
79.23k words

42 chapters



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I can't leave you, when you are bearing my baby." He whispered, his gaze soley on my flat tummy.

"Baby?" I was stunned and speechless. Fresh drop of tears are pooled down through my cheeks. If it's not today, I would have been happy but now...
Reil Rahan, a scientist student gone for research in Chennai. The most genius scientist Mr. Hayle Stone Says it's an animal whose body is covered with human flesh. He warned her already to stay out of this when she shows some interest on this case.

She wants to prove these are just a lie nothing but the scientists made mistake over a years and spread rumours to keep their reputation on bay using the monster name 'Heil.'

But one thing she doesn't know that how the animal looks like, whether it is a human or human shaped animal like they said?

She and the group of her friends gone together to research further. Will they succeed or lost their life not taking Mr. Hayle Stone words serio

1 Comment


Nisha Jaju Beeyani

super cute

2021/4/18 Reply