The past week had been good for Ella. She, Rosie, Tim and Dan had been working on the project of expanding the cafe. Dan had been looking glummer than before.

Ella still hasn’t got a chance to tell them the whole truth about the marriage, and later on, she assumed that both of them knew because they would have asked her.

So, it was Saturday, and Ella was arguing with her daughter. Lilly was persistent about eating chocolate and Ella was against it. They continued arguing until she heard the doorbell. Before she could come and open the door, Lilly beats her to it.

Dan was driving around when he came across Ella’s home. Well, he was not officially given her address, but he knew that she lived next to Thompson’s. He decided to finally talk to Ella. He stopped the car in front of her house and rang the doorbell.

A little girl opened the door. Before Dan could react, a familiar voice came from the house.

“Lilly, how many times do I need to tell you not to open the door? What if there is a dangerous person?” Ella finally came into view and was shocked to see Dan. She was panicking from inside.

“Dan” her eyes were wide from apprehension.

“You know him, mom? You should call him inside. It is rude to make guests wait outside.” Lilly grabbed Dan’s hand and pulled him inside. Dan was too shocked to say a word, and Ella was too scared to react.

“Mommy, why you two are looking like that? And can I have a chocolate?” Listening to the word chocolate made Ella come to her senses and divert her attention from Dan to her daughter. 

“No Lilly, you are not having it.

“Please, mommy.

“No, Lilly. You already had one yesterday.

“But mom, please.

“Lilly, I will tell Ron to give you an injection if you didn’t listen to me.” That moment Ron showed his presence.

“Hello my favorite girls.” he greeted them. Lilly snuck behind Ella when she saw him.

“What did you say to that poor kid about me?” He glared at Ella.

“She wanted to have chocolate.” She murmured.

“Seriously, Ella. Give that child a break and stop making me a monster in front of my princess’s eyes.

“But...” But Ron cut her off.

“You couldn’t blame her. You were the one who called me three at night to have chocolate ice cream.

“But I was pregnant during that time and was craving chocolate.” She whined.

“Whatever. Lily dear. Listen, why don’t you go get ready upstairs, then we will go to the park. I will even buy you your favorite chocolate.

Lilly immediately went upstairs to get ready. Ella was frowning at Ron.

“Listen, I kind of need a favor. I need to take Lilly to the park. Kristy is coming there with John and you know John and Lilly could play while you know I can...” He was scratching his neck.

“Ok, ok. But not too much chocolate for Lilly.” Ella said.

“Cool. Oh hey, I didn’t see you there. I am Ron,”

Ella stiffened. She completely forgot about Dan standing there.

“Daniel,” he said stiffly.

“Oh! You are the one who is working for dad’s cafe right? Rosey told me about you. You are friends with that Timmy guy, right? Give him my condolence. If he is planning to date my sister, he is going to go through hell.” He joked.

Lilly suddenly came downstairs. 

“Mom, please.” Ella sigh and finally gave her daughter the approval to have chocolate and kissed her on her cheeks. With that, those two lefts.

Dan was stunned at the sight in front of him. He couldn’t believe Ella had a daughter. He was furious, so he left without uttering a single word.

Ella was in a distraught state. She couldn’t think properly. Dan knew the truth.

Dan went into his room and slammed the door hard. Tim flinched from the sudden noise and came outside to find Dan throwing a chair in the hall and punching the door repetitively.

Tim confronted his friend and was shocked to know the truth, “Ella has a daughter. She has a kid name, Lilly. Can you believe it? She and Ron have a kid. She named the kid Lilly. It was the name that I and Ella decided for fun for our future kids, but she went ahead and named her and Ron’s daughter Lilly.

Dan was in a sour mood and Tim knew that he needs to leave him alone. Now that he had vented out his anger, he would need some space. Tim wanted to confirm for himself, so he took his coat and went to Ella’s house. Nowadays, Dan was impulsive and would assume anything thrown in front of him.

Tim could not digest the fact that Ella would have a daughter named Lilly who is Ron’s child. The entire story sounded ridiculous.

There was more to the story, and it was time for him to jump and dig the truth. He needs to confirm about Lilly on his own.

Next chapter