Chapter Two

Chapter Two

Immediately after her father’s burial, Meela Rose Porter took what looked to be her last voyage on her father’s ship the Rose. Having grown up on the Rose and pretty much being raised by her father and its crew, Meela was nervous about leaving it and the crew behind. It was her father’s last wish that she leave the sea and move to England to live with Lord Mansfield his close friend until she was of age. Having met Lord Mansfield a few times with her father Meela knew he was a good man and wanted to obey her father’s last requests, but being a smart woman Meela had a backup plan and with the funds, her father had left her a means to take action if she must. The Rose was hers to Captain if she wanted it but she decided to leave it to the crew until she decided to sell it or place it in the hands of one of the crew members to Captain. She just couldn’t find it in herself to part with the only home she had ever known and decided that she was in no real hurry to make a decision.

As England approached Meela packed her belongings and said her last goodbye’s, sailing into Ellesmere Port, she found Blake Mansfield waiting for her at the docks. Blake was a tall man with black hair and striking blue eyes, his smile was warm and welcoming and Meela couldn’t help but feel a bit giddy at just the sight of him. His masculine presence alone nearly took her breath away. She had always known he was a handsome man but as she approached him she couldn’t help but look at him with longing, a lot had changed in her since the last time she had seen him. His voice was deep and sexy as he helped her down from the ship having his men get her bags.

“Well Meela baby are you ready to start anew?” Meela laughed “Yes Sir I am.

Bammer one of her many crew members and friends approached Blake with a grin “Been a long time Blake, it’s nice to see you.

Bammer was as close to family as Meela had, he had been a huge part of her life, he had raised her since the day she was born and brought onto the Rose, he was tall, dark and handsome and damn near irresistible to the ladies.

Blake shook his hand “Hope the crew isn’t all broken up at the thought of sailing without their little Meela?

Bammer removed his hat and stuck it into his back pocket “It’s going to be hard that’s for sure.

Turning to Meela he smiled then picked her up to his eye level. “I miss you already, be good to Blake, don’t go getting into trouble and we will see each other soon.

Meela nodded then kissed him “Yeah I love you too, Bammer.

After one last look back at the Rose and its crew, Meela turned to follow Blake and her luggage back to his coach. Hearing her name being called she stopped and beamed as she watched Rabbit run down the dock toward her, when he reached her he lifted her up into his arms. “Be a good girl; don’t go making any trouble for Blake.

He sat her down and shook Blake’s hand “Been a long time it’s nice to see you again.

Turning back he smiled down at Meela then kissed her “It’s hard letting you go Honey Baby we will all miss you and we all hope to see you soon.

After watching him reluctantly turn and walk away Blake helped her up into the coach. “The road home shouldn’t take us long." Changing subjects he smiles your seventeen now right?

Meela smiled and nodded “Yes.

Blake shut the coach door then smiled “My other ward’s name is Madison Paige and she is seventeen also, it will be nice for both of you to have another woman your own age around.

Meela laughed “The only friends I have ever had have been men so it will definitely be a new experience for me.

Before pulling away there was a loud whistle and a knock on the door when Blake opened it a giant of a man and an old friend stood in the doorway and handed Meela a wooden box “I hate to see you go Honey Baby but the crew and I thought you would like to have the rest of your fathers favorite brandy there are four bottles left and they’re all yours.

Meela smiled big, leaning forward she kissed the man on the lips “I love you Tiny and I hope to see you soon.

Tiny shrugged as he backed away “I hope you enjoy living on land for a while and I love you too Honey Baby.

When he closed the door and the coach started moving Meela sat the box at her feet and smiled “It feels so strange to be leaving them all behind.

Blake chuckled “I had almost forgotten they call you Honey Baby, your mother Honey was one of the sexiest women I have ever met her voice alone could stop a man in his tracks.

Meela laughed “She was quite the woman, so I’ve heard.

Blake sat back in his seat “And you Honey Baby look just like her and your voice is almost a match.

Meela sat back and smiled, Blake started to laugh “My boys are going to be so surprised when I bring you home they are the same age as you, they’re both seventeen so you will be surrounded by people your own age.

Meela nodded “Your son’s, what are their names?

Blake smiled proudly “Logan and Eli their good boys, I’m sure you all will get along well.

Before leaving the city Meela asked, “Would you mind if we stopped at a dress shop the only clothes I own are boys’ clothes and I’d like to get a few dresses?

Blake yelled up to his driver then checked his timepiece “It’s no trouble were in no hurry, but just so you know in my home you can wear whatever you want as long as it is decent, so I want you to feel free to wear pants’ if you like, although a dress for dinner or on special occasions is probably a better idea but during the day boy’s clothes will do.

When they pulled up to the dress shop, Meela was nervous “Will you come in with me, I’ve never bought a dress before I have plenty of money, I just have no idea what I need to get.

Blake smiled “Of course it’s no trouble I know the owner.

When they entered the shop, a small woman came from the back wearing a dark red dress and a black chemise that peeked above her low but modest neckline. She was a small woman with short dark red hair “Well hello there Lord Mansfield you’re looking as handsome as ever and who is this pretty young thing on your arm?

Blake leaned in kissing the woman on the cheek “It’s nice to see you too, Minnie this is Meela my new ward and she’s in need of a couple ready to wear dresses and I’d like you to make her a few gowns for special occasions that I can pick up next time I’m in town.

Minnie gave Meela a good once over and chuckled “Been awhile since I last saw another woman as small as myself, let’s see are there any styles of dresses you prefer?

Meela looked at Blake unsure what to say “This is Meela’s first time so maybe you can show her a few styles and let her pick.

Minnie smiled “Give us an hour Blake and I’ll fix her right up.” Blake smiled then left the shop as Minnie moved around the room picking out fabric and some ready to wear dresses. “That Blake is such a gentleman not to mention the best-looking man for a hundred miles that is except for his boys of course.

Meela watched the women as she moved around the room. “I make their clothes as well, nothing frilly they like simple and masculine, most of my male clients around here lean more toward peacock attire if you know what I mean.

Meela tried to stay still as Minnie measured her “So you haven’t met his son’s yet?” Meela shook her head “No, why do you ask?

Minnie laughed “Well then I guess they will be a pleasant surprise for you, they look just like Blake except Logan has lighter hair like his mother had.

Meela smiled “If they both look like Blake I’d say I will definitely be pleasantly surprised, I’ve traveled a lot and Blake is one of the most handsome men I’ve ever seen.

Minnie giggled “I’d have to say that goes for me as well.

Wrapping up Meela’s purchases Minnie smiled when Blake returned “Would you like this put on your bill Blake?

Meela pulled out her money “I have the money Minnie how much do I owe you?” Blake just shook his head “Yes Minnie you can add it to my bill.

Blake carried out Meela’s packages giving Minnie a kiss on his way out, Meela said goodbye and followed him out to the coach, taking a seat Meela waited for the coach to move before asking Blake why. “Blake you didn’t need to do that I have the money, here let me pay you.

Blake held up his hand “I’d rather not Meela it’s okay to let someone buy you something and I won’t take your money just save it hell you never know when you might need it.

Meela was hesitant “Thank you.

Blake leaned back and got comfortable “So what did Minnie have to say did she tell you all the town gossip?

Meela shrugged “No she just talked about how handsome you and your sons are.

Blake beamed with fatherly pride “Well I have to admit I do have some good looking boys.

Meela looked out the window “You’re not too bad yourself, oh and just so you’re warned, I tend to say exactly what I’m thinking and it can be a bit shocking at times or so I’m told.

Blake made easy-going conversation and explained the rules of his house “Not that I care but why didn’t you wear one of your new dresses?

Meela shrugged “I’d rather meet your family as myself first, no need putting on a dress when the truth is I’m just me, might as well show everyone who I am now. They can see me in the dress later and to be truthful my britches are a lot more comfortable, by the way, I love to swim are there any places to swim near your house?

Blake lit up a cigar “We have a pond really close to the house. I’ll have the boys show you tomorrow. My boys swim there naked so you might want to tell them if you plan on going swimming.

Blake and Meela arrived at the Mansfield house around five o’clock in the evening to an empty house “Let me show you to room to get settled in, dinner is at seven-thirty then you can meet Madison and the boys, don’t worry about changing I’ll have a bath brought up for you later after dinner.

Leading Meela upstairs Blake walked ahead carrying her bags while Meela looked around wide-eyed and a little taken aback when she saw her room for the first time “This will be your room, for now, get some rest and I’ll see you at dinner.

With an encouraging smile Blake left letting Meela get settled in, Meela was amazed by her new room it was so clean and decorated so nicely she was almost too nervous to touch anything as she unpacked and hung up all her new dresses and put out what little trinkets she had trying to make herself feel more comfortable. When seven-fifteen came around, she started to worry, after washing her face and fixing her hair she slowly made her way downstairs she could hear laughter coming from the dining room when she reached the sliding door she stopped and took a deep breath. Having not heard Eli coming up behind her, she jumped when she felt his warm breath on her ear. “We better hurry Blake doesn’t like when we’re late.

When Meela walked into the room both Logan and Blake stood up “I hope your room is okay.

Meela grinned up at Blake as he held out her chair “It’s so clean and nice; I was scared to touch anything, thank you.

After taking her seat Meela turned and smiled at Maddi and the boy’s “Blake tells me you’re from London its Madison right?

Maddi smiled politely “Yes it’s nice to meet you its Meela right; Blake was just telling us you have lived at sea your whole life.

Meela nodded then took a drink of wine “Ireland originally but that’s kind of obvious by my accent I guess.

Logan waited until the ladies were finished before introducing himself “I’m Logan Mansfield it’s nice to meet you.

Eli smiled “And I’m Eli Nightly it’s a pleasure to meet you, Logan and I were surprised to meet you both we had no idea we would be having guests’ let alone two lovely ladies in the same week.

Meela gave Blake a confused look “When you spoke of your boy’s I assumed they were both your sons.

Blake nodded “They are I’ve raised them both together and I love them equally.” Maddi laughed “Well they both look just like you.” Meela smiled as she looked at them from across the table “That’s for sure.

Changing the subject Blake turned and looked at Logan and Eli “I would like you two to show Maddi and Meela around tomorrow, make sure they have everything they will need and let them both pick out a horse, Meela is also interested in seeing the pond.

Eli couldn’t help but picture Meela swimming naked and Logan watched Maddi finding it hard not to stare at her from across the table. Maddi and Meela looked to be complete opposites, Maddi was on the taller side with long blonde hair that fell to her waist and fierce green eye’s while Meela was small and petite with dark shoulder-length red hair and bright blue eyes’. Blake informed the boys of his plan to fix up the cottage near the tree line for Maddi and Meela to share.

“It’s a charming cottage and it’s really close to the house, I just want to make sure you two are comfortable and have your privacy, I’m sure you two don’t need three men around to get in your way. It will take a few weeks but in the end, I think it will be exactly what you will need.

Blake laughed when he saw his son’s disappointment “You two look disappointed.

Maddi giggled and Logan smiled “We are not disappointed dad just looking forward to having some new company to keep things entertaining around here.

Looking around the table at his son’s and their new guests Blake smiled “Well boys it looks as if we have been blessed with the company of two lovely ladies that are complete opposites of each other.

Both Logan and Eli nodded their heads in agreement, Meela turned to Maddi “I’ve never been to London, do you think you will miss it, I‘m sure you have lots’ of friends?

Maddi shrugged “I’m sure you had to leave behind a lot of friends yourself.

Meela laughed “All of my friends are men, in fact, I’ve never even spoken to a girl my own age before, so do you have a lot of friends?

Maddi smiled “Before my mother died I did, it was great fun, my mother’s name was Catherine and she came from a well-known family by the name of Jenkins, so she was invited to all of the parties and events. My father Boyd was originally from a small town called Gosforth it’s a coastal town near the Cambrian Mountains, his family the Stanford’s have lived there for more than five generations. After meeting my mother he moved to London and married her.

Curious Eli asked, “Whatever happened to your father’s family home in Cambrian?

Maddi smiled “My uncle Joe Stanford moved in with his family. Growing up in London was nice it wasn’t until my mother died in childbirth that my father withdrew from the town and its social circles, I was thirteen years old. After my mother’s death, it was like my father died inside and after two years of mourning my father took his own life leaving me everything and a will that was very specific as to where he wanted me to go and live. My father had a great deal of respect for your father and trusted him to take care of me. It took me a whole year to sell our home and for my father’s lawyer to put all my father’s affairs in order. I stayed with an older couple while I waited for Blake to come and retrieve me.

Meela gave her a sympatric look “Would it be rude to ask how he took his life?

Maddi shook her head “I found him in his study he had shot himself in the head leaving behind a note that said he loved me and was sorry and instructions to contact his lawyer and Lord Mansfield.

After having a pleasant meal and learning more about Blake and his boy’s Maddi and Meela excused themselves, both wanting to take a bath and Meela still had unpacking to do. When they reached the stairs Meela whispered in Maddi’s ear “Do they stand up every time we do?

Maddi laughed “I’ve only been here a few days but yes every time.” Meela shook her head then looked around making sure they were alone “Have you ever met men as handsome as Blake and his son’s?

Maddi stopped in the hallway and smiled “Never in my life and they’re so genuinely nice not fake like most men and they actually want to hear our opinions, it sounds crazy I know.

When Meela reached her room Maddi wished her goodnight before heading to her own “I’ll see you tomorrow if you need me I’m right next door.

Entering her room Meela stared in awe; a tub had been brought up and filled with steaming hot water. After bathing in the biggest bathtub she had ever been in Meela poured herself a glass of her father’s brandy and sat up in her window seat looking up at the stars already missing the Rose and the big blue ocean it sailed on.

Seeing movement below in the shadowy courtyard Meela strained her eye’s trying to make out who it was, when Eli came out of the shadow’s and into the light Meela smiled, he wore only his britches, his naked chest was broad and Meela wanted to see more, without a second thought she grabbed her bottle of brandy and went after him curious as to where he was headed, stealthy sneaking out of the house she was relieved there was a bright moon making it easier for her to follow him into the darkness.

When she reached a group of trees’ she heard him just ahead and hid behind a boulder and watched as he stripped out of his clothing and climbed up onto a high rock and dove in, his hard body alone was enough to bring naughty thoughts into her mind, deciding to join him she quickly took off her bedclothes and jumped in. Hearing a splash Eli swam toward her thinking it may just be a fallen limb, but the sight of a naked woman swimming toward him made him stop.

“Meela is that you?

Meela swam to meet him “Yes, I saw you leave and was curious where you were sneaking off to, I hope you don’t mind.” Eli just smiled “No I don’t mind, how long have you been here?

Meela shrugged as she swam around him. “Ten minutes why?” Eli laughed “I’m naked Meela.

Meela shrugged not seeming to care much “I know I watched you undress, oh by the way I brought a bottle of brandy if you would like some.

Eli was still in shock by Meela’s confession “You watched me?” Meela started swimming toward the rocks “Do you blame me, I mean look at you.

When she reached the water’s edge, she lifted herself up and out of the water and walked to retrieve the bottle of brandy “So do you come here a lot, I mean at night?

Eli’s jaw dropped as he watched her walk back to the water and get back in “Damn you’re beautiful.

Meela laughed as she handed him the open bottle “Just take a drink Eli you’re naked, I’m naked and we have a full bottle of brandy so let’s enjoy ourselves, were just swimming darling.

Eli took a big drink “So how do you like it here so far?

Meela took a drink then handed it back “It’s definitely a new experience and Blake is great and you and Logan are so nice, I grew up on a ship with sixty men, hell tomorrow will be the first time I’ve worn a dress since I was six and even then I had it dirty and ripped in less than an hour and you should have seen the crew trying to put it on me while I fought them the whole time making them chase me around the ship.

Meela chuckled at the memory “I’m sorry if I have shocked you tonight, I tend to say and do whatever I want without thinking it over first and there’s no changing that but I am sorry I shocked you.

Eli smiled as he swam closer “I wouldn’t worry about that if I was you, your great and the sight of your naked flesh in the moonlight has to be one of the most enchanting and stimulating things I’ve ever seen.

Eli’s confession made Meela bit her bottom lip as she watched him swim around her “I bet you didn’t think you would be getting drunk and swimming naked with me on my first night here.

Eli laughed “Might as well start off with a bang.

Passing the bottle back and forth they swam and talked late into the night until both were more than tipsy “It’s about time we head back, if you like I can walk you back to your room.

Meela agreed then swam back to her clothes on the rocks while Eli got dressed, when they both were dressed Eli held out his hand and Meela took it as they walked back to the house.

“Well Eli this will be a new and enlightening experience.

Eli looked down at her with a raised eyebrow “What do you mean?” Meela laughed “Sleeping in that big bed, I’m used to a hammock.

Sneaking through the courtyard and back into the house Eli was quiet as he walked her back to her room “Good night Meela I hope you have sweet dreams, I know I will.

Meela smiled as she leaned up and gave him a chaste kiss on the mouth “Goodnight I really enjoyed your company, thanks.

After shutting her door behind her Meela ran and jumped onto her new fluffy bed wearing a goofy smile on her face. Reaching the door to his room Eli passed it and went to Logan’s excited about his night and wanting to tell him all about it. He lightly knocked on the door until Logan opened it wiping at his eyes’ as Eli pushed passed him and threw himself onto Logan’s bed.

“What the hell Eli it’s like two in the morning and you smell like brandy, are you drunk?

Eli laughed and turned onto his side resting his head on his hand “You won’t believe what I’ve been doing all night.

Logan sat next to him and shook his head “Just spill it Eli, I was sleeping.

Eli scooted over and Logan laid back down “I went to the pond to swim and I wasn’t even there ten minutes when I heard a splash, assuming it was a fallen limb I swam over to check it out, only to find a naked Meela swimming toward me.

Logan sat up in bed with a surprised look on his face “You have got to be kidding.

Eli laughed “She saw me in the courtyard and followed me and she brought a bottle of brandy with her.

Awake and listening Logan laughed “Did she see you naked?

Eli laid back onto the bed “I asked her the same question and she said, yes and that she had watched me undress and she said it like it was nothing.

Logan got out of bed and got a glass of water “Did you see her naked?

Eli got up and met him halfway taking the water and drinking it “Yes, when she got out of the water to get the brandy she just lifted herself out and walked toward the rocks.

Logan smiled “Well does she have a nice body?

Eli laid back down and closed his eyes “Oh Logan she was perfect she’s so tiny and her breasts are full and perky and she has the sexiest curves I’ve ever seen in my life.

Logan looked at Eli very amused “Anything else happen?

Eli smiled “I walked her to her room and she kissed me.

Logan looked at him with a raised eyebrow “Where?

Eli sat up and smiled at him “On the lips, nothing too passionate just a sweet and simple kiss.

Logan laughed as he straightened his bed covers “Well it seems Meela’s first night here has proven itself exciting, anything else before I kick you out so I can get back to sleep?

Standing to leave Eli laughed “Tomorrow will be the first time in like ten years that she will be wearing a dress and I can’t wait to see what she looks like out of her britches.

Logan laughed “You’ve already seen her out of her britches’ Eli.” Eli laughed “Just go back to sleep Logan I’ll see you in the morning, thanks for listening.

Logan shook his head “Anytime Eli, goodnight.

Next chapter