Ybrahim Martinez

Coraline silently sobbed as she sat on the floor, her feet stick together and her arms hugging her own legs. She lowered her face to her knees as she let her tears gently flow down to her cheeks. She could no longer count the hours she spent in prison.

There was no anybody inside that makes the atmosphere quiet. The place is so dark because she was taken to the basement by the authorities, only the torch illuminated the interior. She fears the dark but that is not what gives her more fear, but the ideas that come into her mind that give her great fear and debilitate her whole system.

A lot of questions entered her mind. What if she couldn't return to the current time? What if the people here might hurt her? Or they will try to make her their servant and worse they will take advantage of her? Filipino people were even more angry with the Japanese because they had just conquered their country, and they knew that she is a Japanese.

She stiffed when a question entered her mind. How did she go back in this era? She look around, she immediately saw her belongings far away from where she was. The authorities left it there when they arrest her, so she could not get it or use it against them, 'as if she had a weapon inside her bag to escape?'

"Oh shit!"   she exclaimed as she remembered something, her voice barely echoing.

She was holding her History book about the year 1945, exactly when the solar eclipse occur she is still in the lake. And that may be why she returned in the past. That must have been the case!

Her grandmother once told her that there was a secret under the eclipse but few people knew that legend and that it was not believed by anyone because there was no proof, and she was one of the unbelievers. But now that she has been proven, she still can't believe it. The myth is true!

"Hey you, raise your hands!"   the man with a big voice shouted.

She lifted her gaze. Three men were outside and one of them opened the cage's gate where she was being held. A man violently grabbed her in the arm before dragging her out of the jail.

Her mouth dropped as the man opened the door from the basement, pushing her out and unexpectedly slipping into a man's muscular, thumpy chest. She draw away herself from the man she had banged and immediately bowed to apologize.

She could not be rude or hostile to them because she did not know what behavior the Filipinos had in ancient times, only that she knew Filipino was kind and generous. But she did not know the bad side of Filipinos in ancient times.

"Are you blind or you are a plain booby?"   the guy she had banged said it loudly to her.

She look up when the baritone voice of the man she had heard sounded familiar to her. She was stiffed in her place when Sir. Martinez stare at her eyes again. As what happened earlier, the young man once stared at her intently. She felt again the sensation being accelerated and strengthened of her heartbeat.

This man in front of her was different than what she thought. For she knew that men from the past were gentlemen. But this man is not one of those men. He used to be rugged, intimidating and scary kind of man. And what she didn't know in herself is why she was getting more impress with this man? Maybe because he is handsome!

"My apology, Sir. Martinez!"   the man beside her bowed immediately, it was his fault after all. He pushed her!

Sir. Martinez did not respond instead turned his gaze back on her. He turned around and walked to somewhere she doesn't know, the man grabbed her arm again and pulled her to follow Sir. Martinez.

Her eyebrows met with surprise as they entered a large building. There is more people with authorities within, some women are employed. She swallowed violently when they entered an office.

An old man who she thought was about fifty years old was facing her. Based on its clothing it has a high rank, and if she is not mistaken it is a strict man who elegantly standing in front of her.

"He is General Leonardo Martinez, the general of our town and father of Sir. Martinez."   the man who pulled her in announced.

"What is your name Lady?"   the old man asked before looking at her from head to toes.

She noticed the expression on his face as soon as the old man could see her whole body, the old man maybe didn't know why she was wearing different clothes. She sighed as the general's forehead twitched even more.

She was wearing something different, that's why. Ancient Filipinos wore old clothes while she was wearing modern clothes. She wore a simple, white blouse and skirt that reached above her knees. That's her school uniform.

"I'm asking you. Don't you know that it is ridiculous not to answer the question?"   he said in annoyance.

"C-coraline Ramos. I'm Coraline, General."   she stuttered.

"Coraline Ramos? What a strange name, you're definitely not a Filipino."

"N-no. M-my real name is Cora."   she lied.

It is not her job to lie but she needs to survive here by pretending. People's eyes is on her and she definitely has everyone's attention, so she just needs to be careful about her actions and every say, for them not to doubt her.

"Cora? What a wonderful name."   the man who suddenly entered the office complimented her.

When she look at the guy she felt someone's eyes are looking at her and it was Sir. Martinez who slightly lifted his one eyebrow at her causing her cheeks to blush. For she thought that men from the past were gentlemen and respected and that nothing in their vocabulary to be rugged. But Sir. Martinez is different, very different.

"What really are you and why are you here in our town?"   the general asked.

"I c-came from another town. I have no family so I tried to go to a-another place and here I go."   she answered, it was another lie.

"Why are you dress like that?"

"My mother was a seamstress and she loves to create new clothes."

His questions kept coming up that she could no longer answer. She was shocked when the General's son, Sir. Martinez came into the conversation and even suggested to his father that they should make her their servant in their mansion. She couldn't tell if she was lucky or in a bad luck because she would be a servant. Servant in current time, and now servant again in the past.

Her eyes widened and her heartbeat accelerated again as Sir. Martinez grabbed her hand before gently pulling her out of the General's office. Not knowing if she should trust him, she went along without any complaint.

"Leave us alone,"   Mr. Martinez strongly commanded to the men who followed them.

Sir. Martinez opened her the car door that makes her could not produce any words. A nostalgic vintage car, an old classic car was in front of them and it looked like this car was the vehicle their gonna use to arrive in the mansion that this man was talking about.

"Is there any problem young lady?"   he asked with a puzzled look.

"N-no Sir,"   she smiled before going inside.

Sir. Martinez became emotionless before stepping in too, sitting beside her in the back seat. He had a driver who took them to a wooden mansion. She couldn't help but open her lips in so much amazement.

"Your saliva may be dripping."   he said as if insulting her.

"Sorry Sir. Martinez!"

"Just call me Sir. Ybrahim!"

She looked at his handsome face for a moment, even his name is so good to hear. She was about to ask him a question but the guy who complimented her earlier came. The man laid his right hand on her and she gladly accepted it. She thought he wanted to shake their hands instead he wanted to kiss the back of her palm causing her cheeks to blush.

"Your hand are so soft, my lady."   he said, still grinning.

She bites her lower lip as the man's lips travels from the back of her palm, to her arm, and climbs onto her shoulders and neck. Is this what everyone says 'gentle but a bit rude?' She cannot believe this is really happening to her.

"Don't flirt with her Carlo. Don't add her as one of your women."   Ybrahim warned.

Oh no even if she admit it or not...

She had slowly fallen in love with Ybrahim, that fast!

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