5- Game of acquaintance

Today, their first lecture is going to be Psychology. Evy was pretty excited because in every lecture Mrs Natalia make them do something different and new. Though there is possibility that some of the activities might be a repetition for her, but that's fine.

"Well hello class." Mrs Natalia greeted everyone. "As you know today is our first workshop session. Before starting with anything I would want to tell you that this workshop is different. Here we are going to do many activities. To make this workshop work, I will need your participation and I'll guarantee you that each one of you are going to enjoy this."

"Of course, if you are teaching then definitely, we are going to enjoy." Victor grinned to which Mrs Natalia just rolled her eyes.

"So, will I have every girl name written on this sheet. Each boy will come and pick up that piece of paper. The name written on the paper will be your partner for every activity in this workshop." Mrs Natalia explained.

"But miss, last year you gave us the choice of choosing our own partner." Evy told her.

"Well, this time there is a change in plan" she smiled.

She was anxious for some reason. Evelyn was having a bad feeling about it. She really hopes She is not chosen by you know who. She is not associated him with Voldemort though. Even Voldemort is way better than him.

So now each boy is going and picking up that small piece of paper. Evy was glad that Hailey name was written on the Max Paper. This will get them to know each other better. To be frank, through this workshop only her relationship with Max got stronger.

There were only few girls left, Evy is one of them. Now Eddy...uh Edward was going to pick the paper. She was biting her lips. She was staring carefully at him, hoping that it's not her name.

Well! Just say the luck was not on her side. Edd...Edward was going to be her partner for the rest of the workshop. She was bloody stuck with him.

"Well, we are partners." Edward chirped happily and sat beside her.

"Lucky me." She said with fake enthusiasm.

She saw the look of hurt in his eyes, but he shook off that feeling and gave her his charming smile. If he had given her that smile one year ago then she would have melted down but not now. Things have changed.

"So.." Mrs Natalia interrupted my chain of thoughts. "...Today we are going to play acquaintance game. I know that Evy, you and Max know this game well, but this time you have different partners so it's going to be a different experience altogether, so no complaints."

Well Evy won't argue for that. She knows it for the fact that it is going to be an altogether new experience as she is partnered with her ex best friend.

"So I'll give you all thirty minutes to know each other. Basic stuff, some personal experience or anything you want to know about each other. I know, I know you might think it's so boring, but believe me, you might not even know half the things about each other. These thirty minutes is your time, so use it wisely."

Their time started, and people around them were talking to each other. If it was twelve months ago then Evy and Eddy would be laughing and chatting now, but as she said before, things have changed. She didn't utter a single word.

"Well, we are supposed to talk." Edward said nervously.

"Ok! I am Evelyn Brook you are Edward Loraine. We both are of the same age, live next doors and had been going to the same school until last year. I am done talking." she glare at him

"Evy" he sighed.

"Look Ed we already know each other... Known each other for a long time so i really don't know what should we talk unless you have any question then we are good to go."

Thirty minutes passed and during that time, none of them uttered a single word.

Now Mrs Natalia was making an individual stand and talk about their partner for a minute and half. She made Hailey and Max speaks. Both sweet talk about each other and it was really cute.

Then she made Evy stand up. That means she needs to speak about Edward.

"Well, his name is Edward Loraine and he is the same age as mine. We live next door. We have been going to the same school since kindergarten. He loves to play football and basketball. He is also good at ice skating, but of course Max is better. His favourite colour is emerald green, that's the colour of my eyes. His best friend is Carson, who is basically his partner in crime. Eddy...Edward adores kids and has a soft spot for baby girls. He also adores dogs... ...he is the player of the school and like the rest of them is the biggest jerk here. He has only been loyal to one person that is Carson. And forgot about the rest of his other friends. He thinks that the world revolves around him and..."

"Your time is up Evy." Mrs. Natalia intervened.

She casually shrugged her shoulder and sat down. Evy could have spoken more and showed his true colours if Ma'am didn't stop her. Well Evy might be speaking more than necessary and Miss Natalia would have sensed that she was taking her frustration out. Mrs Natalia knows about her past life in this school so she doesn't have anything to say about Mrs Natalia knowing about her relationship with Eddy.

Now it's been Mr. A class jerk to speak so here goes Eddy's speech about her.

"There is a lot to say about Evy. She is one of the brightest girls here. Her favourite colour is purple specifically, lavender. She is outgoing and loves to travel. She has a soft spot for sweets... Any person will be lucky to have her as a friend. She is too good for anyone. Her sweet, caring and loving nature makes her different from everyone..."

"Well, you time is also up Ed." Mrs Natalia told.

Evy was beyond stunned. He remembers everything about her. From her favourite colour to desired ice cream flavour. Every single detail. She was speechless yet it only made her more aggrieved.

He sat down. "I never forgot you and Hailey." he whispered in her ears.

This activity was good. Eddy was glad that Evy still remembered him. All his likes and dislikes. He even noticed her slip up. She called him Eddy by mistake but coolly rectified it. She purposely made her voice sound boring to others, but he knows about the fact that she enjoyed speaking about him. She did mention Max name. He knows why she used it. Well! She even bad talked about Eddy how he is a player and all. He won't argue with that also. He won't even disagree with anything about her because every single statement she said about him was true.

She was speechless when he spoke about her. He never forgot Hailey and Evy. They had been his best friends for a long time. How can he forget them? Yes! He did take their friendship for granted, but not anymore.

His speech still didn't change her mind. But he won't give up that easily. He will win both of them back and maybe he might befriend Max. He seems like a nice guy.

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