Chapter 3: You Are Annoying

Two weeks went by and i still couldn't get him out of my head. I haven't seen him, and he doesn't even go to our school.

We were watching a movie at my place with the girls and Nick.

"You three are lucky I love you, being the only guy in the group sucks." He sighed.

"Don't you have other guy friends who would love to join us." Lacy said to him.

"I do, let me just text him." He said grabbing his phone.

They both nodded.

I was in the kitchen making popcorn.

Then i made my way to the living room.

"What are we talking about? I asked them.

"Just how lucky you guys are that I love you, cause being the only guy with three girls is exhausting." He said with an exhausted tone.

Then I smacked him on the head.

"Kidding, you three are amazing." He said while rubbing his head.

We just laughed. Then doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." I said standing up.

I made my way to the door and opened it. Thought i would never see him again.

"Are you stalking me?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Hello to you too, little bunny." He smirked.

"I told you it's Mia, not bunny." I said rolling my eyes.

He closed the door and leaned in and whisper. "I don't receive orders, so if I want to call you Bunny I will." He made his way to the living room.

What the hell just happened. Why is my heart beating so fast, I feel like it's going to explode. The effect he has on me is crazy.

I made my way to the living room, to see the girls concentrated in the movie while Nick and Caleb talking.

"Are you gonna stand there all day or sit down." Caleb asked.

"Are you gonna be an ass all day or calm down." I retorted.

"Touche, little one." He smirked.

I just rolled my eyes and went to sit on the couch.

"You are annoying, anyone ever told you that?" I said to him.

"They have, but like I said before, I don't care what people think or say about me." He shrugged.

"Anyone else finds this more entertaining than the movie?" Briana asked while eating popcorn.

"Anything is better than watching chick flicks." Nick answered.

"Hundred bucks they will end up dating." Lacy chuckled

I was too busy figuring out Caleb that i didn't pay attention to their little chat. This boy is way complicated.

"you're gonna poke holes in my face if you keep staring at me like that." He said to me while raising an eyebrow.

"I'm just trying to figure you out." I shrugged.

"Don't, there's nothing good once you figure out who i am." He said with a cold tone.

"What's that supposed to mean." I frowned.

"Shit is getting good." Briana whispered.

"Gotta love a good drama." Nick said while eating some popcorn.

"Another hundred bucks she will have his baby." Lacy whispered.

"You three know we can hear you right?" I glared at them.

"We know." They said in unison.

I rolled my eyes.

"So what's for dinner?" Caleb asked.

We all looked at him.

"Pizza anyone?" Nick asked

We all raised our hands.

After eating I saw Caleb outside on the phone, he was talking in Italian.

He said that he couldn't wait for someone to arrive soon. Probably his girlfriend, I mean a guy like him probably has a girlfriend.

"It's very rude to eavesdrop, Mia." He said.

"I wasn't, I just came for some fresh air." I said to him.


Is it bad that I want to shove my fist down his throat?

"If you keep frowning you are gonna get old." He chuckled.

"You are annoying." I glared at him.

"You already said that and I gave you my answer, time to move on." He shrugged.

"How does your family deal with you, is beyond me." I retorted.

He didn't say anything back, he just stared at me with a blank expression.

"What" I said.

"You are annoying too." He said and with that he hop on his motorbike and left.

"I'm not annoying." I yelled at him.

Ugh that boy makes me wanna slap him, I've never met anyone so complicated like him.


The next day, I made my way to my dresser just to be met by Noah, guess what he did. He threw frosting at me, and with that he ran away.


"Nothing like a good morning prank." My dad said.

"I swear you and Noah drive me crazy with your pranks." I sighed

"I did nothing, I only taught him." He said with an innocent look.

"Riiight." he chuckled and left.

I made my way to the shower and do you have any idea how hard it is to clean butter cream frosting from your hair. HARD!


I made my way to my locker, only one problem. Camilo.

"You are blocking my locker, dumbass." I said to him

"A good morning works too." He grinned.

"What do you want?" I asked.

" I want a kiss from you." He smirked.

"Yeah no, I'm not like the rest of the girls here, I won't fall for your stupid charm." I retorted.

"You are a difficult person, you know that." He said frowning.

"Not really, you just bring that side of me that wants to punch you." I smirked.

"I will get that kiss and you will fall for my charm." He said with an evil grin.

"Yeah right, later dumbass." With that i left him and head to class.

"Man she is something else, that girl drives me crazy." He said to himself.


After 2 hours cleaning my hair I finally made it to school.

"Do i even want to know why you are late again, Miss Salvatore?" The teacher asked.

"Try living with an annoying little brother who loves pranks." I said exhausted.

"Go take a seat." He said pointing at my desk.

At lunch I wanted to be alone, so I went outside and sat by the fountain.

Is it crazy that he crosses my mind. Even though he is one complicated dude, a jerk, and an ass. He intrigues me.

"You done thinking about me." Of course he was here.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"What else, I'm starting school tomorrow. I just came to check out the place." He said nonchalant.

"Welcome to hell." I giggle.

He chuckled.

"You have something here." He said walking closer to me.

He traced my bottom lip with his thumb. Oh My God, his touch just sent shivers and gave me butterflies. What is this boy doing to me.

We stared at each others eyes, man I can get lost in those beautiful blue eyes. then his gaze went down to my lips and just like that, moment was over.

"You had a bit of crumble on your lip." He said while rubbing his neck.

"Thanks." I said nervously.

He leaned in and whispered. "You look cute blushing." And with that he left, leaving me confused.

What just happened?


I made my way home and lucky for me there were no pranks.

"Birth giver, I need to talk to you." I yelled.

She walked towards me.

"Mom works too you know." She rolled her eyes.

"I know, but it's fun to tease you." I giggled.

"Apart from my eyes and hair, you and Noah have your father's humor." I couldn't help but chuckle.

I have blonde hair like my Dad and my mom's blue eyes, while Noah has mom's black hair and dad's green eyes.

"So what do you want to talk about." She said to me.

"Do you know anything about the Bellisario family?"

She went silent for a bit, and just stared at me with a blank expression.

"What do you know, just tell me." I said getting impatient.

"All I can tell you, is that Caleb is nothing like his father, get to know him better." And with that she left.

What is with everyone leaving me with half answers.

What is she not telling me, what is Caleb hiding.

So many questions and no answers.

Next chapter