Chapter 7: He Likes Strawberries.

Chapter 7: He Likes Strawberries.


“Here he comes!” the man with his mid-twenties said, “The Great and mighty Sean Alfaro,” he welcomed me.

“Franco Ravenna,” I shook his hand.

“You never seize to amaze me with your grand entrance, amico,” he chuckled, “Just look at those people gawking at you,” he handed me a glass of champagne that he took from a waiter that passed by, “And of course, you too Tomas.” (Trans: Friend)

“And you always never seize to amaze me with your parties,” I countered. Cars are their family business and it is well known around the world. Right now, Mr. Ravenna held a party and a lot of distinguished people came.

“You know Dad, he likes to show off his new cars,” he said, “But I don’t really care about his cars what I care are those gorgeous fine ladies,” he winked at a group of ladies chatting just a few meters away from us, they giggled as they saw him winked at them.

“You never change, you’re still a flirt,” I took a sip from my glass of champagne.

“What can I do?! Girls spice up life,” he chuckled and I just shook my head lightly, when a curly blonde lady interrupted us.

“Hello boys,” she greeted seductively.

“Hello there,” Franco greeted back eyeing her body from head to foot. He can’t look away with her long black gown that hugged her body. She looks like she can’t breathe properly, and with her chest ready to pop out and the slit of his gown is very high. Sexy, yes, but too much can lead to awfulness.

“You are Sean Alfaro, right?” she ignored Franco.

“Yes I am,” I answered taking another sip of my champagne.

“I’m Cecilia Burton, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” she offered her hand which I took politely.

“I’m Franco Ravenna,” my friend introduced himself but he was completely ignored by her.

“My Dad’s a politician, I bet you already knew him,” she boasted.

“Mr. Burton, the Governor?” Of course I knew him. He asked me to smuggle guns from Africa and also a corrupt official.

“Yes him,” she grinned.

“Oh,” I said uninterested.

“I know him also he just bought a car last week. A pink convertible car, he said that he will give it to his daughter,” Franco said confidently.

That caught her attention, “What are you? A car salesman?” she asked with a tint of insult in her voice.

“More than that, my lady, like I said earlier I’m Franco Ravenna and my family owns the Ravenna Cars Inc.” He elegantly boasted.

“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t know,” she apologized.

“It’s okay,” he winked.

“So Sean, what do you like in a girl?” Cecilia’s asked batting her eyelashes at me and getting closer.

“I wanted to know that too,” Franco agreed, “Sean, what do you prefer red haired, brunette or blonde?” he asked.

“Brown hair,” I answered.

“That’s a good one,” he said.

“Yeah that was a good one, actually my hair isn’t a pure blonde it’s brown. I just dyed it,” Cecilia touched her hair lightly.

“I also prefer girls who play instruments,” I stated.

“Oh, I play ---- tambourine!” she chose an easy instrument. She clings in my arm, her chest touching it and said, “Aren’t we just perfect to each other?

I looked at her. She’s so desperate for my attention and I don’t like woman who throws themselves to men easily. “I also like girls with white eyes.

“What?” she puzzled.

“That means I don’t like you,” I confronted politely, “Andarsene,” I said her to buzz off, which I knew she didn’t understand. (Trans: Leave.)

She let go of my arm and she has a flushed face. “My father would hear this,” she threatened and walked away.

“Amico, that was embarrassing,” Franco chuckled, “You didn’t have to lie just to shoo her away.

I rolled my eyes and drank all the contents of my glass.



I was reading the Braille book in the grand piano at the shop while Dad was repairing the violin of a customer in his working table when Darren decided to visit.

“Hey Tanya,” he greeted, “Good morning, David!

“When did you and Dad become friends?” I chuckled.

“Since I got my guitar with new strings attached,” he answered. I felt that he placed his elbows on the piano.

“And I bet it is a good thing?” I asked smilingly.

“Yup it is if I get discounts at Clair’s Instruments,” he said jokingly.

“No you wouldn’t!” Dad shouted upon hearing our conversation.

“Thank you very much, Mr. Santiago!” he shouted back and I laughed.

“What brings you here?” I refrain myself from laughing.

“Oh yeah, it’s about this,” he said excitedly as I felt a piece of paper touching my arms. I waited for him to say anything but he just kept quiet.

“Darren,” I prolonged his name, “What is it?

“Ah I forgot that you are blind, sorry. You know what, you don’t really look like blind at all but if I look closely to your eyes I can see the white part,” he said.

“Okay, now what is in the paper?” I asked, wanting to know what’s in the paper already.

“It’s about a music contest. You know that I’m learning to play the guitar and I can confidently say that I’m already good at it,” he explained chuckling.

“That’s great, so you’re going to join the contest?” I asked with a smile on my face.

“That’s the thing,” he become serious suddenly, “I heard from your Dad that you can play the piano and I am hoping that you can help me with this contest.

My smile falter slowly, “Darren you know----,”

“I know your blind but he says that you’re still good at it. Why don’t you just give it a try?” he interrupted me, “You’ve got the talent, you have to show it,” he encouraged.

“It’s not that easy, Darren. A lot of people don’t believe in me, what’s the point?

“How can they believe in you if you don’t believe yourself? You have to do it first,” he said. “Your Dad believes in you, Olivia believes in you, I believe in you and even your Mom believes you.

“My Mom’s dead,” I stated.

“I already know that,” he whispered sorrily.

“I believe Dad said that too?” I inquired.

“Hun, I know your Mom wants you to do this,” my father suddenly joined us. I felt his arms in my shoulders.

“If I do this will she be proud of me?” I asked.

“Tanya,” he started, “Your mother and I are already proud of you, always be proud of you,” I know he is smiling.

Maybe if I could see I’ll join this contest plus if Mom is alive but she’s not and I can’t see. There’s something that I can’t really do. Some things were not really perfect.

“I don’t know,” I shrugged, “Can I think about it?

“Sure, take your time besides the contest will start two months from now,” Darren said.

“Thank you,” I smiled.

What do you think Mom?


Dad got a call from Mrs. Karen Lakeys, the old widowed woman who owns a grand piano that always needs repair. Obviously, it needs one again. That’s why I was left in the shop.

“Thank you for buying. Have a good day,” I said to the small girl and his mom who bought strings for violins. The bell at the door chimes indicating someone has entered.

“Goodbye,” I heard the small girl said to me and I smiled at her direction as they were leaving the shop.

“Good morning, what can I do for you?” I asked politely to person who just entered.

“Can I have a set of drums?” a familiar Italian husky voice said.

I laughed, that was I said a few days ago to him when he tried to make an excuse for coming here at the shop because I knew that his real objective was the envelope. “We do have drums here but I bet you don’t need them,” I chuckled trying not to laugh anymore.

“How did you know that it was me?” he asked curiously.

“It’s because of your voice. Your Italian accent stands a lot,” I answered truthfully.

“Should I feel special?

“I don’t think so,” I laughed a little, “I can tell the voice of others too but I need to talk or be with them for a long time so that I can familiarize their voices.

“By the way, what brings you here?” I asked.

“I have a business around here and I decided to pay a visit,” he replied as I felt something that was placed on the table, “I brought some donuts,” he said.

“You brought some donuts?” I asked surprisingly.

“Si,” and that is an Italian yes.

“Thank you but what for?” I smiled but curious.

“I wanted to eat some donuts,” he answered, “Would you like to eat with me?

“Okay,” I chuckled. I offered him a chair beside me to sit down while he is opening the box of donuts. He gave me one which I happily took and started to eat.

“Strawberry,” I stated as I munched the strawberry flavoured donut.

“I hope you don’t mind,” he said.

“No, I don’t, it’s delicious actually,” I complimented. After a few minutes of silence and eating I already done with my donut and he offered me another one which I took happily.

“Strawberry again,” I said after I took a bite.

“I’m fond of strawberries,” he said.

“So, all the contents of the box are donuts with strawberries flavour?” I asked smilingly.


“You’re favourite flavour is strawberry?” he didn’t reply, “I’m sorry if I offended you I just don’t really took you as a person who likes strawberry,” I apologized sincerely.

“What person do you think I am?” he asked.

“You sound very manly like a businessman or a billionaire,” I answered.

I heard no answer, “Are you angry?” I asked feeling bad.

“I’m not,” his short replied.

“You know, it’s just funny that I’m actually having a conversation with you when I barely know you at all,” I chuckled as I finished my donut.

“Do you want to know me more?” he asked seriously.

“If that’s okay with you,” I smiled, “In return I’ll tell you about myself.


Beware: Grammar maybe bad.

Thank you for reading!

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