Chapter 7

Emma looked forward to going to the park on most days. It was becoming a routine and a part of her life.

She went there for her breaks and to brainstorm on ideas for her books while Eric found it so relaxing being with her.

"Why do you write romance genres?" Eric asked.

They were both sitting on their usual bench at the park. It was a sunny afternoon and not so quiet one at the park like on most weekdays. 

Kids were playing on the swings while parents sat around, making sure their kids were within sight.

Emma figured it was summer break and everyone had their kids at home and that was why the park was so filled. 

Emma dropped the pen she was using on her notepad then turned to face Eric.

"Because I love love," she said and Eric smiled"what does that even mean."

"I feel love is the best emotion ever and it wouldn't be a life well lived if one didn't get to experience it."

"It's just an emotion, nothing serious."

"Don't talk about love that way, it's more than that. Love is beautiful, amazing, love is all we will ever need."

"You give so much power to love," Eric said.

"And why don't you?"

"What does love mean to you?" Emma asked, staring at Eric intensely for his answer.

"I can't give a right answer to that but I feel we give so much power to an emotion we can control."

"We can't control love, how we feel for someone. If we could no one would fall in love with the wrong person.

Eric's words gave Emma a ick. She had never seen someone speak like this about love.

"I think we can and that's a hill I am willing to die on."

"Love is a very strong emotion. We can't just wake up and choose who and who not to love." Emma explained in an attempt to convince Eric.

"We can learn to love people therefore it's controllable."

Emma shook her head"I disagree with you there,"

"My parent have been married almost 30 years in an arranged marriage and they are living alright. They learnt to love themselves."

"That's definitely not how love works."

"You know love isn't always like how it is in the books or movies. Love at first sight isn't real and people's idea of love can be unrealistic sometimes."

"Maybe not but love at first sight happens." Emma said, defensive and Eric smiled "you should unlearn something's about love."

"You should learn more about love," Emma replied.

"It's not always an happy ending fairytale. It's more than that."

Emma refused to believe all what Eric was saying. She had what she believed about love and no one could change that. 

"It's not love if there is no happy ending in it."

"I disagree with you on that one. Not all love stories have to be a straight path and have a happy ending. It could be the best love story and still end badly."

"That's not love, that's not what it means to me," Emma said.

"I should get going now, it's past my break time," Emma said, getting up from where she had been sitting.

She picked her books and dropped them in her bag.

"I will see you later."

Eric stood from his sit"Can I pick you up after work tonight?

Was it a date? Emma thought.

"There is a place I want to show you."

"I close from work late today though."

"About what time? I can wait."


"It's fine."

"I will meet you outside the restaurant."

Emma tried to close early but there were too much customers today. It was just her, Mark had begged her to cover for him because he had piano lessons by 5:00pm.

It was 7:55pm and Emma was just starting to clean before closing up the place.

Emma wiped the tables as first as she could. She looked up at the wall clock and it was 8:00pm.

Emma looked out the front door and Eric was standing there. She smiled and went to meet him.


"I am about to finish, give me a few minute," Emma said, staring with lust into his brown eyes like she did the first day.

"Can I help with anything?"

"No, I will be fine."

Emma finished in a few minutes and Eric ordered a cab to pick them. 

"Where are we going," Emma asked, curiously.

"We are almost there." Emma smiled "just tell me, I don't like surprises."

"You better get used to it," Eric said and Emma smiled.

She looked out through the window, inhaling the fresh breath of air as the car sped on. 

She realised they were driving towards the outskirts of the town. She hadn't really been to that part of town before.

Emma turned to ask Eric where they were when the car stopped. "We are here."

They both got down with Eric holding Emma's hands. The place wasn't familiar. Seemed like they were in the middle of nowhere.

"Where are we?" Emma asked.

"You will see."

Eric held Emma's hands, as they walked through a path with big tall tree branches on each side. 

After walking for a few minute. Emma was about to ask a question when she saw the beautiful lake ahead. No one would have expected such a view at this side.

The lake was beautiful, it wasn't like the typical lake, it felt magical and like it had so much more to it than just water.

They moved closer towards the lake. "I come here to watch the sunset, the view is beautiful."

The lake was a perfect blend of blue and silver. The atmosphere was quiet and only the birds could be heard. Even the depth was clear. It felt like peace and everything in between. 

The lake was still, like it was in the state of rest.  Emma inhaled deeply what scented like rain after a long day of sun.

Emma watched as the golden yellow sun slowly disappeared in the lake, as its light scattered across it and everything seemed to be red.

Emma texted her head on Eric's shoulders as she gazed at the sunset with enthusiasm. "It's beautiful," Emma whispered with a smile.

"Yes, it is."

They sat and watched till darkness took over but by bit. Emma felt the calmness and peace and wanted it to remain like that.

Eric checked him wrist watch, realising that it was getting late.

"We should get going before it's too late."

Eric called an Uber and they both headed out. 

"Thanks a lot for today," Emma said while Eric escorted her to her door. 

"You're welcome, we should go some other time."

"Sure!" Emma said.

Eric walked out of the building then noticed a familiar car parked across the street. He walked towards it and realized it was his driver. 

"What are you doing here? I thought I asked you to leave."

Eric had told John to go home without him and that he had some places to be.

"Were you following me?"

"I am sorry but your mother has been calling nonstop."

Eric took a look at his phone, realizing he had multiple missed calls from his mother. He wondered why she had called continuously then remembered he was supposed to be home for a family dinner.

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