Chapter Three

Chapter Three

The next morning Meela woke up excited to start her day, after finding which of her new dresses to wear she washed up and combed out her hair, not really knowing how to go about getting into her dress she decided to ask for help. Peeking out into the hall first she ran to Maddi’s room still wearing her nightgown and knocked on the door. Maddi came to the door fully dressed Meela peeked into her room to find it clean and her bed made. “Didn’t you sleep last night?

Maddi laughed “Yes, I just wake up really early.

Meela looked embarrassed “I haven’t worn a dress in like ten years and I have no idea what I’m supposed to do, can you please help me?

Maddi smiled sweetly “Of course Meela let’s just hurry so we don’t miss breakfast, I’m starving.

While Maddi helped her dress Meela tried to remember everything not wanting to have to ask for help again and not wanting to be a bother. When she was dressed she looked into the mirror wearing a frown. “This is weird Maddi, do I look okay?

Maddi nodded as Meela tugged on her dress “Let’s go down to breakfast and see what the men think.

When the ladies entered the dining room, the men stood and pulled out their chairs Eli looked at Meela in wonder “You look great! I mean good morning ladies your both looking lovely this morning.

Blake laughed “I swear Eli, let’s just enjoy breakfast then you two can show Maddi and Meela around, Maddi’s been here a few days but I doubt she has seen all the sights yet.

After breakfast, Eli took Meela aside “Did you sleep well last night?

Meela laughed “Of course I was drunk and my beds like sleeping on a feather pillow, how about you?

Eli nodded in agreement “I slept well.” Logan sniggered as he walked by “I’m sure you did.

Eli punched him in the arm as he passed then turned back to Meela and smiled “Did you tell Maddi about last night?

Meela laughed getting everyone’s attention “Of course not Eli what we do alone is our own business, why did you tell Logan?

Eli laughed “Actually I did, not what we talked about just that we went swimming together.

Meela pouted “That’s all right but from now on let’s keep our late-night visits to ourselves.” Eli shrugged as he opened up the door for her “Secrets can be exciting.

Logan walked Maddi to the stables “Do you like horseback riding?

Maddi shrugged “I do enjoy it but living in London I rarely had the chance.

When they entered the stables, Logan introduced her to the horses giving her all their names “Does anyone call you Paige?

Maddi shook her head “No why?

Logan shrugged “I was thinking about you last night and kind of like the sound of it.

Maddi boldly walked to stand directly in front of him and smiled up at him “So you were thinking about me last night?

Logan laughed as he took another step closer to her “Yes, I was.” Maddi smiled as she licked her lips “If you would like you can call me Paige, but only you no one else.

Logan leaned in “Why only me, am I special?

Maddi laughed “Well that’s obvious isn’t it, not to mention that I like the sound of it on your lips.

Logan looked to the door to make sure they were alone then leaned down taking her mouth in a kiss. Hearing Eli and Meela walking up Maddi pulled away then laughed at herself causing Logan to join in. When Eli and Meela turned the corner they found Logan and Maddi standing rather close and Logan’s hand resting on Maddi’s waist. “Hope we didn’t interrupt anything.

Logan rolled his eyes “Maybe Maddi and I should start sneaking out and going skinny dipping like you and Meela.

Maddi looked at Meela then at Eli “When did you go skinny dipping?

Meela laughed as she walked around the stable looking at the horses “Last night we got drunk too, we should all go tonight, I still have plenty of brandy.

Maddi giggled “That does sound fun” turning to Logan she smiled “What do you think, do you want to go tonight?

Logan smiled down at her still standing rather close “How could I say no, full moon, gorgeous women, and brandy.

Meela stopped in front of a butter colored mare “We will have to be careful the last thing I need is Blake finding out Maddi and I are swimming naked with his son’s, he will think I’m giving you all naughty idea‘s.

Eli laughed “Were men Meela it doesn’t take all that much to give us naughty idea’s.

Maddi smiled “Women are no different, well Meela and I aren’t at least, so where too now?

Logan and Eli started saddling the horses “Let’s head north the forest has some nice trails good for horseback riding.

At dinner that evening Blake seemed distant and preoccupied almost like he had something to say but was hesitant. Meela watched him for a few minutes then decided to find out why. “I hate to pry Blake but you seem troubled, I know I’m new here but if you need to talk I’m here, my father and his crew always came to me with their problems.

Everyone turned to Blake to see his reaction. Blake chuckled “Thank you for the offer Meela to tell you the truth I do have something to talk about with Logan and Eli.

The boy’s looked at each other both worried they were about to be scolded. Meela looked at Maddi unsure if they should stay or go. “We can leave if you need some privacy.

Blake shook his head “No honey I’d rather you both stay” looking at the boy’s Blake sighed.

“This may take me awhile to get out so just be patient, Logan when I met your mother Cheryl my father had just died leaving me everything and in my travels I met her at a party in London she was an angel, sweet and kind and well-liked by everyone she met, she was born of wealth and was a woman of grace, dignity, and sophistication and I like most men fell in love with her the moment I saw her and for some reason out of all her would be suitors she picked me. After we married and returned here to my home we had a rather simple and pleasant life together. I adored her and tried to give her the love she deserved but she wasn’t a passionate woman, in fact, it didn’t take me long to realize that her only interest in the bedroom was her want and need to start a family, conceiving a child was all she ever wanted and I wanted to make her happy and I myself wanted to start a family.

Logan was about to ask his father why he was telling them this but Blake stopped him “Just wait and let me finish, anyway one day while out on my morning ride I caught sight of a woman washing her clothes in the pond, I watched her from a distance listening to her as she sung, she was beautiful and her voice was the most seductive thing I had ever heard, it was filled with passion and fire, she had black hair that shimmered in the sunlight that was seeping down through the tree’s, her eyes were big and blue and filled with life.

I approached her unable to stay away when she saw me she smiled and I asked her why I had never seen her before and she told me she had just moved in with her aunt Bettie my main cook and was given a job. At the time she had introduced herself she did not realize who I was and asked me if I also worked for the Mansfield’s, before I could tell her my name one of my men walked up and addressed me as Lord Mansfield and I was called away, so I quickly introduced myself and told her she could call me Blake when we were alone, she laughed and told me she doubted we would ever be alone now that she knew who I was and the fact that she was not only a servant but one of my servants, at that moment I knew there was no way I could just walk away so I told her I’d hear my name on her lips by day’s end and kissed her.

After that I saw her every chance I got, she and Cheryl were complete opposites and I loved them both, so when they both got pregnant around the same time I was more than thrilled, I was finally able to give Cheryl the child she always wanted.

Maddi interrupted “What was her name?

Blake smiled “Her name was Violet and I was so fortunate to have both her and Cheryl as the mothers of my children but even the thought of one of my children being called a bastard tore me apart.

Turning to Logan and Eli Blake got choked up when he saw the tears in Eli eyes’ “I was there for both of your births Cheryl named you Logan Michael Mansfield and Violet named you Eli Michael the first time I held you in my arms Eli I said Eli Michael Mansfield, I’m your daddy, and your mother stopped me and told me your last name was Nightly, and it broke my heart, I had two perfect sons’ and I swore that I’d raise you both together and that one day I would tell you the truth.

The room was silent both Eli and Logan stared down at the table unsure how to feel or what to say, Eli tried to look up at his father but his eyes were filled with tears and his throat felt tight. “I love you both so much and the last thing I wanted to do was hurt you.

Logan looked at Eli then at his father “I guess we should have realized it we both look just like you except for our hair of course.

Meela watched Eli knowing how overwhelmed with emotion he must be “Logan why don’t you and Maddi and I give Blake and Eli some time alone.

When they left the room Eli wiped his eyes, Blake stood up and sat next to him “I love you Eli, and I loved your mother, I hope you know that, and I hope you can forgive me.

Eli looked at his father and took a deep breath “Can I change my name, I’ve spent my whole life wishing I was your son and a Mansfield.

Blake was overcome with joy as he stood and lifted Eli out of his chair and hugged him “That’s all I’ve ever wanted since the day you were born, I’ve waited for this moment for so long I couldn’t be any prouder than I am of you and your brother.

Blake walked Eli out to find Logan waiting “Hey brother.

Eli laughed and Blake hugged them both “I leave for London tomorrow can you boys’ watch after the girls while I’m gone?

Both boy’s smiled and answered at once “Yes dad.

Blake laughed “I said look after them not at them.

Both boys laughed then headed up stairs both excited about their evening to come. Meela and Maddi sat on Meela’s bed and talked “What a tale it’s rather romantic if you think about it, he loved them both so much he couldn’t pick between them. It’s sad they died so young, the boys must have been like six when it happened.

Meela laughed as she looked out her window “How could Cheryl hell any woman say no to bedding Blake, he’s downright gorgeous and tasty to boot.

Maddi laughed “I know what you mean; I guess the boy’s will only get better and better as they age and they’re pretty much perfect right now.

Meela walked back to the bed “Have you ever gone skinny dipping?” Maddi laughed “No why?

Meela walked over and poured them both a small glass of brandy “This is from my father’s private stash, have you ever had brandy before?

Maddi shook her head as she took the glass Meela offered her “Just sip at it and I wouldn’t worry about tonight after the first initial stripping the water covers the rest, are you nervous?

Maddi shrugged as she took a sip and made a face “This probably sounds strange but I don’t think I’ll have any problems getting naked in front of Logan, hell just his eyes on me makes me want to take my clothes off and Eli will be watching you more than me anyway.

Meela shrugged “I watched Eli get naked and jump off the rocks for a good ten minutes before joining him, trust me when I tell you if Logan is anything like Eli you will be pleasantly surprised.

Maddi smiled as she took another drink “On our way from London Blake bought me my first pint of ale, funny how many new things I have tried recently.

Meela pulled the box of brandy from out of under her bed and pulled out a new bottle “One more hour and we can meet up with Eli and Logan.

Next chapter