I went to the kingdom with a bunch of maritacas behind me, I was dying to get rid of this bunch of women that live all day long behind me and don't stop talking for a minute, sometimes the only thing I wanted was to stop in a corner and isolate myself, as soon as we entered the kingdom, the housekeeper Ms. Carlota came up to us calling me.

"Come on girl, you are already very late, when are you going to follow the rules and schedules of this kingdom?"

"I am late, for what exactly?

 "To get ready for the party.

"I wasn't told about the schedule.

"But now you know, and let's go, every minute you're getting later, let's go; how can she be such a pain in the ass, all her stuff is schedules and rules, she's a pain in the ass.

She leaves pulling me by the arms, while my companions watch without saying anything, I hate this old woman, but here she is the boss, for now I'm obliged to follow her orders.

I get ready for the party with the help of Adela, she tightens my corset and almost kills me so tight that is, but according to the housekeeper or better the insufferable is what I call her, the disgusting woman, she seems the owner of the kingdom, commands everything and now she wants to boss me, for now I have to hold on, at least until the wedding, then she will meet the real Cecilia, I do not know if I made the right choice, I do not need to go through all this.

"Tighter, Adela."

"But lady it's too tight." _ Adela tries to defend me, but it's in vain, this housekeeper is heartless, I'm feeling suffocated, I don't think I'll be able to stand it for long in these clothes, because I'm having a very hard time breathing.

"She can stand it, I'll do as I say."

And Adela, without having what to do tightens a little more, leaving me with red face and looking for a way to find the air, When I finish getting ready, I feel really beautiful, at the appointed time I went down to the hall where the party was happening, it was quite full of people that I can't even imagine who they were, I was feeling kind of lost in the middle of that bunch of strange people and everyone looked at me in admiration and thank God my parents arrived to save me.

"You look fabulous, my child, how was your day? I'll answer with another question."

"Madaleine didn't come?"

"She apologized."

"I almost didn't recognize her."

"is that good or bad daddy?"

"You tell me, child." My father sometimes lets out a few jokes that make me uncomfortable. It's okay that they don't agree with my choices, but to be ironic about it is a bit much.

"Cecilia, come and join us. My not at all dear mother-in-law arrives cutting our conversation and pulling me into a group of people she was talking to, I join them even though I don't want to.

"Have you met the bride, your honor?"

"I have had the pleasure! I had the honor of verifying this young woman's chastity." I was listening to all that with a great urge to vomit, how could he say he had pleasure in that, of course I couldn't stand it and had to speak up.

"I'm glad you had some pleasure."

"Cecilia, your honor has merely fulfilled his obligation; my dear mother-in-law has once again meddled in the conversation."

"I am sorry that the sacred ritual has made her uncomfortable."

"Oh, I'm sorry, how silly of me, was that a sacred ritual? To me it looked more like two men looking under my dress!"

"You seem agitated, my child." Who does this priest think he is to talk to me like that?

"Are you all right, Cecilia?" Emanuel pronounces for the first time.

"No, I'm not all right."

"Maybe the bride needs a rest." what is this old woman talking about? Or rather meddling?

"I don't think that will be necessary." At last, Emanuel says something sensible.

I take a deep breath, and with an angry look at the whole situation, try to control myself, but before I open my mouth again my dear and beloved mother-in-law decides to speak for me.

"Emanuel, she has had a long day, and we want everything to go well tomorrow, a little rest will do her good."

"No, please!"

"I think you should go and rest, my dear!" My dear, he must be joking.


"I insist."

I felt as if it was something insignificant at that moment, how could Emanuel ask me that, I am very well, I went through all the torture to get into that damn dress, I can hardly breathe, for him to tell me to go to sleep, he must be joking, he can't treat me that way, I wasn't born to be told what to do by any man and he doesn't lose by waiting, as soon as I got to my room, the first thing I did was to ask for help to take off this dress that is killing me.

While my chambermaid was helping me with my clothes we were chatting, until they can be nice when they want to, I am finishing loosening my clothes when I hear a conversation from the other chambermaids who are entering my room.

 "No, definitely not, on the eve of the wedding it's too risky."

"But we can go, she's probably asleep."

Eu não pude me conter e me aproximei, eu queria saber do que eles estavam falando, minha curiosidade estava falando mais alto, e eu preciso de algo para me distrair até que minha raiva passe, todos eles ficaram em silêncio quando eu me aproximei deles.

"O que é isso na sua mão?" Pedi para me aproximar deles, vi que eles estavam segurando um panfleto.

"O arquiduque Máximo, estará segurando um sarau." Ela fala me entregando o pedaço de papel.

"A senhorita foi convidada, nós também, na verdade todos nós."

"A governanta disse que a noiva não podia sair de seus aposentos." E quem ela acha que está querendo me mandar por aí, coitada se ela realmente acha que pode me controlar.

"Você tem certeza de que eu não vou sair? Vamos lá meninas! E lá vou eu liderando o grupo, preciso me distrair e, como não posso comparecer à festa no reino, terei minha própria festa particular!"

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