Maximus -

Meeting with my sister-in-law at that party makes me sure that she doesn't match at all with my brother, she had a lot of fun, she drank, she was really happy, my heart beat uncompassionately with the vision of that beautiful woman dancing in the hall, my brother doesn't deserve her, not really, Cecilia is a woman more at my height, we like the same things, and she doesn't match at all with the annoying Emanuel.

I need to make her see me, I will give her what my brother can't give, she is a woman who needs attention and I will give her all the attention she needs, maybe then she will see me.

Our evening was wonderful, we talked a lot during the party, she's not just a woman who doesn't mince her words, deep down Cecilia is a very sweet young woman, who dreams her ideas and just wants to be happy and do good to others, I'm sure my brother doesn't see this side of her yet, and I hope he never will, this will give me an opening to go ahead with my plans, to overthrow Emanuel from the throne and win his wife.

Adela -

I arrived in the kingdom with an obligation, to open the way for the people to take the kingdom, yes I participate in a conspiracy for the people to take the kingdom, I took the place of a countess, but since I arrived and met Cecilia I have been rethinking our plan, she is not what I imagined, she is a noble woman with a good heart, I can't think of doing her any harm, in fact I have grown fond of her, she treats me as a friend.

Like me there are others of the people infiltrated in the kingdom, our plan will be put into practice soon, the royal family will discover the strength that the people have, for decades they don't care about the people, we only work like slaves to maintain the luxurious life of the kingdom, but this will end, we the people will kill the royal family and take the kingdom.

I fight for the people and for the people, they do deserve respect, something the royal family never had for any of us.

Housekeeper -

I have dedicated my life for years to the royal family, I have total devotion to them, especially to Queen Sophia, I command this kingdom with an iron fist, I keep everyone in line, I keep everything organized, the queen does not have to worry about anything about the organization of the kingdom, because I am here for that and I do it efficiently.

Now with Cecilia's arrival everything has turned upside down, this girl is giving me a lot of trouble, she has no manners, she looks like a ferocious beast, and the queen has given me the task of taming her and putting her in line so she can be a princess.

Because I think that's as far as she will go, because I doubt that Queen Sophia will give up the throne, it is her luxury item, which she has fought all these years to keep and now I doubt she will give it away to a rebellious young girl, who can put everything at risk with her impulsive behavior, Luckily the queen has me with my iron fists to tame her, and if it depends on me, Cecilia will give up the wedding even before she gets married, I'm making her stay a real hell, and I'll do whatever it takes to make her give up, for my queen I'm capable of anything, such is the love I feel for my kingdom.

And the queen's request is an order for me, I've been staying with Cecilia 24 hours a day even if she doesn't notice I'm always close by, she even thinks that I didn't see her leave last night and return only at dawn, I inform her every step to the queen who asked me to redouble my efforts, she asked me to be more energetic with Cecilia, because she as a future princess can't spend the nights at this party, getting excited, she has to know how to be odd and know her place here in the kingdom and I will take care for that to happen.
Emanuel -

Cecília, é o tipo de mulher que eu quero ao meu lado, ela me teletransporta para um mundo totalmente diferente deste reino, ela me faz viajar com sua loucura e sua língua afiada e é isso que eu quero, alguém que me desafie, que me tire da minha mente, ou eu teria uma vida monótona aqui no reino, e se eu não a tivesse escolhido, estaria condenada a uma vida triste, à de uma mulher que não amo, Madeleine, ela é uma mulher bonita, fina, elegante, mas obediente demais, nunca teve coragem de olhar nos meus olhos como Ceci fez, talvez isso fosse demais para a pobre menina.

Eu não queria ficar longe de Cecília, mas os rituais de casamento me forçam, e as obrigações reinantes tomam muito do meu tempo, me mantendo longe de Ceci, mas depois que nos casarmos eu quero ela muito perto de mim, quero manter meus olhos nela, meu irmão realmente acha que eu não notei que ele colocou os olhos na minha noiva e que ele tenta sem sucesso algum ataque, mas Ceci sabe ser única e não deixa isso passar e o coloca em seu lugar, mas se continuar eu preciso mostrar a ele que estou bem aqui e que Ceci me escolheu e se tornará minha esposa em poucos dias e mal posso esperar para que isso aconteça, estou morrendo de vontade de ficar sozinha com minha noiva e poder tocá-la completamente, tê-la toda para mim em meus braços, como eu a desejo.

Eu tinha uma amante que me servia sempre que eu sentia vontade, mas assim que conheci Ceci, tudo mudou e eu terminei com minha amante, ela chorou e me implorou para não deixá-la, mas eu não terei mais motivos para continuar com esses encontros, porque é só desejo e a partir do momento em que eu me casar, Não precisarei de mais ninguém além da minha esposa, mesmo que seja muito comum que homens casados tenham relacionamentos fora de seus casamentos, prefiro ir na contramão e ser fiel à minha amada e querida esposa, tenho certeza de que não precisarei de nenhuma outra mulher, porque tenho certeza de que Ceci será suficiente.

E eu não queria mais ninguém desde que conheci a Cecília, ela realmente virou a cabeça e hoje não consigo pensar em nenhuma mulher além dela, minha noiva, e com a chegada do nosso casamento estou extremamente ansiosa.

Next chapter