A Price To Be Paid (Loving a Criminal)


A Price to be Paid (Loving A Criminal)2020 by Dazzling Star.

All rights Reserved

Disclaimer: This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the production of author's imagination or used in fictitious manner. Perhaps it doesn't support any act of violence or activities against the society. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


I stood at the side of the road taking deep breath. The rain drop was dripping on my body one after another drenching my whole body including my messy hair. I was holding a pistol on my left hand with my gaze fixed on the road.

Million voice of my loved one's were echoing on my head one after another which was making me loss my mind:

"One day your insane love will make you pay a huge price and that day you will be helpless. No, one will come to rescue you."

"You have put yourself onto it so be aware you will be the one to pay a price for it."

"You know he is not right for you and he is never going to treat you better so why do you keep on pushing yourself towards him?"

"When will you finally realize that he is not meant for you? I guess it will be the day when no one will be around you and trust me at that very moment you will yearn to be around us but no matter what we will not be by your side…"

"No matter what you say beasty I will always be with you. I am and will always be by your side…"

The last voice of my best friend brought tears on my eyes. I wished he was with me just the way he had promised.

"Do you think you are doing the right thing?" when I heard Nathan's voice beside me I jolted and my eyes widened. As I turned my head to my left I saw him standing next to me.

He was there. He was truly there and he was looking at me with his twinkling eyes.

"You…" I was shocked.

"Do you think you are doing the right thing?" he said again and lowered his eyes down to the pistol which I was gripping tight on my hand.

"If I only wish I had done it long time ago" I said taking deep breath.

"Violence is not the answer of everything you know that right" he brought his gaze back to me.

"I don't want any answer I want justice, a freedom and the price which he owe me. All this time what he did was just violence and I kept on loving him insanely but now I am making it come to an end. It is my turn to do the violence" I said with my heavy heart shifting my gaze from him to the road. Finally they were there a group of police coming to my direction with non other then the king of my heart my beloved love.

"Here comes the crowned King one and only ruler of my heart" I said lifting my left hand and pointing the pistol towards his direction.

I wanted to make sure not to miss the target so I held the pistol with both my hands. I admit that my hand was shaking. Why wouldn't it? After all it was the very first time I was ever holding a pistol and pointing on someone. Someone, who was so precious to me for whom I was ready to sacrifice anything I had.

Nathan kept his hand above mine as I thought that he was going to stop me but when he spoke out my heart was on ease "told you no matter what you say beasty I will always be with you. I am and will always be by your side…"

I gave a short glance at him with my teary eyes and cocked the pistol. When the man I loved was close enough I pressed the trigger. Bullet ran straight to his direction and got through his heart. The heart which didn't had any love for me from the very beginning.

I saw him falling to the ground and the police running towards me. But before they could reach me I pointed the pistol on my temples right to my mind which had been ruling me since the day I was born.

The mind which I always had listened but was compelled to pay a huge price in return every time. Without any second thought I shot my mind. I fall on my knees glancing at my love for the last time and smiled. I slowly closed my eyes feeling happy for the price which he finally paid with his life.

I collapsed hard on the ground and turned myself facing the sky. Though it was raining so heavily but that day I saw stars twinkling on the clouds and slowly it began to fall towards me. That day before leaving the world I made a wish "please don't let me fall in love with a demon in another life so that I don't have to pay a heavy price in return."


A price is a word which has many meaning. Sometimes it is just the money to be paid, sometimes it is a penalty, sometimes it is a value, sometimes it is the consequences and many more.

No matter what the meaning it has it  can be understood in one way that is thinking it is something we need to face for using, doing or taking a things.

The carbon dioxide which we breathe out is a price which we human beings pay the nature as a price of breathing in the oxygen to live.

The care, love and respect we shower on our elderly parents is the price which pay as a return for bring us in this world and raising us up.

The school fees which we pay is the price we pay our school for providing us the education we seek but it is not applicable for everyone so in this condition I say respect which we show our teacher for our whole life is the price we pay for teaching us.

The environment which we are polluting everyday has also it's own price (consequences) like global warming, acid rain and many more.

So the point is everything has its price and late or early we all need to pay it. We cannot deny it neither can run away from it.

So this is my story of paying a price for loving a demon. Nah, no demon like the beast in beauty and the beasty I am talking about real demon which lies within ourselves and never comes to peace if we don't try.

See the beast in the beauty and beasty had ugly appearance but he had beauty inside him right? But my story exact opposite to it the one I loved had the most beautiful appearance which was praised by everyone but the ugliness inside him was so freaking pathetic that I had to pay huge price loving him.

Sometimes it is love which knocks you down and sometimes it is love which pulls you up!

In my case I was knocked down so hard and nobody was there to pull me up. I had faced so hard moments in my life that I pray no one should ever come across it. Do you wanna know what it is come let's explore my journey from ordinary girl to lover girl who madly fall in love with a demon.


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