The Wedding

After a few setbacks, finally came the day that everyone was waiting for, the wedding of Prince Emmanuel, he was very excited and was hopelessly in love with his fiancée Cecilia, they never imagined that at that time marry in love, since all marriages of that time were arranged and if love arose it would be over the years, but the two are having this privilege of marrying in love, but that would not be enough to hold this marriage, they would need much more than that to hold this marriage.

The chambermaids under the orders of the housekeeper helped Cecilia with her wedding clothes, they squeezed them until they couldn't do it anymore, even though she felt breathless, Ceci knew that this was necessary and that soon this was at an end.

Her happiness was enormous, so this situation was the least of it, she could finally enjoy and enjoy her husband, now there was very little left to do, Ceci's smile was encouraging, she exuded happiness through her big smile.

As soon as it was time, she was there, beautiful and ready. At that time everything was different, Cecilia would go to the church alone and would go through a sabbatical and only after all this procedure would her marriage take place in the kingdom.

And there she went, with the help of her father she got into the carriage that was waiting for her in front of the kingdom and left for the church, outside the kingdom several subjects were waiting in the hope of seeing the queen, even if it was only for a few seconds, but it was not yet the appropriate time to present herself to the people.

Cecilia was quiet and very scared, she didn't know what was coming or what she would have to go through, but she was strong enough to go through this obstacle, she never imagined that to be married to a prince she would need so many details, so many duties to fulfill.

And there she was, trembling with great fear of what she would have to answer and with her sharp tongue could put everything at stake, sitting in that huge room, waiting for who knows what or who, she didn't understand why all this, but she was determined to follow the rules and reach her goal which was to marry her beloved Prince Emmanuel.

She was startled when a strong, husky voice called her by name, she got up and looked in the direction of where that voice was coming from, and she saw that huge man standing there looking at her, he signaled her to come closer to him and follow him, and so she did.

She followed him through a long corridor, with a deafening silence that was agonizing, the man stopped in front of a large door that as soon as she arrived in front of it opened revealing another large room, where there were several men dressed in church clothes and they looked at her with disdain, they were sitting in a circle and in the middle there was a chair, which Cecilia would probably sit on.

She waited for the right moment when her entrance was released and holding her long dress she entered and sat in that chair there in the center, she raised her head and didn't show the great fear she was feeling and kept her head up, she wanted to pass that she was feeling confident and that she was decided to marry the prince, it wouldn't be that sabbatical that would bring down her great confidence and all her courage to get where she got.

When the first question was asked she had the answer on the tip of her tongue and after that she felt calmer and everything was flowing and the answers came out very easily and the test ended up serving to show that Ceci was more than ready to take that place and there would be no better person.
As soon as it was over, Cecilia was more confident than ever and everybody was sure that she would be an excellent queen, her high confidence could be a problem or it would be what would take her very far, but to be a good queen this was not enough, she would need to conquer not only everybody in the Palace, but also the people, and this would be easier than to conquer the palace people, because in fact nobody there accepted her as the newest queen, a commoner who could hardly speak, she had no preparation for the principality like her sister Madeleine who was really prepared for this position.

But this didn't matter anymore, because Cecilia felt ready for this position, she managed to go through everything and remained strong until the end, now it was time to savor the icing on the cake that was the wedding, near the kingdom's gate, Ceci tried to maintain and control her euphoria.

Não havia como voltar atrás, finalmente a carruagem parou em frente à entrada principal do reino e logo suas camareiras apareceram para ajudá-la com sua entrada triunfal, pois seu retorno tinha apenas um significado, que ela havia passado o período sabático do pontífice e estava pronta para se tornar a esposa do príncipe e a futura rainha.

Cecília ouviu a música tocando e sabia que era hora de sua entrada triunfal e agora ninguém poderia impedi-la de viver esse grande amor.

E lá foi ela, andando lentamente sob todos os olhares suspeitos, mas nada mais importava para ela, ela só queria chegar àquele altar improvisado e ouvir o sim de seu príncipe em breve.

Ela viu ao longe que sua irmã Madeleine estava assistindo a cerimônia um pouco longe do altar, onde na verdade Cecília queria que ela estivesse, mas ela entendeu que tudo isso a machucava demais, porque era ela quem deveria estar naquele lugar se casando.

Mas ela não se deixava abalar por isso, era a sua da e nada ou ninguém iria estragá-la, no meio do caminho ela via o que ela mais queria até então, Emanuel vestido com suas roupas de gala que o tornavam muito elegante e charmoso, já que ela o via, Ceci não conseguia mais desviar o olhar e nem ele podia, para ambos, parecia que apenas os dois existiam naquele lugar e nada mais importava.

Eles se reuniram naquele altar improvisado enquanto toda a alta sociedade e grandes líderes de outros reinos observavam, o sacerdote começou a cerimônia e logo eles estavam recitando seus votos e dizendo o famoso "sim".

Agora não havia como voltar atrás Cecília era a princesa mais jovem e logo se tornaria a rainha mais jovem a tomar posse daquele reino, isso poderia trazer algum desconforto para algumas pessoas, incluindo uma peça principal naquele reino a grande rainha Sofia.