who lose against whom

"Breaking news The Crowned Prince of Amalgamation has been shot to death"

"Breaking news The Crowned Prince Of our Nation is no more with us"

"The Prince who was arrested for a crime this morning has been..."

"I know I know shot to death..." Carlos in annoyance switched off the TV feeling irritated about one single news playing on all News TV channel.

"Is it only the thing happened today... Shot to death shot to death... this is freaking annoying" standing on his feet he stormed towards his bedroom.

"But whoever did it should be giving an award with felicitation. That spoiled brat Prince was after all good for nothing. Our nation is better without him. He was just a burden to our mother earth" he was doing it again talking to himself.

With cheerful heart and joy for Prince death he got ready to sleep. He collected his legs above his bed and was about to turn off the lights, but suddenly, his cell phone rang.

"Who the hell is it now?" muttering to himself he picked up his cell phone and glanced at the number.

Seeing the caller ID Ryan he rolled his eyes and pressed the answer button "you know it very well it's your shift."

Ryan knew he would say that but still he spoke out "I know I know but there is an emergency, and we are in desperate need of your help."

"It's your shift I don't care" Carlos leaned his back on the wall.

"Carl please" begged Ryan.

"What is the use Ryan? After all we work in criminal hospitals, and every patient there are criminal so let die one criminal for me so that I can sleep."

"But there is special order from Her Majesty to save the patient..." Ryan still tried to persuade him.

Carlos sat upright in shock and asked "isn't the Prince already dead?"

"It's not the Prince..." said Ryan gulping.

"Then who is it?" asked Carlos in astonishment.

"It's the one who shot the Prince."

The reply of Ryan made Carlos so shocked that he didn't know when he jumped out of the bed.

"How is the condition of patient?" he asked walking to his wardrobe, and pulling out his denims and vest.

"Very bad..."

"Injuries, and Plus Rate?" asked Carlos pressing the speaker button and throwing his phone aside to put on his clothes.

"Head Injury, and Pulse Rate Bradycardia less than 60 beats per minute..."

"I am on my way try to stabilize the beats and keep the equipment ready" Carlos said collecting his phone along with the car keys.

Carlos had no idea why he wanted to go and save that patient. Like he said earlier he never had a soft corner for his patients thinking they had committed a crime but today the feelings inside him was totally different.

Was it because he hated the Prince so much that he was taking the side of murderer? Or he was just eager to know who that brave murderer was?

Whatever the reason was but Carlos had never ever had this heartbeat racing nor was that desperate to reach the hospita.


As soon as he jumped out of his car he ran inside the building and seeing his pace of getting inside the hospital security guard was totally shocked.

"Is everything arranged?" asked Carlos getting inside operation theater on surgical scrub, gown, mask, gloves and cap.

"Yeah with difficulty we have stabilized the heartbeats and it have come to normal" said Ryan handing him the details file of the patient.

"What no name, no age, just nothing" Carlos was shocked.

"Yeah, approximate age seems to be 19-20" said Ryan walking to the patient who was all set for surgery.

Carlos still checked the files and got more shocked "What a female?"

"Yeah... why?" asked Ryan looking at him in confusion.

"You are sure right? She is the one to shot Prince" he said walking towards the patient.

"Yeah..." Ryan said checking the wounds.

"What about her injuries how did she got it?" Carlos kept the file aside and made himself ready for the surgery.

Without blinking his eyes Ryan replied "she shot herself..."

"What the hell... She shot Prince and shot herself... Is she paranoid?"  it seemed like there was no limit of getting shocked for Carlos tonight.

"I don't know Carl the pulse rate is decreasing again... We should hurry."

Carlos nodded his head and started the surgery "I... I don't think we could save her Ryan brain cells seems to be damaged."

"We should try Carl Majesty has put pressure on us to save her" Ryan said gulping hard.

"What does she think we are? We are doctors not sorcerer who flips his finger and heals a patient. Any way why does she want to save her that desperately?" asked Carlos trying to pull the bullet from her head.

"No, idea why would she wants to save the one who had killed her own son?" Ryan crossed questioned him.

"Maybe she wants to honor her for removing a stain from her family line. After all her son was just a useless bart" Carlos finally pulled the bullet and kept it on the sliver tray.

"Thank you for coming Carl" said Ryan coming out of the operation theater along with Carlos.

"You owe me Ryan" Carlos replied removing the mask from his face.

"I know and someday, I will pay you back surely" Ryan said giving him big smile.

"But I don't think this patient will make up the brain cells are so damaged" Carlos had already lost his hope.

"Let's give some time for healing you know miracles happen every day."

"You are being optimistic and as you know, I don't believe in miracles, and all, so I bet if she recovers well, I will start to believe in nonsense you just talked about called 'miracle' okay?" said Carlos in sarcastic tone.

"Okay then I am waiting for that day when you will finally lose against me" challenged Ryan.

"Let's see who lose against whom..." Carlos walked to changing room. In a while he came out on his casual dress and walked out of the hospital.

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