Chapter 4

After much deliberation and debate towards himself for the past few days, following Michael’s last visit, David was standing at the bottom of the mountain, while staring at the rock patterns. He felt slightly amazed at the cloaking technology of the facility, as he looked around the area. Before he could even take another step, he heard someone from behind him. He caught the familiar scent, before Michael stopped beside him, with another smile on his face.

David raised an eyebrow, feeling annoyed at the smile. “Follow me.” Michael gestured, before they went towards the bottom of the mountain.

The two of them went between the boulders, seemingly as one, from an angle, before Michael pulled up his sleeve. He placed his tattoo on the rocks, before a scanner appeared. David watched as the scanner disappeared, before feeling the ground rumble. A slab of stone rose up, revealing an elevator door, hidden from behind. Michael went in first, as David was looking around, before he followed the man inside the lift. Michael placed his tattoo on another scanner, before entering a key code, as the doors closed.

“Good security system.

Michael turned to David, who was looking around the lift. “Thank you.

“I said ‘good’,” David glanced at him. “I’ve hacked better.

“Didn’t you realized that we purposely opened our system so you could track us?” Michael smirked, proudly.

“Smart.” David gave a nod, before turning away.

David turned around, in time to look through the glass windows of the elevator, overlooking the underground facility filled with aircrafts, all types of vehicles, and even motorboats. Michael, though David tried to mask his emotions, could see the amazement in his eyes. David saw dozens of employees walking around the bay, working and managing the vehicles. As the elevator stopped, the doors opened, before David saw an African-American woman in her forties standing near the elevator, waiting for them. Beside her was a white male, in his early thirties, medium length hair, with a tanned and tattooed skin.

David and Michael stepped out of the elevator, before stopping in front of the other two. “Welcome to L.O.G.I.C., Mr. Addams.” The woman greeted, as her fierce look, gave a soft and warm smile. “I am Director Margaret Parker.” She gestured to the man beside her. “And this is Captain Kyle Jones.

“Pleasure to meet yah.” Kyle held out his hand, as David noted the Australian accent. David stared at the man, before raising at eyebrow. “Right.” Kyle pulled his hand back, placing it behind him.

“Thank you for accepting our invitation.” Margaret continued.

“Let’s just get this over with.” David felt annoyed. “What do you need me to do?” he shrugged. “Pee in a cup?

Margaret raised an eyebrow, before glancing at Michael, who swooped between them. “Uh, Director Parker would like to brief you on the latest case on the Nighthowlers Program.” He said, as he gave David a look. “Would you mind if you work for us here in the agency?

“Yes, I do mind.” David glanced at him, with the same look. “So, since I’m here, why don’t you just use me for something that could benefit your cause?” he taunted.

Michael sighed, shaking his head, before he turned to Margaret, who was staring at David, with the same annoyed expression. “Mr. Addams. We are here to help the people like you from entering the same program from before.” She explained. “We need to know their process, so that we could prevent the program from going forwards.

David crossed his arms. “Well, first off I think you should look into cases where the whole family was slaughtered, with a missing child.” Michael turned back to David, with a devastated look on his face. “If that doesn’t help, how about finding other killers with the same discourteous attitude as me.” He smirked, tauntingly.

Margaret sighed, calming herself. “Why don’t we start with getting you settled in our facility?” she gestured over to Kyle and Michael. “They can show you around, and if it’s possible, please, make yourself at home.” David raises an eyebrow towards Margaret, before rolling his eyes. The woman walked away from the three men, before she felt the overwhelming sensation of showing her ultimate annoyance towards their guest.

Kyle glanced at Michael, with a questioning look, before they turned back to David, who was looking around. Kyle walked closer to the man. “David—” Michael suddenly pulled Kyle back, confusing the man.

“I can show you to your quarters.” David stared at Michael, before he walked ahead from them. Michael sighed, before turning to Kyle. “Let me handle this one.

“Okay, your funeral.” Kyle raised his hands, before Michael followed David through the hallway.

David and Michael were walking through the hallway, where Michael led him around the area. He then glanced at the other man, who continued to have the stern look on his face. “You should at least try to get along with some of the people here.” He told him. “Maybe you’d find some good friends.

“I don’t need friends.” David told him.

“Everyone needs friends.” Michael pointed out.

“I’m not everyone.

Michael sighed, before they stood in front of a door. He used his tattoo to open the doors, before they entered another hallway. “Later we can head to the lab to get your tattoo.” Michael glanced at him, as David remained unpersuaded.

“Can I get a butterfly one?” David taunted, with sarcasm dripping from his tone.

Michael remained patient, before stopping in front one of the multiple doors in the hallway. “This is yours.” He pointed at the door. “I can temporarily open it for you,” he used his tattoo to gain access. “And then after your done settling in, I can escort you to the lab.” David entered the room, along with Michael behind him. He looked around the living quarters, seeing a bed at the end of the room, a door to a bathroom, and a simple looking closet. There were no windows in the room, considering they were underground, but dimmed lights surrounded the ceiling. There was a table with a desk chair near the door. David could admit that the room was spacious, but unlike his own warehouse, it felt small for him. “If you need anything—”

“I just need you to leave me alone.” David glanced at him. “Whatever you need me to do, fine I’ll do it.” Michael stared at the man. “It’s not as if I have anything better to do.” He turned away, as Michael continued to watch him.

Michael took a moment, before giving a nod. “Okay.” He placed a phone on the desk. “Call me when you’re ready.” He said, before leaving the quarters.

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