you wanting of the main character's name. I intentionally left it for the end 😂

Neusa - | Ne-oh-sa|

A name I invented one afternoon long long ago in Geography class when the teacher wrote N.E.U.S.A on the board, as in North East USA. Haha, who does that?

I invented a lot of stuff in the story that may seem real.

E.g, Morfluzadine. ( Just blended some words. * Morte - death, Fluidus - fluid, etcetera*)

Forgive me, I'm not that good at writing in the present tense 😉 but I tried my best


1. Is Neusa crazy to believe the balderdash about another world below the sky?

2. Do you think she'll reach this other world or she'll just die on the way?

3. Where do you think she'll land? ¶Psst! Watch out, you might just wake up and find her crashed on your porch 😱¶

4. How do you like the story?

5. Do you think I should do a sequel in which She Falls from the Sky?

PS: I might not, just saying.

6. Whatcha doing at this moment?

*clears throat* I guess that's all. I know the note is long but I'm not one for writing a chapter titled Author's Note, dislike it.

Okay, so I'm begging, remember the copyright, do not plagiarise.

Don't forget to click that orange star, pwetty pwease!

The thanking of you,

Stay trick,

Until next time,
