Mysterious Dream

"Hey," Mitch said while tapping my shoulder, but I'm too focused on what I am thinking to answer her, "Hey," she said again when I didn't answer her. "Hey!" this time she shouted in my ear so I looked at her with my wrinkled forehead and massaging my ear because it hurts as hell.

"What?" I asked, but with my voice, I think she knows that I got mad just a bit.

"You won't answer me so I shouted," she said then she shrugged which is the reason the corner of my upper lips raised. She is acting like it is my fault. "What are you thinking by the way?" she asked innocently. This girl doesn't really know that what she did really hurts my ear.

"Nothing," I said then leaned in my table. We are now in the classroom, but the next teacher is still not here, maybe because we got into the room too early for the next subject.

"That's what you also said earlier," she said then looked at me with her left eyebrow raised and crossed arm against her chest.

"What's with that left eyebrow?" I asked with my forehead wrinkled, "Are you gonna write something with that in the air?" I asked with my forehead wrinkled and my annoying smirk. Yeah, I also wanted to annoy her, just a bit. Of course, while annoying her I sat properly to properly looked at her in the eyes and show her my wonderful but annoying smirk.

"Shut up," she said then sat properly in her chair, but her arms were still crossed.

"Okay," I said and raised both my hands like I am surrendering then I leaned to my table again then closed my eyes.

"The next teacher is here," she said, but guess what, I won't fall or that.

"The bell didn't ring yet," I said with my smirk then turned my head to the right side.

"Hey, don't turn your back on me," she said and sounds like she is kinda annoyed with that.

"I just turned my head on you, not my back," I said while I chuckle. Thank goodness she won't see my face, I don't like to laugh in front of anyone who I am trying to annoy because for sure that they'll also laugh. They said my laugh is contagious.

"I told you to shut up," she said and I can tell that her forehead is wrinkled as hell.

"Don't wrinkle your forehead too much or it'll be permanent," I said then covered my face because of laughter. Imagining her with a wrinkled forehead is just too funny for me.

"Was that funny?" she asked in her bitchie voice, is she mad already?

"Yes," I said while laughing then I sat properly.

"But I told you to shut up," she said with her tired voice and face. And she is now acting like she is exhausted, her mouth is the only one that is exhausted because of talking, but her whole body isn't and shouldn't be. This bitch here got tired easily just because of talking, but she will never get tired of asking a man out.

"Fine," I said then took a deep breath and I can feel that I am kinda sleepy so while there is still enough time, I'll take some nap, "Wake me up when the bell rings," I said then took nap.

"Okay," she answered, I heard her before I get deep in my nap.

"Miss, your suitor is here again to court you," A girl who doesn't even know said from outside, I am now in my room and sewing something that looks like a flower.


But I don't have any.

"Javier is here again?" A girl said that looks like me said then she heads to her window and looked at the man who looks like serenading.

"My lady, whatever you say to me, I will never get tired of courting you," he said with a red rose in his hand and a guitar on the other hand then he started singing.

The boy is so sweet why don't this girl accept him, she is more than lucky to have a suitor, I don't even have one.

I don't know why, but my heart is pounding for some reason I don't even know, but this man looks like someone I saw, but my memory became a blur.

After her suitor sing, the girl who they call "my lady" got out of the room and walked down to the stairs to formally greet the man.

I hope this is still the same way how man asks the ladies out.

"Let him in," she said to the girl who is standing beside her and she with the other girl opened the door which is for sure the entrance of the house.

"My lady, I am grateful for you to have allowed me to go in your house," he formally said to her then the girl stood.

"Javier, I've already told you that you are not the one that I love," the girl said which made my forehead wrinkle. "Leave us alone," the girl said to the maids I guess and they left.

"You can learn to love me," he said in a hopeful face. This is sad, how can he not love a man like him?

That kind of man is freaking rare these days.

"Javier," the girl said in a restraining way, from the way she looks at him and told that in that voice I guess she is telling him to know his limits, "That's not how a nobleman should act," the girl continued then turned around to walk back upstairs.

"Mahalia," I heard someone said and I think the girl who this man called "my lady" heard it too because she turned around, I think she is Mahalia and this is insane because the girl who shouted sounds just like Mitch. The door opened again and a girl who looks like Mitch entered.

"Zenaida," the girl Mahalia said to the girl who entered the house, "You should act like how a noble lady should act," she said again in a restraining way.

"I'm sorry," she said and walked properly towards Mahalia.

I was about to walk towards Zenaida to look at her closely because she looks just like Mitch, but before I even walked the vace beside me that I guess I touched without even noticing fell.

What will I do?

I bit my lip and squished my eye shut.

"Maria," Mitch said the moment I opened my eyes. I was shocked but did my very best to not shout.

I chased my breath and calmed down.

"Why?" Mitch asked when she saw me chasing my breath.

"Nothing," I answered.

What was that dream about?

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