First Class with Mr. David.

“Good afternoon, students,” the new teacher, named Mr. David greeted us as soon as he entered the room while closing the door.

“You had a long nap,” Mitch whispered before she stood and walked right to her seat.

Mr. David looked at each of us, this will be the first time he will teach us, so I hope he is like our last teacher, good at explaining.

I already saw Mr. David’s face a couple of times this day, but I just can’t keep a straight face, my forehead is wrinkled as hell, I want to know where I met and saw him or if I saw him before because he is familiar, but I can’t find his face in any folder of my memories.

“So, I still don’t know some of you, so I wanted each of you to introduce yourselves,” Mr. David said with a smile on his face while looking at my classmate at the very last row and at my other classmate who is at the very first row, I think he is still deciding on who will introduce themselves first.

“But sir, we already know each other,” Xathieur said while raising his right head so Mr. David looked at him and giggled.

Xathieur doesn’t know how to listen.

“But I still don’t know some of you,” Mr. David said with his smile on, but I think that smile is kinda forced, well it is easy to get pissed with Xathieur.

“Okay,” Xathieur said while nodding and his mouth wide open.

“So let’s start with the girl at the very last row,” he said while pointing his palm to Alexa.

Alexa pointed herself with her index finger and raised both her eyebrows, “Me?” she asked looking straight at Mr. David.

“Yes miss, you,” he said with his smile while nodding slightly.

“Ahm,” Alexa said as she slowly stood and bit the corner of her lips, she is not this timid to others, “ My name is Alexa Jones,” she said as she smiles awkwardly at Mr. David and slowly sits at her chair.

“Next,” Mr. David said and looked at me.

His eyes, I think I saw that somewhere, but I just can’t remember when and where exactly.

“Miss,” he said when I didn’t stand to introduce myself.

“Maria,” Mitch said while tapping my shoulder.

“Wha-What?” I asked while looking at Mitch then at Mr. David.

“Shut up, introduce yourself,” she whispered while looking at me with her left eyebrow raised.

“Please introduce yourself, miss,” Mr. David said with his smile and his hands behind his back.

I stood and licked my lips because it is so dry and started introducing myself, “Hi, My name is Maria Anderson, 15-year-old,” I said with a smile, but the curiosity didn’t disappear, I want to know who he is.

“Thank you,” he said then looked at Mitch, beside me. Mitch is so active today, she stood before I even landed my eyes on her.

“I am Mitch Williams, 15 years old, like Maria,” she said with a big smile on her lips, I wouldn’t think that she liked Mr. David because as she said earlier he is much older, but you never know, she might like him, Age is just a number anyway.

“Hey,” I whispered as I elbowed Mitch, but kept my eyes at the front.

“What?” she asked in a whispering way, but she kept wearing her smile and it freaking annoys me.

“You don’t like Mr. David don’t you?” I asked in a whispering way, I know questions shouldn’t be answered with questions, but just don’t mind me.

“Shut up,” she said then grabbed her phone from her pocket, I guess it vibrated, and who the hell who chat with her in the middle of the class, unless it is an emergency.

“Who is that?” I asked as I tried my very best to see who the person she is texting.

“Secret,” she said and showed me her annoying grin.

“Shut up and just tell me who that man is,” I said and raised the corner of my upper lips and this girl answered me with roll eyes, “Hey,” I said and I guess it is kind a loud because my classmates looked at me and Mr. David looked at us with his, I think it his strict face.

“Would you mind telling us what you are talking about Ms. Anderson and Ms. Williams?” he asked with his smile, but that question is scaring me, it is the first time that I guess the teacher has gone mad at me.

I slowly stood.

“I was just asking her if she remembered the last lesson that our previous teacher for this subject thought us,” I said with a smile with a bite on my lower lip, my inner is freaking out I am freaking lying right now.

“What was that “hey” about?” he asked with his calmed face and scary smile, it doesn’t look real especially for me because I’ve done something that can be the reason for a teacher to get mad.

“I am sorry Mr. David, my voice always raises when a person doesn’t respond,” I said while looking down and biting my lower lip.

“Forgiven Ms. Anderson, just don’t do it again,” he said and put his eyes back on my classmate that is introducing himself right now.

“Yes Mr. David,” I said and slowly sat at my seat.

“You should’ve just listened to me when I told you to shut up,” she said which is the reason I looked at her with his pouted lips.

“You should’ve just told me who you are chatting with,” I said then let out a sigh.

“Fine,” she said and slightly showing me her phone so Mr. David won’t see it.

“Who is that?” I asked her with my wrinkled forehead together with my eyebrows.

“The new boy in 9th grade,” she said with her smile.

“That boy in the cafeteria?” I asked with my shocked face, but not too much.

“Yes,” she said while nodding.

“Don’t tell me,” I said and looked at her with my wrinkled forehead, but heck she answered me with a nod. “We’re grade 10 students, yet you are trying to ask that 9th-grade boy out,” I said as I let a sigh out.

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