Beautiful Love

Chapter 1: Mia Salvatore

Ever had a crush on someone? I've been crushing on my best friend since forever, and today I will take the risk and tell him how I feel.

"Mia Christina Salvatore, get your ass down or you will be late for school" Mom yelled.

I made my way down to the living room where she was. "Must you yell every morning?"I asked her.

"Since your lazy ass doesn't get up with the alarm, I have to use my voice." She said.

"Can't wait for high school to be done." I said rolling my eyes.

"Hurry up before you're late."

"Bye birth giver, see you after hell." I waved goodbye and she chuckled.


I finally arrived at school. Only problem, I was late. Time to face the music. I made my way to the classroom and did I mentioned I have the worst teacher.

"Late again Miss Salvatore." He was taking attendance.

"Funny story, you see I have a five year old brother and he decided that it would be fun to change my alarm, so go blame him." I said acting normal.

It wasn't a total lie. I do have a five year old brother who loves to play pranks on everyone, and he did changed my alarm one time.

He sighed "go take a seat and don't be late again, is that clear."

"Loud and clear sir." I grinned

I made my way to my desk and there he was. Nick Smith, he had beautiful green emerald eyes, brown hair and a killer body. I've liked him since we were thirteen, he is one of my best friends. And today i finally have the courage to tell him how I feel. I just hope everything goes well.

"Hey grumpy." He said smiling.

"Hey Nick, how was the party last night?"

"You know, the usual, i did get a hot girl's number."he said smirking.

Maybe telling him how I felt wasn't a good idea. I've seen him with lots of girls, reasons why I stopped going to party's with him. It hurt to see him, but I figure maybe he needs to know how I feel, then maybe just maybe, he would feel the same. Like my dad says, you will never know unless you try.

"Hey, do you think we can talk after school?" I asked him nervously.

"Everything okay?" He asked me with a concerned look.

I feel like my heart is about to pop out of my chest, this is so hard.

"Yeah, just want to talk about something." I said trying to keep my calm.


After all classes I made my way to the school garden and waited for him. After 10 minutes he finally arrived.

"So what do you want to talk about?"

"I wanted to tell you this last year, but i was to chicken, now i finally have the courage to say it."

"Which is." He said raising an eyebrow.

"I like you Nick."

"I like you too, you are one of my best friends." He said smiling.

"I like you as more than friends, ever since we were thirteen I started developing a crush on you." I said nervously.

He just stood there in shock.

"Say something." I said to him.

"Mia, i'm sorry. But I only see you as a best friend, you are like a sister to me."

And there it was, I got crushed, it hurts a lot. I shouldn't have said anything to him.

"Mia, you are an amazing girl, the guy for you is out there. And when you meet him you will see that us was never meant to be." He said smiling.

"I should've never said anything, now i've made things awkward for us." I sighed.

"They won't be. I still want us to be friends, life is not the same without my grumpy." He grinned and I couldn't help but chuckled.

"You are the best, Nick." I gave him a smile and he hugged me.

"Same goes for you. And know that i will always be there for you." I hugged him back.

So feelings weren't mutual, but at least I didn't lose him as a friend. Cause that would've sucked big time.


I arrived home only to be met by a bucket of cold water, take a wild guess.


"Can't say i'm surprised, your mother had it worst two hours ago." My dad chuckled.

"What did he do to mom?"

"He put itching powder in all her clothes." i couldn't help but laugh at this.

"That kid loves to provoke mom." I said.

"That he does, how is he still alive, beats me." Dad chuckled.

Mom made her way towards us.

"I blame Blake. He loved doing pranks when we were in high school, and he taught Noah everything." Mom said with crossed arms and an annoyed look.

"What can i say, I love a good prank." He said with a smirk.

"How about my fist down your throat." She said while batting her eyelashes, I swear they are like teenagers.

"While you two argue I am going to take a shower and do some homework , later parents." I walked away.

After showering and finishing my homework. I laid in bed looking at the ceiling, and thinking about today with Nick. It still sucks that it wasn't mutual but maybe he is right. I was so lost in thought that i didn't realized Noah was laying next to me.

"Hey troublemaker."

"Sissy, are you still mad about the bucket of water?" he asked with a concerned tone.

"Nah, mom had it worst. But stop the pranks, or you will not see the light of the day." I said while chuckling.

"Make no promises, just like dad i love a good prank." I just rolled my eyes.

We watched a movie and after that we both drifted to sleep.


Next day I finally woke up on time, I got dressed and made my way to school.


As I made my way to the lockers room I bumped into Camilo Roman. And who is him? I'll tell you, he is the biggest player in the school. He is a senior and has slept with half the girls at schools.

"Could you watch where you going?" He asked with a irritated tone.

"Is it my fault that you are texting while walking?" I retorted.

"You are the one who should be paying attention." I answered angry.

"For a small person you have a very big mouth." He smirked.

"So I've been told, now if you excuse me I need to head to class." With that i left. I hate players and all that bad boy crap, that boy deserves a punch.

"She is interesting, wonder if I can shoot and score with her." He said with an evil grin.


For once I made it on time. Then someone made his way towards me.

"Niece dear, finally on time."

I rolled my eyes. "Cam, I saw you talking to Lacy, If you hurt her, i'll chop your manhood.

Camilo is my uncle, he is only one year older than me, and he is very protective of me, only problem with him, being player. You would think with Grandma's threats he would listen, that boy has a death wish. Cause grandma gets angry pretty easily. Grandpa on the other hand is more calmed.

"Don't worry, I have no intentions in humping your friends." He said.

"How are we related is beyond me." I facepalm myself.


Lacy didn't realized that, while she wasn't looking, Camilo switched phones. And it didn't have a pass code one his many moves and you will see why soon.

"This is not my phone." She said confused.

"Who does it belonged to?" Briana asked.

Briana and Lacy are sisters. Not by blood but they grew up together as sister in the adoption center, they were adopted by one of my mom's best friend's. She couldn't have kids so she and her husband decided to adopt them.

She sighed "Camilo Roman."

"Time for some snooping." Briana said excited, I swear she is way too curious.

As they were snooping, they both came across a folder on the gallery called, my boy. As soon as they click that folder.

"Wow." They both said

"He may be a Jerk and all, but man he is huge down there." She said with a smirk, leave it to Briana to say something unholy.

"Focus woman, stop looking at his monster." Lacy said.

"Sounds to me like this was planned. Meaning you take the phone to his house then he makes a move on you tells you to get out and you become another girl on his list." Briana said nonchalant. She was good at reading people.

"Well you take it to his house, I hate that boy with a passion." She huffed.

"Fine, I'll take it after school." Briana shrugged.


Camilo opened the door, only to be met by Briana. And boy was he in for a surprise.

"You are not Lacy." He said.

"And you are not Chris Hemsworth, now let's move on."she retorted.

He rolled his eyes.

"My sister sends you back this, and she wants her phone back." she said giving him his phone back.

"You are very feisty, i like it." He said with a smirk.

Before she knew it, Camilo pinned her against the wall. She tried to escape but Camilo was stronger, he was just inches apart from her face.

"You are very interesting, you intrigue me, Briana." He said.

"How about you let go of me, i'm not gonna become another girl from your list." She said annoyed.

She tried to kick him down there, but Camilo left no gap between them and he was very strong.

"Fine you can leave, I'll be seeing you soon, Bri." He said with an evil smirk.

And with that, she left confused and also leaving Camilo confused as to what just happened.

Next chapter