I need to hide

"Where... where could she take her?" yelled Carlos in anger and kicked the Tyre.

Ryan stood leaning his back on the car and watched Carlos.

"How am I supposed to find her Ryan?" Carlos voice sounded helpless.

"Relax bro she is just a patient who got admitted in criminal hospital for committing a crime. Today or tomorrow she was definitely going to be captured by Her Majesty. You don't have to be that mad" Ryan tried to persuade him.

"No, no no you are not getting me Ryan. Did you saw her face? Do you think that innocent girl would really kill? Okay even if she killed also she doesn't remember anything. So it is not right to punish someone who doesn't know why she is being punished..."

"I can understand what you mean but you clearly know Her Majesty once she decides..."

Carlos interrupted "I don't care her decisions I will do what is right..."

"Carl..." Ryan called out being alert.

"Let me finish Ryan..." Carlos said in annoyance.

"Carl listen to me..." Ryan said standing on his feet looking at something.

"I said..." Carlos again tried to refuse him but Ryan gripped his face and said "Look... isn't that Her Majesty's car?"

Carlos walked few steps ahead staring at the car which was parked few metres away. His eyes widened "it's her car... let's check around."

They slowly and carefully walked around the woods but couldn't find anyone. Carlos got more frustrated and was about to return back suddenly he heard Harley's voice "Why? Why are you doing this? Please let me go. I have done nothing wrong to you""

They ran to the direction where Harley's voice was coming from and went numb seeing her hanging upside down.

"Holy-shit" crushed Ryan "what we gonna do now Carl?"

Carlos blood boiled up and he tightened his fist seeing Harley's condition "you return back to the car and be ready I will be there in a while with Harley..."

"But how are you gonna bring her with you in presence of..."

Carlos interrupted "do as I say Ryan go..." Carlos ran to the bank of river where no one could notice him.

As soon as Harley fall on the river he took deep breath and dived into the water. Swimming underwater he approached Harley and pulling her wrist he went back to the same bank where he took a dive.

As he pulled unconscious Harley out of the river he took her in his arms and ran towards his car. Soon he was inside the passenger seat with Harley and Ryan drove away the car.

Carlos checked Harley's pulse and pressed her chest. He then pinched her nose and began mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. He strongly breath four times on her mouth and placed his ear near her mouth and watched the chest for any breathing movement.

"Is she breathing?" asked Ryan glancing at them through the rare view mirror.

"No, I can't see any chest moment neither can hear any breath" replied Carlos.

"What are we gonna do now?" Ryan asked in fright.

"Just drive fast..." replied Carlos.

Ryan nodded and increased the speed.


Carlos kept Harley on the bed which was surrounded by different medical machines. Ryan got confused and asked "why all this..."

"It's my Grandma's room. She was taken care giving all the hospital's medical treatment but she couldn't make it up and took her final breath last summer. After that I have still not move out any of it as it is my last keepsake of her" said Carlos putting his oxygen mask on Harley's face.

"Oh..." said Ryan walking around "what if her Majesty finds her?"

"She won't find her. She is not coming to my house to find her I mean why would she?" asked Carlos sitting beside Harley and checking her pulse.

"Until when will you hide her? One day she has to go out and face the world? What would you do at that time?" asked Ryan.

"I... I don't know Ryan. I have just thought not to make her suffer until she gains back her memory."

"That means once she gains back her memory you yourself will drop her to Queen?" asked Ryan.

"You know what?" Carlos got up and approaching Ryan he pushed him out of the room "I think you should leave. You are done with your job."

"But... I..." Ryan tried to get in but Carlos hold him back and said "I am giving you off for tonight. You don't need to join your duty today. Bye Ryan... and thanks for helping..." Carlos held the door to close.

"Okay bye..." Ryan turned around to leave.

"Ryan..." Carlos called out when he turned his head Carlos said "hope this will be our secret for rest of our life and I am trusting on you."

"You know what I am way good at keeping secrets and I am not telling this to anyone..." Ryan made his way back to the room but Carlos hurriedly closed the door "bye Ryan..."

He walked back to the bed and sat beside the bed. He checked Harley's pulse and when it came back to normal he removed the oxygen from her face.

He was slowly stroking her hair but suddenly she gripped the bed sheets tight. He took her hand and she gripped it tight.

"Hey... wake up... wake up..." Carlos called out.

She slowly opened her eyes glanced at him. She rubbed her eyes and suddenly called out "Nate... Thank god you are safe... I was so afraid... thank god..." she hurriedly got up and hugged him tight.

"Harley..." Carlos was totally not getting what was going on. He had no idea who Nate was and why she was saying all those things.

He then pulled away and called her out "Harley... it's me Carlos your doctor do you remember?"

"Carlos..." her voice became weak as she suddenly remembered the incident happened with her. She then panicked "Carlos... she...she said she will kill me... she tortured me so much Carlos... where is she? I need to hide or else she will throw me in river again... I need to hide..."

Harley got off from the bed and crawl under the bed. Carlos was dumbfounded seeing her behavior.

Next chapter